To log in to SAP Cloud Platform Integration Tenant, click the Edit icon:

Create a new Content package:

After saving the Content Package, click the Artifacts TAB and create the Integration Flow here:

Click Add and select Integration Flow:


Then you can edit iFlow:

Create sender Channel: Switch the Integration Flow into edit mode, click on this arrow and drag it to the Start image position:

Adapter type HTTPS:

Maintain the Address:

Select Message Converter:

Json to XML Converter:

Select it and place it in the Integration Process box to see a green line:

Then select Content Modifier:

Drag into the Integration Process:

Select call – > external call:

Establish a connection between the Request reply of the External Call and the Receiver, and select OData V2 as adapter type:

Select the OData V2 adapter, in the connection TAB in the Address field, maintain the Address:…

Click on the Processing TAB and click the Select button:

Choose Step2:

Select Products from the Select Entity drop-down list:

Click the step3 button:

In the selection page of step3, click F4 to select ProductId:

Set the operation type to Equal and maintain the value as ${header.productIdentifier} :

In this way, when the product ID carried in the inbound HTTP request is passed to the Odata Adapter, the Odata adapter will call Odata to get the product details. Click Deploy to Deploy.

Click on this icon to see deployment:

Once the deployment is successful, you can test it:

Enter the endPoints of the image above in Postman:

By executing the Odata Adapter, we get the result:

The test succeeded.

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