Inexperienced programmers often assume that Java’s automatic garbage collection completely frees them from worrying about memory management. This is a common misconception: while the garbage collector does a good job, it is entirely possible for even the best programmers to fall victim to a severely damaging memory leak. Let me explain.

Memory leaks occur when object references that are no longer needed are unnecessarily maintained. These leaks are bad. First, as programs consume more and more resources, they put unnecessary stress on the computer. Worse, detecting these leaks can be difficult: static analysis often makes it difficult to accurately identify these redundant references, and existing leak detection tools track and report fine-grained information about individual objects, producing results that are difficult to interpret and lack precision.

In other words, leaks are either too hard to identify or too specific to be identified with terminology.

There are actually four categories of memory problems with similar and overlapping characteristics, but with different causes and solutions:

  • Performance: Usually associated with excessive object creation and deletion, long delays in garbage collection, excessive operating system page swapping, etc.
  • Resource constraints: When there is little available memory or memory is too scattered to allocate large objects – this may be native or, more commonly, related to the Java heap.
  • Java Heap Leaks: Classic memory leaks in which Java objects are constantly created without being released. This is usually caused by potential object references.
  • Native Memory Leaks: Associated with any increasing memory utilization outside of the Java heap, such as allocation by JNI code, drivers, or even the JVM.

In this memory management tutorial, I will focus on Java heap vulnerabilities and outline a way to detect such leaks based on Java VisualVM reports and analyze Java technology-based applications at run time using a visual interface.

But before you can prevent and find memory leaks, you should understand how and why they occur. (Note: If you have a good handle on the intricacies of memory leaks, you can skip them.)

1. Memory leaks: Basic

For starters, think of memory leaks as a disease and Java’s OutOfMemoryError (OOM for short) as a symptom. But as with any disease, not all OOM means a memory leak: OOM can happen due to generating lots of local variables or other such events. On the other hand, not all memory leaks necessarily show up as OOM, especially in desktop applications or client applications that don’t run for a long time during a reboot.

Treat memory leaks as diseases and OutofMemoryErrors as symptoms. But not all OutOfMemoryErrors indicate a memory leak, and not all memory leaks manifest as OutOfMemoryErrors.

Why are these leaks so bad? In addition, leaking chunks of memory during program execution often degrades system performance because allocated but unused chunks must be swapped out when the system runs out of free physical memory. Eventually, the program may even run out of its available virtual address space, resulting in OOM.

2. Decryption OutOfMemoryError

As mentioned above, OOM is a common indication of memory leaks. Essentially, an error is thrown when there is not enough space to allocate a new object. When the garbage collector cannot find the necessary space and the heap cannot expand further, multiple attempts are made. As a result, errors and stack traces occur.

The first step in diagnosing OOM is to determine what the error actually means. That sounds clear, but the answer is not always clear. For example: does OOM appear because the Java heap is full, or because the native heap is full? To help you answer this question, let’s analyze some possible error messages:

  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: request bytes for . Out of swap space?
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: (Native method)

2.1. “Java heap space”

This error message does not necessarily indicate a memory leak. In fact, the problem can be as simple as a configuration problem.

For example, I’m responsible for analyzing applications that consistently generate outofMemoryErrors of this type. After some investigation, I found that the culprit was array instantiation because it required too much memory; In this case, it’s not the application’s fault that the application server relies on the default heap being too small. I solved this problem by tweaking the JVM’s memory parameters.

In other cases, especially for long-running applications, the message may indicate that we are inadvertently holding references to objects, preventing the garbage collector from cleaning them up. This is where the Java language equals a memory leak. (Note: The API invoked by your application can also inadvertently hold object references.)

Another potential source of these “Java heap Spaces” OOms is the use of finalizers. If a class has a Finalize method, objects of that type will not be collected in garbage collection. Instead, after garbage collection, objects are queued for finalization later. In Sun implementation, finalizers are executed by daemon threads. If finalizers threads can’t keep up with finalization queues, the Java heap may fill up and throw an OOM.

