Privacy is very important to us, which is why there is no recording of local calls on the iPhone so far. Similarly, all audio messages in iMessage are set to expire automatically after two minutes by default.

However, sometimes you want to save some meaningful audio information. How do you save audio messages? Here’s how to save audio messages for iPhone and iPad on iOS.

Things to know before we begin……

There are two ways to save (or keep) iMessage audio messages. Frankly, the word “save” here doesn’t mean you can save it in a “file” or export it to any other application. Save only indicates that the audio message is reserved and not deleted automatically.

One way is to keep only the audio messages you select; the rest will be deleted after two minutes. Another approach is to keep all audio messages forever. Look at both and use the one you prefer.

This feature works only if your iPhone audio message setting expires after 2 minutes of playback (which is the default).Copy the code

How do I save specific audio messages in iOS 15 on iPhone and iPad

Open the message and click dialog.

Send an audio message. You’ll immediately see Keep below the audio notes you just sent. Click on it and this particular audio message will not be deleted after two minutes.

After receiving the audio message, click the triangle button to play it. After playing, you’ll see Expires within 2m. After about 30 seconds, you will see an additional option – Keep. Click it to save the audio message.

How do I save all my audio messages on my iPhone and iPad

Open Settings on your iPhone or iPad.

Click on the message.

Under the audio message, click Expiration.

Choose never.

Now, all audio messages you send and receive will not be deleted. They will be “saved” in conversation, just like other text, images and video. You can play it at any time.