Under the fast pace of life and work, we always want to earn more money to support the family. No matter what you are, everyone thinks so, because we are slaves of money. If a programmer only rely on their own work to earn a little salary, so can only do a moonlight family, if you want to start earlier than others, earlier to buy a house, buy a car, you need to work harder than others, more money. One way to make money as a coder is simply to do more projects, because you don’t know anything else. How do you increase your income outside of your job?

First of all, if you want to receive more projects, you have to contact customers more, only contact customers you can have business, no matter what kind of customers, to make friends, so that customers will bring you his surrounding resources. Everyone is like this, at the beginning you think there is no customer source, it doesn’t matter to learn your technology attentively, when you have the first customer, there is technology to conquer him, he will bring you the second customer.

Now is the era of mobile Internet, make good use of the resources of major platforms can also bring you target customer groups, such as Toutiao, Baijia, wechat, etc., learn to use these we-media platforms, can also bring you a lot of traffic. From the platform to attract traffic, and then imported to your private wechat, these are the target customers. Usually nothing must be in the wechat publicity of your business, let your circle of friends know what you are doing, if your wechat has more than 500 people, these people see, someone will pay attention to your business.

Another you can do a website or blog, record and share your technology every day, have time to write some original articles, search engines include your articles, then there will be target customers through the search engine to your website, when your website has a certain amount of traffic, is also a very good drainage source.

In addition, you can go to some crowdsourcing platforms or classified information websites to publish your information, such as code market, cloud code material, 58, pig eight Jie and other platforms, some of these websites charge, some free, but also your business expansion channels.

More technical resources to share, welcome to pay attention to WX public number: cloud code material