This article was compiled from the Web by Diffuse Language programming (MHcoding).

Recently, the “flapping your wealth challenge” has become a new topic for AD hoc processes on social media platforms.

It started as the “Falling Stars” challenge, created by Russian supermodels. A photo of falling to the ground, first popular on social media platforms like Instagram, went viral in China in October.

After it was introduced to China, the content first went viral on Weibo, where a hashtag # Flaunting your wealth challenge was set up.

As you can see from the graph, so far. It was read 2.28 billion times and discussed 1.096 million times. As you can see, the meme has received a lot of attention.

As the topic heats up, industries are jumping on the bandwagon. To put it simply, the specific form is lying on the ground, with some items that can be taken out to “dazzle”, similar to the “explosive equipment” in online games. It’s like I accidentally fell out.

When it first became popular in foreign countries, the challenges of foreign netizens were as follows:

Luxury car


The plane

However, as the practice spread to China, it was spoilt by netizens…

Gameplay is more and more rich, not only limited to show off wealth, slowly all walks of life began to show off.

Food lover latiao fall

Housewife kitchen fall

Fitness and

Pupils fell

The market fell

Travel fell

And the diaosi are not to be outdone, watch me drop tea eggs.

So, as programmers, what do we show off when we fall down?

Plaid shirt, book, glasses, mineral water, notebook

It can be said to be relatively complete

Visual test of hardcore programmers

Fall out so many books, is also very love to learn.

That’s a lot of bugs

You have to ask me what I would show off if I fell. Hum…

This article is reprinted from the comics programming, scan the qr code below you can follow.

Programming nonsense: Make programming fun