2.2. “PermGen space”

This error message indicates that the permanent generation is full. The persistent generation is the region of the heap that stores class and method objects. If your application loads a large number of classes, you may need to increase the size of the permanent generation using the -xx: MaxPermSize option.

The Interned Java.lang. String object is also stored in the persistent generation. The java.lang.String class maintains a String pool. When the intern method is called, it checks the pool to see if an equivalent string exists. If so, it is returned by the practice method; If not, the string is added to the pool. To be more precise, the java.lang.String.Intern method returns a canonical representation of a String; The result is a reference to the same class instance that will be returned when the string is displayed as a literal. If your application instantiates a large number of strings, you may need to increase the size of the permanent generation.

Note: You can use the jmap-permgen command to print statistics related to persistent generation, including information about internalizing String instances.

2.3. “Requested array size exceeds VM Limit”

This error indicates that the application (or the API used by the application) is trying to allocate an array larger than the heap size. For example, if the application tries to allocate a 512MB array with a maximum heap size of 256MB, OOM for this error message will be thrown. In most cases, the problem is a configuration problem or an error caused by an application trying to allocate a large number of arrays.

2.4. “Request bytes for. Out of swap space?”

This message seems to be an OOM. However, HotSpot VM throws this exception when the allocation of the native heap fails and the native heap is likely to be exhausted. The message includes the size (in bytes) of the failed request and the reason for the memory request. In most cases, this is the name of the source module reporting the allocation failure.

If this type of OOM is thrown, you may need to use a troubleshooting utility on your operating system to further diagnose the problem. In some cases, the problem may not even be application-related. For example, you might see this error in the following cases:

  • The swap space configured in the operating system is insufficient. Procedure
  • Another process on the system consumes all available memory resources.

Applications can also fail due to native leaks (for example, if some application or library code keeps allocating memory but cannot free it to the operating system).

2.5. (Native method)

If you see this error message and the top frame of the stack trace is a native method, that native method has encountered an allocation failure. The difference between this message and the previous one is that a Java memory allocation failure is detected in the JNI or native methods, not in the Java VM code.

If this type of OOM is thrown, you may need to use utilities on your operating system to further diagnose the problem.

2.6. Application Crash Without OOM

Sometimes, applications may crash soon after a failure to allocate from the native heap. This can happen if you run native code that does not check for errors returned by the memory allocation function.

For example, if there is no memory available, the malloc system call returns NULL. If the return from malloc is not checked, the application may crash when trying to access an invalid memory location. Depending on the situation, it may be difficult to locate such problems.

In some cases, fatal error logs or crash dumps are sufficient to diagnose the problem. If it is determined that the cause of the crash is a lack of error handling in some memory allocation, then you must find the cause of the said allocation failure. As with any other native heap problem, the system may be configured but running out of swap space, another process may be consuming all available memory resources, and so on.

3. Leak diagnosis

In most cases, diagnosing a memory leak requires a very detailed understanding of the application. Warning: This process can be long and iterative.

Our strategy for finding memory leaks will be relatively simple:

  1. Identify symptoms
  2. Enable verbose garbage collection
  3. Enable the analysis
  4. Analysis of trace

3.1 Identifying symptoms

As discussed, in many cases, Java processes end up throwing an OOM runtime exception, which is a clear indication that your memory resources are exhausted. In this case, you need to distinguish between a normal memory drain and a leak. Analyze the OOM news and try to find the culprit based on the discussion provided above.

In general, if a Java application requests more storage than the run-time heap provides, it is probably due to poor design. For example, if an application creates multiple copies of an image or loads a file into an array, it will run out of storage when the image or file becomes very large. This is normal resource exhaustion. The application works as designed (though obviously stupid).

However, memory leaks can occur if an application steadily increases its memory utilization while processing the same type of data.

3.2 Enabling verbose garbage collection

One of the fastest ways to assert that there really is a memory leak is to enable verbose garbage collection. Memory constraint problems can often be identified by examining patterns in the VerboseGC output.

