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An introduction to

Front-end developers are often seen as “superheroes” who are proficient in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and know everything about GitHub, RequireJS, UglifyJS, and Closure Compiler. He’s also proficient with browser developer tools (like Dragonfly) and testing tools (like Grunt), and he handles so many tasks every day that at some point he really needs a change.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new solution that could change the world of modern programming. AI algorithms can now be integrated into every process of front-end development, increasing productivity. Here we detail the biggest changes AI has brought to front-end development.

AI tools

Ai is a broad definition of applicable data science tools, such as:

  • Machine learning
  • Visual pattern recognition
  • Natural language processing

All of these tools are very useful for front-end development. They enable programmers to optimize processes and provide better results. In fact, while making front-end development more efficient, it also saves a lot of time.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a rapidly growing field of computer science that enables computers to learn like humans. Whereas ordinary programs make the computer run commands in a certain direction, machine learning algorithms help the computer carry out its tasks without any external help. In fact, well-designed computer neural networks are ten times smarter than human neural networks.

If every front-end developer wants to stay competitive in the changing labor market, he should keep improving his JavaScript skills. Today, more and more companies are looking for programmers with experience in building neural networks. If you lack knowledge in this area, you could be missing out on a huge career opportunity.


If you’ve never worked on machine learning algorithms before, you can start by using Deeplearn.js. It’s an open-source hardware-accelerated machine learning library designed by tech giant Google.

Using this tool, you can gain the basics of machine learning and actually train neural networks directly in the browser. Without spending months reading theoretical material, you can see how the AI works in real-time mode.

Deeplearn.js will no doubt showcase all the benefits you can get from machine learning and its growing potential. This will ultimately help you come up with new ideas and change your approach to front-end development. Mastering skills will help you design websites that work smarter and faster.


It’s important to understand that the future of front-end development is tied to AI, and machine learning is likely to evolve even faster.

Uizard Technologies, for example, is a company that designs unique software to convert user interface images into code for web and mobile application development.

Pix2code makes it possible to create neural networks that treat the user interface as input and code as output. Developers can train the intelligent system to generate code that describes the best user interface design. In fact, it helps to access and analyze complex data in ways that are beyond human ability and understanding.

Uizard software is built around domain-specific languages, which help design neural networks around a target language. Since then, it has made the interface multilingual. This approach greatly enhances the machine learning process.

Some experts believe that programs like Uizard Technologies are at great risk of replacing human front-end developers. But such drastic changes are unlikely to occur in the next 40 years. Today, programmers should combine their work with intelligent software to achieve common goals.


High-tech companies can apply AI algorithms in every possible field. Airbnb uses machine learning to design tools that help enhance teamwork, facilitate product design and reduce front-end developer workload.

Airbnb has been working hard to find solutions to speed up implementation. The standard process consists of several stages: design idea exploration, model creation, prototyping, and enabling final front-end development.

Once the design idea is in place, Sketch2code can skip a few steps and start front-end development. Team members can sketch the web page on a whiteboard, which the software instantly converts into code. Obviously, this approach can save a lot of time and simplify the work of each team member.

Machine learning algorithms can recognize and classify any symbol, including complex handwritten Chinese and Thai letters. So it’s not surprising that it can also recognize hand-drawn sketches.

Airbnb developers created a set of training data using sketches drawn by different team members. The company also uses open source machine learning algorithms and extracts intermediate code. It allows visual components to be rendered from the design platform into a Web browser.

It can therefore be concluded that Sketch2code can work effectively in companies focused on step-by-step product development. It will help you create templates for your final website or application design very quickly.

Visual Pattern Recognition

Most front-end developers must have UI/UX design skills. Therefore, they should know how to mix shapes and colors, and programmers should know which visual elements to choose to grab the user’s attention.

AI’s use in this field is limited by its inability to replace human creativity and talent. However, there are some basic processes that AI can optimize.

For example, web programmers have to spend a lot of time clipping, color correcting and resizing images, processes that require automation that ordinary software like Photoshop can’t do without the help of human eyes. Artificial intelligence can meet this challenge easily and quickly.

