
Many UI frameworks on the market now have form validation, as well as tripartite libraries. My application scenario does not need to be tied to the UI, traditional commit validation – one by one, in order.


For example, IF I have an interface parameter params1, params2 needs to be checked and is not null.

The traditional way is of course the fastest if else

if(! paramsN) { alter(msgN) return false }Copy the code

The strategy pattern

Since I read the article related to the strategy mode, I was inspired by it. At the same time, I moved the custom validator written by the big guy and realized it through proxy. So let’s take a look at that and how do we encapsulate it

Export const validatorCreater = (target, validator) => new Proxy(target, {// Save the _validator: Validator, set (target, key, value, receiver) {// If the assigned attribute has a validator, If (this._validator[key]) {for (let validatorStrategy of this._validator[key]) {let {errorMsg = ",  params = []} = validatorStrategy if (!, value, ... Params)) {throw new Error(errorMsg)}}} Return reflect. set(target, key, value, receiver)}})Copy the code

How to use

_checkValue = ({ parentId, Const isNotEmpty = val => val && (val + ''). Length > 0 const objEmpty = val =>! _.isEmpty(val) let validators = { baseInfo: [{ validator: objEmpty, errorMsg: 'xxxx' }], parentId: [{ validator: isNotEmpty, errorMsg: 'xxxx' }] } const checkObj = validatorCreater({}, validators) try { checkObj.parentId = parentId checkObj.baseInfo = baseInfo } catch (e) { console.warn(e) message.error(e.message) return false } return true }Copy the code

How about that? I think it paid off. After a period of time, I thought about whether A simple version could be realized through ES5. After careful consideration, I came up with a prototype scheme as follows

Lite version

export const checkParams = (rules = []) => callback => { let checkStatus = true try { for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { const { fn, value, errorMsg } = rules[i] if (! fn(value)) { checkStatus = false callback && callback(errorMsg) break } } } catch (error) { console.error(error) Console. warn(' Value type ------ fn: check function value: required check value errorMsg: error message ')} return checkStatus}Copy the code

Outside calls

 _checkParams = ({ inquiryPrice, inquiryUnit, sellStockNum }) = > {
   const isNotEmpty = val= > val && (val + ' ').length > 0
   const rules = [
     { fn: isNotEmpty, value: inquiryPrice, errorMsg: 'Please fill in 1' },
     { fn: isNotEmpty, value: inquiryUnit, errorMsg: 'Please select 2' },
     { fn: isNotEmpty, value: sellStockNum, errorMsg: 'please fill in the 3'}]return checkParams(rules)(message.error)

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To improve the

Empty and regular are the most commonly used functions, which can be optimized as follows

const _ = require('lodash') export default (rules = []) => callback => { let checkStatus = true try { for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; I ++) {const {fn, value, errorMsg = 'This parameter is invalid ', Required, pattern} = rules[I] // only null if (required &&! IsEmpty (value)) {checkStatus = false callback && callback(errorMsg) break isEmpty(value) && ! patternCheck(pattern, Value) {checkStatus = false callback && callback(errorMsg) break} fn(value)) { checkStatus = false callback && callback(errorMsg) break } } } catch (error) { console.error(error) Console. warn(' Owning value type ------ fn: user-defined verification function value: required verification value errorMsg: error message, required: Mandatory, pattern: Regular ')} return checkStatus} const isEmpty = (value) => {const types = ['string', 'number'] const isExit = types.includes(typeof value) if (isExit) { return (value + '').length > 0 } else { if (! Value) {return null, undefined return false} else {return! _.isEmpty(value) } } } const patternCheck = (reg, Value) => {if ((typeof value) === 'string') {return reg.test(value)} else {console.warn(' re only valid for string') return false }}Copy the code


const rules = [
   { value: 1.required: true},
   { value: - 1.fn: (val) = > val > 0.pattern: /^\d{1,}$/ },
   { value: - 1.fn: (val) = > val > 0 }
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To put it bluntly, all the clever ideas are implemented based on the policy model, including many libraries. So you want to get into it and I recommend you to look at the strategy model