As mentioned in the previous article, vue official website gives the render function example can only reflect the elegant aspect of the render function, but can not see its extensibility, today to encapsulate a component that reflects its extensibility.


Background management often has the following layout of data display requirements:

Like a table is not a table, like a form is not a form, actually looks like a table, and the data presented is an object, just like the binding value of the form, which I call a form-based table.

Style deep column is the title of shallow column is the title of the corresponding values, data is often returned by the server, the title is often fixed width, the value may be various, such as display a picture, a value of 01, need to display is or not, sometimes you need to add a modify button, let users can modify certain values, also need to set up a column span several columns.

Let’s start with an Implementation based on Element UI

Bad implementation

When you see an implementation on your project, look at how it’s used

<FormTable :data="lessonPackageArr" :fleldsInfo="lessonPackageInfo" :maxColumn="3" label-width="120px">
  <template #presentedHours="{ data }">
    <div class="flex-box between">
        {{ data.presentedHours }}
      <span class="column-btn" @click="editPresentedHours(data)">Modify the</span>
  <template #gifts="{ data }">
    <div class="flex-box between">
        {{ }}
      <span class="column-btn" @click="editPresentedHours(data)">Modify the</span>
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The lessonPackageInfo object has the following structure:

// An object that configures the header column and its corresponding field
// type Specifies the type of the value
// For the service that returns 1, 0 needs to display whether the number, provide a map_data map
// The column property sets the span of columns
// Provide slot for custom display content
lessonPackageInfo: {
    orderType: { type: 'option'.desc: 'Class pack Type'.map_data: { 1: 'first'.2: 'renewal'.5: 'give class'}},combo: { type: 'text'.desc: 'Package name' },
    presentedHours: { type: 'text'.desc: 'Free class'.slot: true },
    price: { type: 'text'.desc: 'Standard price' },
    gifts: { type: 'text'.desc: 'Give a gift'.column: 3.slot: true}},Copy the code
  1. Props is not intuitive and has many configuration items
  2. Not entirely data-driven

Why do components have bad configuration items?

This requirement is very fixed. The input of the component (props) should be minimized and the function of the component should be maximized. In this way, the development efficiency of the team can be improved by providing default values for props.

Why isn’t fully data-driven bad?

This component is not fully data-driven and requires custom display columns that need to be written with templates.

If you have a lot of custom columns, you have to write a lot of template code, and if you want to extract them again, you have to encapsulate the component again. If you don’t extract them, the template code will get bloated. Bloated template code makes component maintenance difficult, requiring back-and-forth between template and JS code. Furthermore, adding a custom column of data requires at least two changes.

Why fully data-driven?

While there are slots to extend components, we should use them less when writing business components and use data-driven templates as much as possible. Because the data is JS code, when component code bulges, it is easy to extract THE JS code into separate files, whereas code that wants to extract slots has to repackage the component.

All three front-end frameworks are designed with data-driven templates in mind, which differentiates them from jQuery and is a priority when encapsulating business components.

Look at the component usage problem, then look at the component code:

  <div v-if="tableData.length" class="form-table">
    <div v-for="(data, _) in tableData" :key="_" class="table-border">
      <el-row v-for="(row, index) in rows" :key="index">
        <el-col v-for="(field, key) in row" :key="key" :span="getSpan(field.column)">
          <div v-if="(field.disabled && data[key]) || ! field.disabled" class="column-content flex-box between">
            <div class="label" :style="'width:' + labelWidth">
              <span v-if="field.required" class="required">*</span>
              {{ field.desc }}
            <div class="text flex-item" :title="data[key]">
              <template v-if="key === 'minAge'">
                <span>{{ data[key] }}</span>
                <span>{{ data['maxAge'] }}</span>
              <template v-else-if="key === 'status'">
                <template v-if="field.statusList">
                  <span v-if="data[key] == 0" :class="field.statusList[2]">{{ field.map_data[data[key]] }}</span>
                  <span v-else-if="data[key] == 10 || data[key] == 34" :class="field.statusList[1]">
                    {{ field.map_data[data[key]] }}
                  <span v-else :class="field.statusList[0]">{{ field.map_data[data[key]] }}</span>
                <span v-else>{{ field.map_data[data[key]] }}</span>

