EasyGBS is a video platform based on national standard GB28181 protocol. It supports access to multi-channel equipment through national standard GB28181 protocol, and distributes video streams in various formats such as RTSP, RTMP, FLV, HLS and WebRTC to multi-platforms and multi-terminals. EasyGBS platform is easy to deploy and extensible. We also provide rich API interfaces and SDK services. Users can call, develop and integrate freely according to their own needs, and easily build security video monitoring platform.

Today I will share with you a technical dry goods: how to achieve EasyGBS proxy path stitching.

In the user site, users need to through the Nginx proxy EasyGBS platform interface, avoid the EasyGBS port, route directly exposed, so we added the proxy port directory channel configuration, flexible modification, configuration as shown below:

Modify the return playback address, concatenate the configured Nginx proxy parameters to the original playback address:

The actual effect is shown below:

Nginx agent can ensure the user’s EasyGBS port, routing hidden, platform security is stronger, based on the implementation of the above way for the user’s field use provides greater operation convenience, flexibility.

EasyGBS has video live broadcasting, video storage, retrieval and playback, pso control, alarm reporting, voice intercom, platform cascade and other functions, with a very wide range of application scenarios, such as bright kitchen stove, beautiful countryside, snow bright project and so on. We have been continuously upgrading and iterating its functions, and always maintain the core technology competitive advantage of EasyGBS in the market. Users interested in EasyGBS can head to the demo platform to try it out or deploy it for testing.