Specifically, the -verboseGC parameter allows you to generate traces at the start of each garbage collection (GC) process. That is, when memory is garbage collected, a summary report is printed to standard error, giving you an idea of how memory is managed.

Here are some typical outputs generated using the -verboseGC option:

Each block (or section) in this GC trace file is numbered in ascending order. To understand this tracing, you should look at the successive allocation failure sections and look for the amount of free memory (bytes and percentage) that is decreasing over time, while the total memory (here, 19725304) is increasing. These are classic signs of running out of memory.

3.3 Enabling Analysis

Different JVMS provide different ways to generate trace files that reflect heap activity, often including detailed information about object types and sizes. This is called the analysis heap.

3.4 Analyzing Paths

This article focuses on tracing generated by Java VisualVM. Traces can come in different formats because they can be generated by different Java memory leak detection tools, but the idea behind them is always the same: find blocks of objects in the heap that shouldn’t exist, and determine if those objects accumulate rather than release. Of particular interest are temporary objects that are known every time an event is fired in a Java application. There should be only a few, but there are many object instances, usually indicating an application error.

Finally, fixing memory leaks requires you to overhaul your code. Knowing the type of object leaks can be very useful for this and can greatly speed up debugging.

4. How does garbage collection run in the JVM?

Before we start looking at applications with memory leaks, let’s first look at how garbage collection works in the JVM.

The JVM uses a garbage collector called a trace collector, which basically operates by pausing the world around it, marking all root objects (objects directly referenced by the running thread), and following their references, marking every object it sees along the way.

Java implements something called a generational garbage collector based on the generational assumption, which states that most objects created are quickly discarded, while objects not quickly collected may persist for some time.

Based on this assumption, [Java object can be divided into multiple generation] (… . Broke | the outline). Here’s a visual explanation:

  • Young Generation – This is the beginning of the object. It has two descendants
    • Eden Space – The object starts here. Most objects are created and destroyed in Eden Space. Here, the GC performs Minor GCs, which is optimized for garbage collection. When Minor GC is performed, any references to objects still needed will be migrated to one of the Survivors Spaces (S0 or S1).
    • Survivor Space (S0 and S1)- Objects from Survivor Eden Space end up here. Of these two, only one is in use at any given time (unless we have a serious memory leak). One is specified as empty and the other as active, alternating with each GC cycle.
  • Tenured Generation – Also known as the old age (the old space in Figure 2), this space holds objects that survive longer and have a longer lifespan (if they live long enough, they are moved from the Survivor space). When this space is filled, the GC performs a full GC, which reduces the cost in terms of performance. If this space grows indefinitely, the JVM throws OutOfMemoryError – Java heap space.
  • Permanent Generation – As the third Generation closely related to lifetime Generation, Permanent Generation is special because it holds the data required by the virtual machine to describe objects that have no equivalent at the Java language level. For example, objects describing classes and methods are stored in persistent generations.

Java is smart enough to apply different garbage collection methods for each generation. Use a trace replication Collector named Parallel New Collector to process the young generation. This collector stops the world, but since the younger generation is usually small, the pause is brief.

For more information about the JVM generation and how it works, see Memory Management in the Java HotSpot™ Virtual Machine.

5 Detect memory leaks

To find memory leaks and eliminate them, you need the right memory leak tool. It is time to detect and remove such leaks using Java VisualVM.

5.1 Using Java VisualVM to remotely analyze the heap

VisualVM is a tool that provides a visual interface for viewing detailed information about the runtime of Java technology-based applications.

With VisualVM, you can view data related to both local applications and applications running on remote hosts. You can also capture data about JVM software instances and save the data to your local system.

To benefit from all the features of Java VisualVM, you should be running Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) version 6 or higher.

Related: Why You Need to Upgrade to Java 8 Already

5.2. Enable remote connections for the JVM

In a production environment, it is often difficult to access the actual machine where the code is running. Fortunately, we can analyze our Java application remotely.

