Looking at the winter has come and gone, even in the air conditioning room in front of the computer, Lao Wang also felt the climate change, he thought it was time to buy some seasonal clothes for himself.

Therefore, programmer Wang is writing code in the gap at work, secretly empty brush mobile phone taobao, hard to find the clothes that suits him to wear.

The days of plaid shirts and jeans are over, and Mr. Wang no longer straps himself to them and wears them as a slogan, proclaiming his vocation to subway riders and pedestrians alike.

Lao wang always try adjusting themselves less as a programmer, he is willing to make yourself look like a college student, in their early 20 s are very will wear dress up as the sort of, every time a university after the subway station, Lao wang will always see a group of wearing fashionable young college students, Lao wang play heart envy their youth and vitality. Lao Wang thought: It’s good to be young!

But Lao Wang is no longer young, and if he were to wear the clothes of those college boys, he would be called an old cucumber painted with green paint — pretending to be young!

Lao Wang abandoned his attempt to disguise himself as a fleshly college student and considered a more mature dress – a suit, tie and leather shoes.

Lao Wang himself was shocked by this idea, but it is a standard match for financial practitioners! If Lao Wang came to work in suit and tie one day, the whole company would think that he was supposed to get married that day. However, due to the need of work, he came to the company before he had time to change his clothes, and the bride was still waiting for him to get married.

Finally, Lao Wang decided to dress like a salesman or a public relations person, but not a programmer.


Lao wang again and again to brush his taobao, he imagines those clothes in model if wear what it’s like to be in his body, he is always unconsciously will he do the comparison with them, he unconsciously in the repeated comparison of closing on him with their distance, when he thought he and their distance is the dress closer to the front, he will place an order to pay, And then quietly waiting for the delivery.

Just three or two days later, Lao Wang will receive a text message reminding him to pick up the delivery at a certain place, either at the gate of his residential compound or at the doorman’s office downstairs or at the pick-up counter, depending on the address he fills in. To Lao Wang Lao said, where convenient to write where.

Night, Lao wang returned to the rental apart plastic packing out wear new clothes excitedly in the body, and then set into the toilet (there is a big mirror), left see right to see, in front of a mirror before her right look, there are so instant, Lao wang trance himself became the model in the taobao, the clothes put Lao wang had changed – it is the long-awaited, Sometimes he’s a handsome young college student, sometimes he’s a finance guy in a suit, sometimes he’s a salesman or a pr guy, but it’s not Mr. Wang, a programmer in a fruddy suit.

Lao Wang thought: If I wear this outfit to work tomorrow, I will give big Liu’s guys a shock. They usually dress like me.


“Dong dong dong –“

A quick knock on the door brought Lao Wang back to reality. His roommate was in a hurry to use the bathroom.

Suddenly awake, Lao Wang looked at himself in the mirror, wearing his new clothes. How funny he looked!

In Lao Wang took off the new clothes, fled from the bathroom before the short moment, Lao Wang was aware of the distance between him and that model, an insurmountable distance. He’s not a model, he’s not a college student, he’s not a finance guy, he’s not a sales publicist, he’s just.

He is wang Gong, a programmer.

Wang Gong decided to return it.


After completing a series of operations such as “refund and return” and “booking to pick up” on Taobao, Lao Wang fell into a new round of trouble — the clothes were returned, but he had to buy new clothes, after all, it was getting colder and colder today. As a result, Lao Wang fell into a new round of screening, ordering and picking up.

Before long, Lao Wang again received a text message that the delivery had arrived, and he retrieved them and tried them on. Because of the excitement and loss of the last time, Lao Wang this time to try on a calm mood, not surprised.

After the previous experience, selection and elimination, Wang was satisfied with his fittings, though they didn’t turn him into a fresh-meat on a college campus or make him look like a salesman or pr man.

He is Lao Wang, a programmer.

When Lao Wang wears his new clothes to work tomorrow, sharp-eyed Liu in the office will surely say: “Lao Wang, bought a new suit!”

Guo, who has a very good memory, might interpose, “Why do I see the same one as last year’s? Look at the style, color and size…”

Gang zi, who also bought new clothes, said out of the blue, “It’s the same as the one I just ordered. I’ll show you when I get the goods in two days.”