1. Create a simple VUE project

I’m using VScode here to create a project

1. Open the terminal and run the vue create project name command

Select the last custom template as indicated in the figure

2. Select the template content you want. Here are some of the choices I use in my own templates

The choice here is the up and down button to control the selection of several, the space button control is not selected

3. If you do not understand the hash mode, the system will automatically use the hash route

4. Here’s the syntax for selecting CSS code. I use dart-Sass syntax which I think works better for you and you can choose what you want to useDatr – sass website

5. Are some node packages created by myself in packjson files or separate ones

6. Save the current template according to your own needs

Create the Element component

1. Open the terminal and run commands in the directory in vueDemo

How do you import Element components? The first option is full import, and the second option is on-demand import. I recommend on-demand because the files are smaller and the performance is better

3. Please choose the language you think of. I usually choose the first one here

And then after these two steps you have your file and now I’m going to tell you how do you verify that

1. Open your own vueDemo file and check whether you have the folder indicated in my picture. If so, it means that you have created it successfully

2. You can import as many component names as you want here. For specific component names, you can refer to the “Quick Start” section of the Element website

Multiple imports can be imported together, but each must use vue.use separately