An overview of the

This tutorial is intended for Windows users, install and use the CPolar tool.

What is CPolar?

Cpolar is a very powerful Intranet penetration tool, a necessary tool for development and debugging

It maps the HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP ports of the local Intranet server to public IP address ports, so that users on the public network can access the Intranet server without deployment on the public network server.

What scenarios can Cpolar be used in?

  • Create your own private Web site. Expose local PC sites to the public network for public network users to access.
  • Remote SSH control of raspberry PI in your home. (No need to configure the router)
  • Remote desktop control of your home computer.
  • Remotely access the NAS private cloud disk at home.
  • Set up a local minecraft private server and invite online friends to play with you.
  • Local breakpoint debugging of wechat public account interface. (Local development environment can be simulated as public NETWORK HTTPS server, cpolar. Cn has been recorded.)
  • Access the OA, ERP, and BUG management systems on the Intranet at home. (No NEED for OPERATION and maintenance personnel to set up VPN)
  • Build Git private repositories, online document servers, etc.
  • Batch deployment in embedded smart home devices to facilitate remote control and maintenance management.
  • Debug the WebHook interface of AI robot platform.

After seeing the above functions, do you want to try it? Here’s how to install and use it.

1. Register a Cpolar account

1.1 Visit official



1.2 Registering An Account



2. Download the Windows CPolar client

2.1 Download and Install

After registration, the system switches to the login dashboard. On the Settings and Installation page, select the corresponding client version and click Download for Windows to Download and install the client.



2.2 Verifying the installation

The CLI window is displayed

Enter the command in the command line window:

cpolar version
Copy the code

If the following figure is displayed, the installation is correct.



3. The token authentication

3.1 Saving the Token Value to the Default Configuration file

Open background -> Verify page and click copy button



Enter the command from the command line:

Cpolar AuthToken < Your authentication Token value >Copy the code

This command saves the token value to the default configuration file, but it does not validate it, so let’s test it out

3.2 Creating a Random URL tunnel to test whether the token value is correct

cpolar http 8080
Copy the code

As shown in the following figure: If two random URL tunnels are displayed, the token value is successfully configured.

Copy the random tunnel URL in the image above and access it in your browser. In this case, it is 2f96ce71.cpolar. IO /.


A gray screen is displayed, indicating that CPolar is configured correctly and the tunnel has been created successfully.

No web sites were found available on local port 8080 (because we haven’t configured the local Web Server yet). That’s why the gray unavailable screen is displayed.

Next, we’ll configure a demo Web site on local port 8080 to demonstrate how powerful it really is.

PS: How do I turn off the running Cpolar program?

Press CTRL+C to exit.

4. Build a static Web site

Next, create a private TODO LIST demo site

4.1 Download the demo site

Download address:…

Download and unzip it


Once unzipped, copy the path to the demo site folder



4.2 Opening a New CLI Window

The decompressed directory is displayed

CD < Paste the demo site folder path >Copy the code

This case is:

cd C:\Users\michael\Downloads\cpolar-todo-mvc-stable-windows-amd64
Copy the code

The diagram below:


4.3 Run the demo site

cpolar-todo-mvc -httpAddr=:8080
Copy the code

The diagram below:


5. Check whether the site is running properly

5.1 Intranet Address Browsing Test

Open your browser at http://localhost:8080

This is a sample TODO List site



Currently, this site can be accessed only by users on the Internet.

We use CPolar to expose the site to the public network.

5.2 Using a PUBLIC URL To Access the IP Address Run the following command:

cpolar http 8080
Copy the code



We use a randomly assigned URL address to access it in this case: 2f96ce71.cpolar. IO (your random address may be different)




Now that you have created a temporary site on the public network, you can not only access it, but also send it to your friends, who can also see it. At the same time, your friends can also set their own to-do LIST based on the site’s TODO LIST and work efficiently.

Note that for the free version of CPolar, the random URL will change after 24 hours. If you need to use it further, you can configure the site as a secondary subdomain, or customize the domain name (using your own domain name) for long-term use.

For more information, you can go to the background of the official website to learn the details of the upgrade paid package.



Welcome to learn more about CPolar