Introduce NPM

NPM opens the door for you and your team to connect to the entire world of JavaScript geniuses. It is the largest software registry in the world, with approximately 3 billion downloads per week and contains more than 600,000 packages (i.e., code modules). Open-source software developers from all continents use NPM to share and learn from each other. The package structure makes it easy to track dependencies and versions.

Cut to the chase! Just say command, you can also go to the website search. Take @vue/ CLI as an example.Copy the code

View the version of the package on the NPM server

  • View all the files on the NPM server@vue/cliVersion information
    npm view @vue/cli versions
    Copy the code
  • View the latest on the NPM server@vue/cliVersion information
    npm view @vue/cli version
    Copy the code
  • To view@vue/cliAll versions and other information
    npm info @vue/cli
    Copy the code

View the locally installed version of the package

  • View the locally installed@vue/cli
    npm ls @vue/cli
    Copy the code
  • View the global installation@vue/cli
    npm ls @vue/cli -g
    Copy the code