Step 1: Configure build.gradle for the Module

Ext {PUBLISH_GROUP_ID = 'com.github.Ericsongyl'// developer name, PUBLISH_ARTIFACT_ID = 'superutil'// project name PUBLISH_VERSION = '1.0.1'// version number} apply from: ''Copy the code

PUBLISH_GROUP_ID // developer name, github directory PUBLISH_ARTIFACT_ID // project name PUBLISH_VERSION // version numberCopy the code

The compile 'com. Making. Ericsongyl: superutil: 1.0.1'Copy the code

Step 2: Generate the ZIP package you want to publish

In Terminal of Android Studio, enter the “gradlew clean build generateRelease” command to build the ZIP package.

Step 3: Register a Binary account

Step 4: Create the project

1. Click Add New Repository

2. Fill in the repository information

3. Click Add New Package

4. Fill in the package information

5. Add version information

Step 5: Upload the ZIP package

1. Select Version (e.g. 1.0).

2. Select UI. The Upload ZIP page is displayed

Select Explode this archive and Explode this archive

4. Click “Publish”

Step 6: Click “Add to JCenter” to submit for review

The weird questions you get