For a long time, I wondered how students who excel learn. Why can’t I watch it many times and remember it, so they can remember it once and get 100 points for watching it? Later I found out that they weren’t gods either, just in the right way.

Of course, talent matters, but not as much as we might think.

To obtain

Accurate information, quantity to compress

Think about how we read a book? Open the book, the first page of the first line, and then read three pages, so sleepy ah. Yeah, that makes everyone sleepy.

What do students with good grades think?

  • Why am I reading this book? Fun? Life? Learning? Different books have different opinions.
    • Fun: how to see all ok, happy good.
    • Life: also called miscellaneous books, is to improve the comprehensive ability of some books, such as psychology, success, thick black science. Such books focus on the main point, the background, discussion and so on are arranged, the beginning and end of the conclusion is the most important, if the conclusion is not understood, then look at the evidence.
    • Study: Look carefully, read carefully, and take notes. The rest is for these kinds of books.
  • Look at the catalog: that is, to understand the trunk of the book, roughly formed a system, and then also look at the focus, if it is their own master, just skip.
  • Don’t worry: many people wait three days to learn C, and then forget it. Look again. Read and forget, forget to see. The good method is to see while thinking, do not understand the mark, baidu, questions, slowly product.

This way, the book will form a preliminary impression in your mind.


Simplify reading: Remove as much useless information as possible. First backbone: Get the core first, then look at the analysis. Speed: The faster the speed, the worse the quality.


Understanding, context

There must be a connection between knowledge, there must be a connection between a book. When we’re done with the whole thing, go back to the table of contents and think about the connections. For example, Pointers are learned after arrays. So what’s the relationship between Pointers and arrays? What happens when a pointer is a function parameter?

In this connection, new knowledge collisions can be obtained.


Form models and relate them to other knowledge.

Everything comes from life and is bigger than life.

The quickest way to learn new is to use old knowledge. Comprehension memory is the strongest.

For example, if the memory is compared to a dormitory, a storage unit is a room. The storage bit is the bed in the room, which can live or not live. The number of storage words or the length of storage words is the number of beds in the room. All rooms must have the same number of beds. The address code represents the number of rooms the number of storage units is the number of rooms in the dormitory; The more rooms there are, the more address lines are needed and the larger n is. The address line W of each storage unit is like the key of the room. When W is valid, it is like the door of the room has a key to open and people can enter and leave. Otherwise, the door is closed. The address decoder is responsible for translating the coded address into the key that controls each room. The output buffer is like the door to the entire dormitory building,

Another example: the stack is eaten and spit out, the queue is eaten and pulled out. Steamed stuffed bun to steamed bun stuffing tends to infinitesimal, steamed stuffed bun to meatball stuffing tends to infinity.

Wait, this will make it easier for you to remember. There may even be new collisions, new inspirations.


Practice test cognition

It’s always a waste to have high ambitions and low ambitions.

Why did you do your homework after class? Just for practice. Knowledge is exposed only when it is used. When we learn a new skill, the best way to do it is to learn by doing. A language and a year of reading are not as effective as a project. The best way to test if you really understand something is to tell it to someone else.

Error correction

This step is where more than 70% of the students excel.

Many people learn and do, but can’t handle mistakes. Wrong questions will always be wrong, sloppy questions will always be sloppy. Why is that?

Because impressions run deep.

It’s hard to throw away stereotypes and build new systems. So the earlier the wrong questions appear, the better. A lot of times, the hardest thing to change is learning for a month, thinking this way, and then asking me to correct this, it’s a system collapse.

What impressed me most was a remark from my former high school chemistry teacher: Hydrochloric acid is not an acid. Then my world collapsed, and the three years of junior high felt like a waste of time. And then we learned that an acid is a pure substance, and hydrochloric acid is a mixture, an acid solution.

So the first time to learn is very important, a full, eat all, not after the repair, really not good repair.

For the existing mistakes, to learn to forget, with formula, association and other ways to produce new memory, but often little effect.


This is where more than 90 percent of the students get top grades.

A person who can review and summarize, the growth rate is very terrible. Because they’re constantly revising their learning methods, constantly reviewing themselves, compounding. Even the best can make sure they don’t make the same mistake twice.

This method applies to all aspects of study, life, work and so on.

I examine my body three times a day, Confucius does not deceive me.