              <slot v-else :name="key" v-bind:data="data">
  <div v-else class="form-table empty">Temporarily no data</div>

  import TableColContent from '@/components/TableColContent'
  export default {
    name: 'FormTable'.components: {
    props: {
      / / data
      data: {
        required: true.type: [Object.Array.null],},// Field information
      fleldsInfo: {
        required: true.type: Object.// className: {type: "text", desc: "className ", column: 3},
      // Display the maximum number of columns
      maxColumn: {
        required: false.type: Number.default: 2,},labelWidth: {
        required: false.type: String.default: '90px',}},data() {
      return{}},computed: {
      tableData() {
        if (! {
          return[]}if ( instanceof Array) {
        } else {
          return []
      rows() {
        const returnArray = []
        let total = 0
        let item = {}
        for (const key in this.fleldsInfo) {
          const nextTotal = total + this.fleldsInfo[key].column || 1
          if (nextTotal > this.maxColumn) {
            item = {}
            total = 0
          total += this.fleldsInfo[key].column || 1
          item[key] = this.fleldsInfo[key]
          if (total === this.maxColumn) {
            item = {}
            total = 0}}if (total) {
        return returnArray
    methods: {
      getSpan(column) {
        if(! column) { column =1
        return column * (24 / this.maxColumn)
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What are the problems?

  1. Templates have too many conditional judgments and are not elegant

  2. Custom display columns are also required after the introduction of TableColContent, which adds component complexity

TableColContent still conditions the type of the configuration item internally

Part of the code

<span v-else-if="dataType === 'image' || dataType === 'cropper'" :class="className">
  <el-popover placement="right" title="" trigger="hover">
    <img :src="metaData" style="max-width: 600px;" />
    <img slot="reference" :src="metaData" :alt="metaData" width="44" class="column-pic" />
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After analyzing the above implementation problems, look at the good implementation

Good implementation

First look at the way of use:

  <ZmFormTable :titleList="titleList" :data="data" />
  export default {
    name: 'Test'.data() {
      return {
        data: {}, // Get it from the server
        titleList: [{title: 'name'.prop: 'name'.span: 3 },
            title: 'Class Work'.prop: (h, data) = > {
              const img =
                (data.workPic && (
                    style='width: 100px; height: 100px; '
                )) ||
                ' '
              return img
            span: 3}, {title: 'Work Review'.prop: 'workComment'.span: 3},],}},}</script>
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TitleList is the column configuration of the component, an array, the element title property is the title, prop specifies the field value from data, and SPAN specifies the number of rows that this column value spans.

Prop supports strings. It also supports functions, which are ways to implement custom displays. If the function is large, it can be extracted into a separate JS file, or the entire titleList can be extracted into a separate JS file.

How are the arguments H and data passed in? Or where is this function called?

H is the createElement function, and data is the same value as the data passed in by the parent component.

When h is the first argument to a normal function, it is a render function.

It’s much easier to use this way.

Look at the internal implementation

  <div class="form-table">
    <ul v-if="titleList.length">
      <! -- titleInfo is a converted titleList-->
        v-for="(item, index) in titleInfo"
        :style="{ width: ((item.span || 1) / titleNumPreRow) * 100 + '%' }"
        <div class="form-table-title" :style="`width: ${titleWidth}px; `">
          <Container v-if="typeof item.title === 'function'" :renderContainer="item.title" :data="data" />
          <span v-else>
            {{ item.title }}
        <div class="form-table-key" :style="`width:calc(100% - ${titleWidth}px); `">
          <Container v-if="typeof item.prop === 'function'" :renderContainer="item.prop" :data="data" />
          <span v-else>
            {{ ![null, void 0].includes(data[item.prop] && data[item.prop]) || '' }}
    <div v-else class="form-table-no-data">Temporarily no data</div>

  import Container from './container.js'
  export default {
    name: 'FormTable'.components: {
    props: {
      titleWidth: {
        type: Number.default: 120,},titleNumPreRow: {
        type: Number.default: 3.validator: value= > {
          const validate = [].includes(value)
          if(! validate) {console.error('titleNumPreRow indicates a line with header pairs. Only an even number from 1 to 6. Default is 3.)}return validate
      titleList: {
        type: Array.default: () = > {
          return[]},validator: value= > {
          const validate = value.every(item= > {
            const { title, prop } = item
            return title && prop
          if(! validate) {console.log('The element passed in the titleList property must contain the title and prop properties')}return validate
      data: {
        type: Object.default: () = > {
<! Style is not the key, omit -->
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Instead of using dynamic slots, the custom display is implemented with a function component Container, which receives a Render function as a prop.

export default {
  name: 'Container'.functional: true.render(h, { props }) {
    return props.renderContainer(h,
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Call the function passed in by titleList inside the Container.

Install the NPM experience

2.8m after packaging, it is very large, it is estimated that no one will use it, so it will not be optimized.


  1. Prioritize data driven when encapsulating components

  2. The first argument to a normal function is h, which is the render function

  3. For those of you who are not used to writing JSX, both methods are compatible