Adobe Sensei

This is new software that changes the world of UI/UX design, helping to transform images and photos using visual pattern recognition. Adobe Sensei demonstrates an innovative approach in three basic respects:

  • Creativity. The software has the ability to understand images, photos and animation language better than the human eye. The program takes on repetitive tasks on its own, allowing web developers to focus on ideas rather than boring routines.
  • Content intelligence. This aspect is related to the quality and location of the image content. Adobe Sensei can automatically measure parameters such as depth of field, color harmony, and apply the rule of thirds. This is useful for front-end developers who don’t know much about design.
  • Experience intelligence. Adobe is still working on this AI tool, which promises to help improve UI/UX design with a few clicks. This will make it possible to create the most relevant, engaging and accurate personalized Web content in real time. AI will help you understand user preferences and make the most compelling designs.

Watson service

There are a lot of technology companies investing in AI and visual pattern recognition. But IBM’s technology is considered one of the most powerful and effective. Watson is a service that allows you to tag, categorize, and train visual content recognition in a simple way.

This innovative computer software can be used by a variety of experts, including front-end developers. It helps take the programmer’s job to the next level.

  • Data and technology. Web developers are often overwhelmed by unnecessary information and overwhelmed by the variety of technologies available. Watson helps identify data and technology solutions that are useful for specific IT projects.
  • The media. The front-end developer is responsible for the creation of the website or application, which leads to extensive media involvement. Watson can analyze media markets in detail and provide precise guidelines for programmers.
  • AI video solutions. Using this particular tool, you can build a site with stronger viewer engagement. The AI solution applies an identification technology to enhance the content search and discovery process with automated metadata.

Natural language processing

There is also a branch of AI that front-end developers should learn and implement by doing. Natural Language processing, or NLP, is a tool that you can use to convert human language into computer language (whether words are spoken or written). Computers are becoming more “intelligent” each year, so it is important to establish effective interactions between humans and machines.

NLP is important to front-end developers because it helps integrate speech recognition and chatbots into web sites. Demand for these tools is growing among users, forcing programmers to learn AI.

Voip API

This is a modern service that helps JavaScript developers incorporate specific voice data into web pages. Currently, it only works on two browsers: Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The voip API consists of two main parts:

  • Speech synthesis. The tool converts speech into written text and vice versa, allowing computer programs to read and analyze the text.
  • Speech recognition. This tool enables the asynchronous speech recognition function. Computers and people can communicate with each other using the device’s microphone and speakers. You can access this tool through a voice recognition interface to improve the site.

Despite the rapid development of natural language processing, some aspects of the problem remain unresolved. Although this tool can be successfully used in English, it is not suitable for languages that are rarely used.

Intel AI Lab NLP architecture

Front-end developers who prefer the Python programming language can start using NLP Architect. Intel experts designed this open source library to process and transform human language to make it easy for machines to understand. Can help you create communication tools between users and computers.

The NLP module allows programmers to apply conversational AI algorithms to design intelligent chatbots. It also helps create AI algorithms for valid intent extraction and distinguished name entity recognition.

The benefits of NLP Architect are as follows: you can train existing models and leverage any particular data set; Designing new models from scratch; Several different modules are integrated. Intel continues to expand the capabilities of these AI services, so new advanced features will appear in the near future.


As a front-end developer, you should see AI development as an opportunity, not a threat, which can help you build a good career in the IT industry. You should use AI as a magic wand to transform time-consuming tasks into automated processes.

Artificial intelligence is now a mainstream trend that will continue for decades to come. To be successful, you should acquire new skills in the areas of machine learning, pattern recognition, and natural language processing.


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Imgcook focuses on visual drafts in the form of Sketch, PSD and static images as input, and generates maintainable front-end code with one click through intelligent technology, including view code, data field binding, component code, part of business logic code, etc.

Imgcook is expected to become a P5 level front-end engineer by using intelligent means to achieve a high degree of restoration under the premise of light constraints on the design draft, release the front-end productivity, help the front-end and designers to effectively collaborate, and let you focus on more challenging things!

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