Java is an object-oriented programming language that can write cross-platform application software. It has good versatility, high efficiency, platform portability and security. It is widely used in personal PC, data center, game console, etc., and has a large professional community of developers.

In the global cloud computing and mobile Internet industry environment, Java has significant advantages and broad prospects.

First, there are several points that must be made clear before learning Java development with zero foundation:

1. Know what kind of job you want to do in the future and what skills you need to master. Many people don’t even know this and blindly learn it.

2. The system of learning plan, plan your day to learn new knowledge and do my homework every day and practice, a lot of people want to self-study Java development, two is finished, this job can be surprisingly, now learning Java development and want to find a job, no useless at 4 to 6 months, so the plan is, you must have I suggest half a year.

3. Pay attention to the learning methods, a lot of people at the time of learning Java development, began to learn the moment you choose the wrong method of study, so finally doomed to give up, go back to the original post to continue to do the things you don’t like, learn Java development needs certain skills, before starting to learn more with others ask, don’t blindly self-study, a waste of time.

Here’s how to learn Java from zero.

First, learn basic grammar, understand the characteristics of Java.

Learning Java simply means learning its syntax, functions, structures, etc., and then writing code according to its syntax. Syntax is the foundation of Learning Java, it may be difficult to understand at the beginning of learning, but that’s ok, this is normal, as long as you look, ask, practice, and gradually you will be able to learn.

Second, there is no shortcut to learning, we must do more hands-on practice.

Learning Java is like learning mathematics. After understanding the theoretical knowledge, we must practice it. Learning Java is not free riding. Sometimes, sentences and syntax look very simple, but there are always blind spots of knowledge that you do not know. Even simple small procedures, small examples in books, only more hands-on operations, will improve their code ability.

Add enough comments to your code.

Code comments function, quite literally, like tourist signs. We know what we’re writing when we’re writing code, but when someone reads your code, there’s a lot we don’t understand. If your code comments are rich enough, others can use your comments to further understand the general meaning of the program.

Share with you this Java zero base video, the video is power node Lao Du said.

This course as a whole is like Leeuwenhoek teaching, fine to the extreme, very suitable for beginners, every point of knowledge is broken crumbled explanation, solid foundation is the first.

Lao Du’s video even takes into account the switch of the computer, the use of hardware and software and other details. Some students may think it is inky, but I think Lao Du takes into account most people who have never touched Java or even touched a computer for a long time.

Zero basic Java learning materials + video tutorials

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Learn a few reasons, I hope you take warning:

1. Although many people say that they want to do Java development, they want to switch to the Internet from another career, but their attitude can only say that they do not want to, the current industry only those who have a strong desire to change to success, so the attitude of this matter determines whether you can change to success.

2. Don’t say to learn, just for the industry’s basic understanding of all don’t know, just want to learn, I have seen a lot of people like, learn very quickly, and the others by 30 days learned knowledge, he could use a week, it’s useless to talk to him and you professional, he was like according to his ways, so you to the industry’s basic common sense all don’t understand, don’t start to learn more.

3. Learn blindly, even if you don’t know what you are learning, but also stick to the scalp to learn, finally can only waste time.

4. College students and other professional ability what I have learned four years of university, after graduation in a hurry, in the heart anxious, want to hurry to find a job, but he never thought of looking for a job is to rely on what, not by mouth and say, but such people tend to have one thing in common, he won’t feet on the ground, he think half a year, four months is too long, always in a hurry, It all ends in failure.

To sum up, there are a lot of people who learn Java development, but the rest of them are qualified for their own work through their own efforts. There will never be saturation in this industry, but it will constantly eliminate some people who are not capable of survival of the fittest.