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It is easy to check if an array is empty by calling the length method. How do you check if an object is empty ❓

Null here means that the object has no property of its own

So let’s say I have two objects, one is obj and one is anotherObj

let obj1 = {
    name: 'oli'.child: {
        name: 'oliver'}}let obj2 = {
    [Symbol('name')]: 'alice'

let obj3 = Object.defineProperty({}, 'name', {
    value: 'alice'.enumerable: false

let obj4 = Object.create(null)

// We need a function that does not have its own attributes

isEmpty(obj1) // false
isEmpty(obj2) // false
isEmpty(obj3) // false
isEmpty(obj4) // true
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❗️ thought for a long time to check whether the object has a Symbol property can only use getOwnPropertySymbols method, if there is a better method welcome to leave a message

Method 1: traversal

For in, and check with the hasOwnProperty method to see if there is a key that can’t be iterated into a property enumerable is false

const isEmptyObj = object= > {
    if(!!!!!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object).length) {
        return false
    for (const key in object) {
        if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            return false}}return true
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Method 2: Keys method

Keys returns its own enumerable property, so it’s also impossible to iterate through an attribute that is false

const isEmptyObj = object= > {
    if(!!!!!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object).length) {
        return false
    if (Object.keys(object).length) {
        return false
    return true
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Method 3: JSON method

Using the JSON Stringify method to convert an object to a string, as opposed to the string ‘{}’, this method also fails to get an untraversable property

const isEmptyObj = object= > {
    if(!!!!!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object).length) {
        return false
    return JSON.stringify(object) === '{}'
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Method 4: getOwnPropertyNames method

It is ok to use the getOwnPropertyNames method of Object to get all property names so that even non-enumerable properties can still be obtained.

const isEmptyObj = object= > {
    if(!!!!!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object).length) {
        return false
    if(!!!!!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object).length) {
        return false
    return true
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Simplified version:

const isEmptyObj = object= > !Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object).length && !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object).length
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If there is a better way, please leave a comment

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