As a taxi-hailing app, Didi’s penetration rate in the country is already very high. But an internal data from Didi’s team shows that product usage among people over 50 is much lower than among younger people. Why don’t they use it?

After the analysis, Didi’s growth team made a lot of assumptions and verification. One insight: they found that the task of “entering destination” is very difficult for older people, which is a deficiency of the ability Angle. They have the same needs as young people and can afford it, but many older people find it difficult to use a skill that young people take for granted: typing on a mobile phone.

Based on this insight, the Didi team designed a product called “ticket”, which allows young people to set their starting point and destination, then generate tickets and send them directly to the elderly, who can take a taxi with one click. If you want to, you can find this function in Didi’s products. This is to help the elderly to solve the “ability corner” problem.

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Of course, didi team has done many other experiments to solve the problem of elderly taxi hailing, but they are basically carried out around the detailed methodology of “lowering the threshold”.

This is why we always emphasize “finding the way to grow” when disassembling the gossip model of growth. Each company is in a different industry, and it is difficult to tell you a specific method to solve the growth problem immediately. Instead, we provide the check list of user growth through system analysis and factor disassembling. Each checklist provides a methodology for solving this problem (for example, we use “lower the threshold” when we are not able to solve the problem) and case studies. Combined with our specific business scenarios, many specific growth methods can be generated and verified continuously.

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