I decided to learn programming in the second half of my senior year. 2 this record of formal schooling, zero computer foundation, have no guide, complete blank foundation, decision self-study.

Goal, to eat after graduation.

Time, February to July.

As a result, I got the offer from JINGdong in July.

From the results, the results are not bad, at least beyond expectations. The best thing I did in the whole learning process was to hold my breath.

Those of you who have experienced the graduation season can understand that the senior year is a turbulent year. There are usually three choices: to find a job, to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and to take the civil service examination. Look for a job after autumn recruit, spring recruit two strokes of recruitment, basically have dust settled, the sign of the sign, the practice of the practice. As I did not participate in the autumn recruit, also did not participate in the spring recruit, wholeheartedly believe that they can teach themselves to kill a way, really few. Now think about it, or quite admire their own.

No panic, no rush. I think I can do it.

At that time, when I saw the students signing jobs, my heart was also agitated, but I always felt that this kind of work is not what I want. After all, two books, is no chance to sign BAT, two books, is no chance to hold the iron rice bowl. You’re on your own, and there’s no turning back. Therefore, the whole process, small waves are there, the big swing is not there.

I have been working for ten years now, and I have realized a truth: vacillation and indecision can consume a person’s energy most.

So I was practicing that truth at the time.

The second thing we do well is systematic learning. Until now, I have had the habit of listing out the skills matrix whenever I learn anything, and filling in what is missing until the matrix is full. Use big matrices for big skills and small matrices for small skills, but be sure to know what you are missing and what you still need to learn. I was learning website development, then I need skills is HTML+JS+PHP+MySQL, find a book, find a set of video tutorials, dead.

As a beginner with zero foundation, the effect of video is much better than reading books by myself. At that time, I was looking for video tutorials of PHP Brothers. Every day, I just watched videos, masturbating code, knocking line by line, learning example by example. What seems like the stupidest method is, in retrospect, the most efficient.

I thought everyone learned that way, but after years of observation, it didn’t. Many people like to search on the Internet point by point and learn one knowledge point from one article. It seems to be a highly efficient fragmented learning method, but it cannot become a system. Without a system, it is difficult to precipitate their own knowledge structure.

The nice thing about being organized is that you don’t have to highlight everything, but you don’t have to hit a blind spot. On the basis of structured knowledge system, there are targeted breakthroughs to form technical advantages. This is the same as climbing a mountain, only when you understand the whole picture of the mountain, you are qualified to plan the optimal route, otherwise you think the optimal route, it is likely that you are only the most familiar route.

The third good thing to do is to stay low. I’m not a genius, and I’m not smart, which means I can’t learn a skill in three months that’s enough to support myself. From the moment I started, I was in for the long haul. In the first three months of the most difficult period, I had to extend my study period to one year, that is, I would not find a job after graduation and continue studying until I felt I had learned it. The advantage of thinking this way is that, no matter what difficulties you encounter, at least do not panic, do not panic, not disorderly, not disorderly can continue to learn, you are not difficult, I have plenty of time, come on, die knock!

All right, let’s talk about the bad.

At the beginning of the environment, I realized the benefits of guidance, that is, I spent the old effort, toss over N days N nights of the problem, other people’s words, instant solution. But in most cases, experienced people, always like egg pain in help you solve the problem, make up a sentence, so simple problem after their Baidu on the line. Every time I hear that, I feel a deep sense of shame, as if I were listening to a bald, foot-picker 2,000 miles away, laughing at my stupidity at the screen.

As a result, when FACED with a problem, I have to hold myself to the point of being a pig before asking others for help. Come to think of it, not at all, we don’t know each other, you’re both warm hearted, even if you laugh at me, I don’t care, baldy!

Therefore, maintaining an experienced programmer to guide us is really important. They can solve most of the problems that we think are big, but are actually big.

There is another problem that strikes me — thinking much, not doing much. At that time, I not only wanted to learn PHP, but also kept thinking about algorithms, data structures and programming ideas. I wanted to learn everything related to programming, for fear of missing anything and failing in my job search. Now that I think about it, too much time was wasted. At the beginning of learning programming, don’t think so much, first learn the basic grammar of programming, you can make some simple products or tools, so as to enhance the fun, fun, means that you can continue to learn. At the beginning of learning, do not think too much, otherwise you will hit their enthusiasm, as for algorithms, data structures, programming ideas to learn, when to learn, and so have a certain programming experience, naturally know.

In other words, start first, then build higher.


The door’s not in! I’m dead at the door!