Basic introduction
Hook function
- Scope and the order in which hooks are executed under different scopes
- Describe and test blocks execution order. Finish the describe layer code and then execute test
- You can use test.only(“,()=>{}) to execute only one test case
Global setting
Jest contains globally-defined objects and functions that can be used directly.
- test()
- describe()
- beforeEach()
- toBe() toEqual() toStrictEqual()
test.only('object equal'.() = >{
let obj1 = {
name:'jack'.age:12.friends: ['rose']}let obj2 = {
name:'jack'.age:12.friends: ['rose'].address:undefined
let obj3 = obj1
expect(obj1).toEqual(obj2) // key-value compares key-value pairs
expect(obj1).toStrictEqual(obj2) // Compare keys and values hasOwnProperty()
expect(obj1).toBe(obj3) Object. Is (obj1,obj2)
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Timer simulation
- use
Determines the incoming argument to the last call to setTimeout()
test('call'.() = >{
let fn = jest.fn(() = >{})
expect(fn).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('foo') // The last call to fn takes an argument of foo
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jest.useFakeTimers(); // fake timers
// The last call to timer is passed as an argument
expect(setTimeout).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.any(Function), 1000);
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- expect.any(constructor)
As an instance of the constructor, can match any instance of the constructor.
test('call'.() = >{
let a = 1
expect(a).toEqual(expect.any(Number)) // true
test('call'.() = >{
let fn = jest.fn(() = >{})
expect(fn).toBeCalledWith(expect.any(Number))})Copy the code
- How can I tell if a function is executed instead of being used
const handle = timerGame(fn);
expect(setTimeout).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(handle, 1000);
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Fast forward
// The difference between the two is to pass a setTimeout parameter
expect(setTimeout).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(expect.any(Function), 1000);
// This is to determine whether the callback we passed is executed
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Jest. UseFakeTimers (‘ modern ‘) and jest setSystemTime (number | Date), is used to simulate the Date
A mock function
Why mock functions?
- Capture function calls
Mock functions must be used - Sets the return value of the function
- Change the internal implementation of a function
describe('mock function'.() = >{
test.only('mock.fn'.() = >{
let mockFn = jest.fn((arg) = >arg + ' is passed')
let result = curry(mockFn)('foo')
expect(result).toBe('foo is passed')})})Copy the code
The mock module
See WXB – manager/utils. Test. Js test commonUploadPictureOrFile method, rely on a lot of other configuration, and we care about it depends on the configuration, only consider the input leads to different output function.
Create a __mocks__ folder to place the manually emulated modules. The search priority is higher than node_modules
// __mocks__/axios
const get = url= > {
return Promise.resolve({ data: { title: 'delectus aut autem'}}); };const post = url= >{
if(url === 'https://wxb-manger/userinfo') {return Promise.resolve({
data: {userInfo: {isAdmin:true.expired:false}})}}exports.get = get; = post
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// __mocks__/lodash
module.exports = {
chunk(arr,len) {
let length = arr.length
let i = 0
let store = []
return store
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Asynchronous code testing
test("callback was't called".() = >{
const callback = data= >{
expect(data).toBe('suc') // The assertion will not be executed
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- Use the done() callback provided by test
test('callback called'.(done) = >{
const callback = data= >{
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- Perform assertions on promise.then()
test('called in promise.then'.() = >{
asyncHandle().then(res= >{
expect(res).toBe('suc')})})Copy the code
- Use async functions
test('async'.async() = > {let res = await asyncHandle()
expect(res).toBe('suc')})Copy the code
Babel configuration
If you need to be compatible with the previous Babel configuration in an existing project, Jest will set process.env.node_env to ‘test’ to determine whether the environment is compatible with the Babel configuration required by jest and the Babel configuration of the project.
// babel.config.js
module.exports = api= > {
const isTest = api.env('test');
const jestConfig = { / *... * /}
const projectConfig = { / *... * /}
return isTest ? jestConfig : projectConfig
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Jest configuration file
jest --init
- Config jest
module.exports = {
moduleFileExtensions: [
"js"."ts"."json"."vue"].// Use the new function
transform: {
"\\.ts$": ['ts-jest']."\\.js$": ['babel-jest', {rootMode: "upward"}].// Use 'vue-jest' to process '*. Vue' files
".*\\.(vue)$": "vue-jest"."^.+\\.tsx? $": "ts-jest"
transformIgnorePatterns: [ // Ignore file translation in this path
"/node_modules/"."\\.pnp\\.[^\\/]+$"].testPathIgnorePatterns: [ // Ignore the test files in this path
"/node_modules/"].clearMocks: true.// Each test clears the mock directly
moduleNameMapper: {/ / map mapping
"^ @ / (. *) $":"<rootDir>/src/$1"."^assets/(.*)$": [
"<rootDir>/images/$1"."<rootDir>/photos/$1"."<rootDir>/recipes/$1"]}}Copy the code
jest CLI
jest --watch
Listening for file changesjest -o async.test.js example.test.js
Run only the specified template
Configuration of Launch and Attach modes
Vscode debug configuration
Better Tests
- TDD(Test Driven Development) defines the points we need to Test from the Test cases listed in QA before Development (the process of combing the requirements document).
- Pay attention to the design of test granularity.
- For modules that change frequently, we can write tests based on function points, so that the function does not change without internal implementation.
- Functions and classes can test detailed function points.
- Ensure the reliability of the test
- Independent of external conditions, ensure that one input corresponds to one output.
- Include fail and success.
- Tests are not interdependent states.
- Avoid mock methods, class private methods, and attributes.
- Test maintainability
Extract the duplicate code into the preceding constructor
Use more matchers to improve readability
Keep the logic of your tests simple and granular. Avoid code changes that modify too many test cases
The complete code
The source code