First, we need to grant ourselves JVM access on the target machine. To do this, create a file named jstatd.all.policy with the following:

grant codebase "file:${java.home}/.. /lib/tools.jar" {


Copy the code

After creating the file, we need to use the jstatd -virtual Machine jstat Daemon tool to enable a remote connection to the target VM, as shown below:

Copy the code

Such as:

jstatd -p 1234\jstatd.all.policy
Copy the code

By starting JStatd in the target VM, we can connect to the target machine and remotely analyze the application’s memory leaks.

5.3. Connect to a remote host

On the client computer, open the prompt and type JVisualVM to open the VisualVM tool.

Next, we must add the remote host to VisualVM. When the target JVM is enabled to allow remote connections from another machine with J2SE 6 or later, we launch the Java VisualVM tool and connect to the remote host. If the connection to the remote host is successful, we should see the Java application running in the target JVM as follows:

To run the memory analyzer on the application, we simply double-click on its name in the side panel.

Now that we’ve set up a memory profiler, let’s explore an application with a memory leak problem called MemLeak.

6. MemLeak

Of course, there are many ways to create a memory leak in Java. For simplicity, we define a class as a key in a HashMap, but we won’t define equals () and hashCode () methods.

A HashMap is a hash table implementation of the Map interface, so it defines the basic concept of keys and values: each value is associated with a unique key, so if the key of a given key-value pair already exists in the HashMap, its current value is replaced.

Our key class must provide the correct implementation of equals () and HashCode () methods. Without them, there is no guarantee that a good key will be generated.

By not defining equals () and HashCode () methods, we add the same keys to the HashMap over and over again, rather than replacing them as they are, and the HashMap keeps growing, failing to recognize these same keys and throwing outofMemoryErrors.

MemLeak class:


import java.util.Map;

public class MemLeak {

    public final String key;

    public MemLeak(String key) {
        this.key =key;

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
            Map map = System.getProperties();
            for(;;) {
                map.put(new MemLeak("key"), "value"); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}Copy the code

Note: The memory leak is not due to an infinite loop on line 14: an infinite loop can cause resource exhaustion, but does not cause a memory leak. If we have properly implemented equals () and hashCode () methods, then the code will work even with an infinite loop because we only have one element in the HashMap.

(For those interested, here are some (deliberate) alternatives to producing leaks.)

7. Use Java VisualVM

With Java VisualVM, we can do memory monitoring on the Java Heap and determine if there is a memory leak in its behavior.

Here’s a graphical representation of MemLeak’s Java heap parser just after initialization (recall our discussion of the generations) :

After just 30 seconds, the old age is almost Full, indicating that even with Full GC, the old age is growing, which is a clear sign of a memory leak.

One way to detect the cause of this leak is shown below (click to enlarge), generated using Java VisualVM with Heapdump. Here, we see that 50% of the Hashtable $Entry objects are in the heap, and the second line points to the MemLeak class. Therefore, the memory leak is caused by the hash table used in the MemLeak class.

Finally, after the OutOfMemoryError, observe the Java Heap, where the Young and Old generations are fully filled.

Final 8.

Memory leaks are one of the most difficult Java application problems to solve because symptoms are varied and difficult to reproduce. Here, we outline a step-by-step approach to finding memory leaks and determining their source. But most importantly, read your error messages carefully and pay attention to the stack trace – not all leaks are as simple as they appear.

9. The appendix

Along with Java VisualVM, there are several other tools that can perform memory leak detection. Many leak detectors operate at the library level by intercepting calls to memory management routines. For example, HPROF is a simple command-line tool bundled with the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) for heap and CPU analysis. The output of HPROF can be analyzed directly or used as input to other tools such as JHAT. When we use Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications, there are many heap dump analyzer solutions that are friendlier, such as IBM Heapdumps for Websphere application Server.


By Jose Ferreirade Souza Filho

Translator: Emma