
Writing in the front

The main purpose of writing this blog post is to summarize my gains and shortcomings during this period since I entered the university and got the offer of Microsoft, and I hope to give some help to the successors.

Personal circumstances

I am female, from Jiangsu Province. I studied in a Shuangfei university in Nanjing as an undergraduate. Now I am studying in Beijing Institute of Technology.


I entered the university in 2015, and I chose computer technology and software engineering as my major in the college entrance examination. Finally, I was transferred to network engineering, but our school has roughly the same training plan for these majors.

I had never been in touch with computers before entering the university, so it was difficult for me to learn C language and C++ when I was a freshman. Most of them were cramming before the exam, but I got good grades. In my sophomore year, the school held a program design competition, and I actively participated in it, but my performance was not ideal at that time. Later, the school organized algorithm training, and MY roommates and I took an active part in it. We would spend several hours in class every week. Sophomore, want to develop online algorithm competition of the college laboratory evaluation system (online judge system), then I also had the opportunity to join in, is a senior took us at that time, be responsible for the development of a total of five people (a front end, a back end, three back-end development), I and two other junior partner responsible for the backend development, In this way, we often went to the lab to brush algorithm problems and develop the system in the second and third years of our school. Finally, the system was successfully used in the program design competition of our school in the second half of the year. Later, we also successively participated in the Blue Bridge Cup and ACM competition. In the second year of my junior year, I began to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. Finally, I was admitted to the Computer Technology major of Beijing Institute of Technology (Professional master’s degree) and successfully graduated from the undergraduate course

If you are interested in the computer postgraduate entrance examination of Beijing Institute of Technology, you can read my other blog: 2019 Beijing Institute of Technology Computer Master experience Sharing _ I am a program girl’s blog -CSDN blog

Postgraduate stage

I was admitted as a graduate student in nineteen, but there were only a few people in our lab. I was the only one in our class. When I came to the lab, there were only four of us including the teacher.

In the first year of postgraduate study, I mainly took classes. During the postgraduate study, I helped the teacher develop a visual software, using the QT framework of C++, during which I learned a lot of knowledge. Research on the two began to find their own direction, and see what papers, began looking for internships, under a second before looking for internship, I was not inform the teacher in advance, before you actually have a listen to senior senior teacher doesn’t allow internship, but I feel I can go to practice is on the other hand, is mainly the interview experience, to prepare for subsequent autumn recruit.

I went first is Microsoft suzhou at that time, because her boyfriend just work in suzhou, and their very want to go to Microsoft, also in the group stage in advance at the time, he found a cow push the people on the guest, not surprisingly, after the two parallel surface received a thank-you note to the interviewer interview to inexperience, my advice is to interview foundation is not solid. I was too young to go first to the company I wanted to work for… , later also throws a lot of companies, has experienced more written examination and interview, and then one day, suddenly want to throw in a Microsoft Beijing, in fact, according to normal process is not possible, because the job, just work, didn’t received the written email, after full marks by (at that time is can see the score in the final submission, After attending two rounds of interview, I got the offer from Microsoft smoothly, probably because of my previous interview experience, and then I rejected all the written interview from other companies.

About Microsoft interview, there are a few points want to explain, just some of their own views.

1) The interview mainly asks about projects and algorithm questions. For algorithm questions, the interviewer will give you a link, you can write code in it, and the other party can see it synchronously. Before writing the code, you’d better share your ideas, not immerse yourself in writing, but timely communication. I had no idea about the algorithm at the end of the question. Later, I asked the interviewer if he could give me some hints, so I gave a good solution in the communication between the two sides.

2) the project must be very understanding, also want to know about yourself now in doing more, when I was eventually the interviewer to not too interested in my project, just ask me doing now, I said in the use of deep learning in medical image segmentation, it let me simple introduce about and ask me the role of one-dimensional convolution, the three dimensional convolution, And that’s something that’s completely missing from my resume.

3) About English: I was in Chinese during the interview, but I prepared to introduce myself in English. I heard that some people had such requirements. I personally feel that most interviewers would not have such high requirements on our English if we did not have the experience of studying abroad (product posts may be different).

4) Brush questions: I feel that LeetCode must be brush every day, no matter Microsoft or other Domestic Internet companies, they will ask you an algorithm question in the interview, if you can optimize the violent solution step by step to the optimal solution in the interview, it must be a very good bonus.

5) As for the number of rounds of Microsoft interview, our internship was one or two parallel sides, and three were lead sides. Because I passed directly at that time, so there were only two sides.

About Microsoft internship to full-time

Hr will hold a special meeting to share the specific process (we were in August at that time), which basically means to apply in the system, fill in the base and post of regular employment, and your mentor and manager will submit the evaluation, and HR will arrange the corresponding positive employment. The specific interview will be decided according to your regular employment information in turn. Since I am only moving base and therefore need only one transfer, if submitting a transfer request and not receiving a transfer interview, first ask if the manager has submitted a review in the system and then contact your own recruiter to ask.


Niuke and pulse are a good platform, you can browse some experience posted above, understand the general interview process, but the interview content varies from person to person, do solid foundation, resume projects are very clear and have some of their own thinking, the results are not too bad.

If you’re a programming girl who loves programming, follow me. I will share the relevant major choices and job hunting experiences of my friends in different majors and positions, hoping to give you some inspiration to make some important decisions in your life.