Gmail’s default interface provides a Categories TAB.

If the following figure:

This label classifies incoming messages by default.

However, sometimes due to the existence of this classification, we often can not find the mail, many people may still be used to deal with the mail in the order of time.

You can disable this category.

Enter the Settings

Click the gear icon in the upper right corner.

Then a screen will pop up, in which you can choose to view all Settings.

The Inbox set

Then from the Settings you enter, select the Inbox TAB.

There is a sorting option under the Inbox TAB. Primary is selected by default.

For other categories that are not needed, deselect them.

Save the exit

Then go to the bottom of the page.

Select the Save button and your Gmail Inbox will be refreshed once you Save and exit.

At this point, your email is in chronological order, which is probably the way most people deal with email.…