This article is for JavaScript projects only, but can still be applied to other projects

Well, you’ve spent a lot of time building cool and useful tools or a repository on Github. The next step is for the whole world to hear it and provide some feedback.

Here’s the trick with publishing: Your project can be awesome or boring and, frankly, useless to anyone else, but if no one has seen your project, it won’t happen the first or second time.

The important thing to remember is that you’re not asking people for “stars,” just make sure that people can see your project and decide to enjoy it, ignore or place “dislikes.”

How do you know it’s gonna work

My recent project received 3K and 4K stars (…). And they all appear at the top of Github Trends, so hopefully it’s not pure luck and the instructions in this article will help you too. But before you start, you should know one thing: of course, it’s a lot easier to market your project if you’re already “online popular,” and even if the project isn’t so revolutionary, it can still go ahead. Also, it’s best if you have 3 followers who are fake accounts for your best friend, wife and your cat, and even if you’re doing well, you’re likely facing challenges that may be appreciated by the community.

Tell me what I should do

There are three important things you should consider:

  • channel
  • Time flows
  • Github trends Page


Channels are different ways in which you can share information about a project (usually a website).

Here’s a list:

  • Published to the
  • Published to the
  • Published to the…
  • Published to
  • Published to lobste. Rs
  • Published to dev. To/t/javascript…
  • Submit your project to It looks like “spam,” but it has a lot of human-like bots on Twitter that share news about you
  • Submit your project to Remember, if you don’t have an account and are registering – it takes at least 3 days to get publishing rights, so please register in advance.
  • Submit your project to
  • Post it to Twitter. Over and over again. Make sure you place all relevant tags so the bot can receive your tweets.
  • Send to chat:…

Gitter. Im/chat rooms /… Gitter. Im/FreeCodeCam…

  • Connect with big names in your field (e.g. React’s Dan Abramov, etc.). Send a personal email and ask for feedback (try to be polite and not intrusive; they don’t have to answer you, but they might).
  • Ask your friends to like your post. It should leave the “cold” state as soon as possible.

Time flows

Time flow is much more important than channel. If you publish news at the wrong time, no one will see them.

Don’t post everything at once. Take your time and prepare the community. For example, making the first tweet and Posting it to a less popular website, talking to a friend. You will receive your first star and leave the cold state. Then, people will see later that the project already has “stars”, so this also makes it easier for them to “star”.

Reddit and hacker News seem to be the “primary” sources to post there when your project becomes popular to keep and increase this growth.

Tweet regularly. But don’t spam.

Github trends Page

The main goal after launch is to get to the “Trends” page, since statistics show that more than 60% of visitors come from there. But here’s the thing: it’s a rating based list, so if you have lots of new “React tools/libraries” at the time, and your warehouse doesn’t have “React” or “Go” in the title — they’ll beat you ^_^

Without help

Don’t give up, check your project and make sure you’re doing everything right. Check that you have all the essentials for an “ideal”. The “cover” is really important. Have a cool article… How to make it better.

If that doesn’t help

Well, keep doing it, and maybe the next thing you build will be better. Remember, it’s easy to advertise something you care about and spend a lot of time making it. Don’t build “TodoList” applications, we have plenty of them so far 🙂

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