Author | Duan Chao source |Erda public account ​

** Introduction: Erda, as a one-stop cloud native PaaS platform, is now open source for developers to complete 70W + core code! ** While Erda is open source, we plan to write a series of articles “Cloud Native PaaS Platform Infrastructure based on K8s”, hoping that our experience can help more enterprises improve the construction of PaaS platform infrastructure.

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Kind (Kubernets in Docker) is a tool that can quickly deploy a set of K8s locally. It is ideal for local deployment debugging or the scenario where you want to experience the latest version of K8s.

Create a simple

brew install kind kind create cluster --name test Creating cluster "kind" ... ✓ conquering nodes image (kindest/node:v1.13.4) ✓ Preparing nodes ✓ Creating kubeadm config ✓ Starting control-plane ️ Cluster creation complete. You can now use the cluster with: [root@node-2 ~]# kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION kind-control-plane Ready master 99s v1.13.4Copy the code

By default, a single-node cluster is created. Want to create a more complex cluster? The configuration file goes up.

Create a cluster with a specific version of K8s

The configuration file

kind: Cluster apiVersion: nodes: - role: control-plane image: Kindest/node: v1.18.15 @ sha256:5 c1b980c4d0e0e8e7eb9f36f7df525d079a96169c8a8f20d8bd108c0d0889cc4 - role: the worker image: Kindest/node: v1.18.15 @ sha256:5 c1b980c4d0e0e8e7eb9f36f7df525d079a96169c8a8f20d8bd108c0d0889cc4 - role: the worker image: The kindest/node: v1.18.15 @ sha256:5 c1b980c4d0e0e8e7eb9f36f7df525d079a96169c8a8f20d8bd108c0d0889cc4Copy the code

Create the cluster

kind create cluster --name kind --config  cluster.yaml
Copy the code

For other versions of the cluster, see the mirror list here.

Create a cluster that contains the Ingress

The configuration file

kind: Cluster apiVersion: nodes: - role: control-plane image: The kindest/node: v1.18.15 @ sha256:5 c1b980c4d0e0e8e7eb9f36f7df525d079a96169c8a8f20d8bd108c0d0889cc4 kubeadmConfigPatches: - | kind: InitConfiguration nodeRegistration: kubeletExtraArgs: node-labels: "ingress-ready=true" extraPortMappings: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 80 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 443 hostPort: 443 protocol: TCP - role: worker image: Kindest/node: v1.18.15 @ sha256:5 c1b980c4d0e0e8e7eb9f36f7df525d079a96169c8a8f20d8bd108c0d0889cc4 - role: the worker image: The kindest/node: v1.18.15 @ sha256:5 c1b980c4d0e0e8e7eb9f36f7df525d079a96169c8a8f20d8bd108c0d0889cc4Copy the code

  • extraPortMappings allow the local host to make requests to the Ingress controller over ports 80/443

Create the cluster

 kind create cluster --name kind-ingress --config  cluster.yaml
Copy the code

The deployment of Ingress

kubectl apply -f
Copy the code

Once installed, you can access the Ingress locally

Curl curl -k the code


Kind uses a container to simulate the node node, so you can perform node related operations in the container, such as modifying the kube-apiserver configuration file, viewing etCD, and so on.

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