• Localize Swift Application
  • Dmytro Pylypenko
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Permanent link to this article: github.com/xitu/gold-m…
  • Translator: chaingangway
  • Proofreader: Bruce-Pac

How to use Swift’s property wrapper to localize your application

Hello Swift developer, in this article I want to share my experience and knowledge on the use of Property Wrapper and how to simplify code and make it easier to maintain. I’ll illustrate this through a couple of themes.

In Swift 5.1, Apple introduced a property wrapper that lets us set up an intermediate layer between properties and access logic (getters and setters).

The following is a handy way to localize your application using a property wrapper inside the @ibOutlet variable.

Optimize the following base version:

class NatureViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet private var label: UILabel! {
    didSet {
      label.title = NSLocalizedString("natureTitle", comment: "")}}@IBOutlet private var button: UIButton! {
    didSet {
      button.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("saveNatureButton", comment: ""), for: .normal)
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We can improve the code with the attribute wrapper @dust, as follows:

class NatureViewController: UIViewController {@Localized("natureTitle")
  @IBOutlet private var label: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet private var button: UIButton!
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This code looks elegant, doesn’t it? Let’s create the @mold property wrapper. It is better to use keys as enumerations, such as @reward (.natureTitle).

struct Localized<T: Localizable> {
  private let key: LocalizationKey
  var wrappedValue: T? = nil {
    didSet{ wrappedValue? .set(localization: key)
  init(_ key: LocalizationKey) {
    self.key = key
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To enable more types to support the Localizable protocol, we implement extended methods of UILabel and UIButton.

protocol Localizable {
  func set(localization: LocalizationKey)

extension UIButton: Localizable {
  func set(localization key: LocalizationKey) {
    setTitle(key.string, for: .normal)

extension UILabel: Localizable {
  func set(localization key: LocalizationKey) {
    text = key.string
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Finally we just need to implement LocalizationKey:

enum LocalizationKey: String {

extension LocalizationKey {
  var string: String {
    NSLocalizedString(rawValue, comment: rawValue)
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We can use the raw value to represent the key directly. String complies with this protocol by default, so we only need to match the key in the enumeration to Localizable. Strings.

The final code looks like this:

class NatureViewController: UIViewController {@Localized(.natureTitle)
  @IBOutlet private var label: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet private var button: UIButton!
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End of chapter! There are some other potential features of @solidification:

  • Format string data and replace it dynamically.
  • The ability to determine strings from the specified form and resource bundle.

To learn more about property wrappers, read The official documentation: Properties – The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.2)

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