Learn how to use AWK! Visited [$0]++ Deletes the repeated lines without reordering or changing the original order.

Suppose you have a text file and you need to delete all the duplicate lines.


To delete duplicate lines in the same order, use:

awk '! visited[$0]++' your_file > deduplicated_file
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The working principle of

This script maintains an associative array with the index (key) of the deleted row in the file, and the value of each index is the number of occurrences of that row. For each line of the file, if the number of occurrences of the line is 0, the value is increased by 1 and the line is printed, otherwise the value is increased by 1 and the line is not printed.

I was unfamiliar with AWK and wanted to understand how such a short script could be implemented. I did some research, and here are my findings:

  • This AWK “script”! visited[$0]++For the input fileEach lineAre performed.
  • visited[]Is aAn associative array(also known asmapping) type variable.awkIt’s initialized the first time we execute it, so we don’t need to initialize it.
  • $0The value of the variable is the contents of the row that is currently being processed.
  • visited[$0]By working with$0Equal key (the row being processed) to access the value in the map, the number of occurrences (which we set below).
  • !Invert the number of occurrences:
    • inawk,The value of any non-zero number or any non-empty string istrue.
    • The default initial value of a variable is an empty string, or 0 if converted to a number.
    • In other words:
      • ifvisited[$0]The value of is a number greater than 0, which is resolved by taking the inversefalse.
      • ifvisited[$0]A number or an empty string whose value is equal to 0true
    • ++Said variablevisited[$0]Plus 1.
      • If the value is null,awkAutomatically convert it to0Add one after the number.
      • Note: The increment operation is performed after we get the value of the variable.

In general, the whole expression means:

  • true: if the number of occurrences is 0 or an empty string
  • false: If the number of occurrences is greater than 0

Awk consists of a pattern or expression and an action associated with it:

< pattern/expression > {< action >}Copy the code

If the pattern is matched, the subsequent actions are performed. If the action is omitted, awk prints the input by default.

The ellipsis action is equivalent to {print $0}.

Our script consists of an AWK expression statement, omitting the action. So write it like this:

awk '! visited[$0]++' your_file > deduplicated_file
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Equals this:

awk '! visited[$0]++ { print $0 }' your_file > deduplicated_file
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For each line of the file, if the expression matches, the line is printed to output. Otherwise, no action is performed and nothing is printed.

Why not use the uniq command?

The uniq command can deduplicate only adjacent lines. Here’s an example:

$ cat test.txt
$ uniq < test.txt
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Other methods

Using the sort command

We could also remove duplicate lines with the following sort command, but the original line order is not preserved.

sort -u your_file > sorted_deduplicated_file
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Use cat + sort + cut

The above method produces a de-duplicated file, with the lines sorted based on content. The pipe connection command solves this problem.

cat -n your_file | sort -uk2 | sort -nk1 | cut -f2 -Copy the code

The working principle of

Suppose we have the following file:

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Cat-n test.txt displays the serial number before each line:

1       abc
2       ghi
3       abc
4       def
5       xyz
6       def
7       ghi
8       klm
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Sort-uk2 sorts based on the second column (the k2 option), reserving the same value for the second column only once (the U option) :

1       abc
4       def
2       ghi
8       klm
5       xyz
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Sort-nk1 sorts based on the first column (k1 option) and treats the column values as numbers (-n option) :

1       abc
2       ghi
4       def
5       xyz
8       klm
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Finally, cut-f2 – prints each line from the second column up to the last content (-f2- option: note the – suffix, which means everything that follows the line is included).

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  • GNU AWK User Manual
  • An array in AWK
  • The Awk – true value
  • Awk expression
  • How does Unix remove duplicate lines from a file?
  • Remove duplicate rows without sorting (de-duplication)
  • ‘! A [$0]++

The above is the full text.

Via: opensource.com/article/19/…

Author: Lazarus Lazaridis lujun9972

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and released in Linux China