The upward path is hard, but once you start, every step counts!


Why is it necessary to transition to test development?

Manual tests that don’t understand development are new “illiterates”

In the era of mobile Internet and big data, in order to meet market and business requirements, Internet applications should not only realize rapid iteration of product functions, but also ensure data security and software quality efficiently. This requires that THE IT RESEARCH and development team must have the ability of continuous delivery, and in the testing process, IT means that they must have the ability of automatic testing, continuous testing and quality control, so the test practitioners also put forward higher ability requirements.

Will only dot, do not understand the development of manual testing has been unable to meet the Internet testing technology system “quality first, efficiency is king” requirements, become the IT new era of “illiteracy”. For one thing, manual testing doesn’t have much room for advancement in the workplace, and it’s also hard to change jobs. Especially in the economic downturn, under the background of staff reduction and efficiency increase, manual testing is the first to bear the brunt of all kinds of “midlife crisis”, “personnel optimization” and the pressure of layoffs (TesterHome community can often see a variety of hot stickers). And affected by the 2020 new coronavirus outbreak, most small and medium-sized enterprises operating conditions are increasingly difficult, as the economic and employment situation becomes more severe, I am afraid that a new round of test layoffs is inevitable!

Test development talent shortage, ushered in the golden age

At present, BAT, TMD and other first-line Internet enterprises have almost no longer recruit traditional manual test engineers, and only recruit test development engineers. Some functional testing tasks will be assigned to interns and fresh graduates, and the rest will be assigned to part-time testers and outsourced testers. However, outsourcing testing companies usually have poor technical level and high mobility, which generally cannot meet high requirements and are in urgent need of reform and upgrading. This is just a “temporary measure” in the transition period of the test industry, and the future test team structure will definitely be the management mode of “test development engineers leading + a few test experts + test managers”.

Due to the current shortage of test development talents (rough statistics, the proportion of excellent test development engineers is estimated to be only about 1%), the high salary premium in the market will be hard to find. An excellent test development engineer may get 4 or 5 offers from BAT and TMD at the same time (the annual salary starts from 30W+, and 100W+ is also common), and the salary is even higher than that of the same level of R&D positions.

At the same time, the test development technology is developing rapidly, and all kinds of new technologies and applications are emerging endlessly. Internet enterprises represented by BAT and TMD are generally implementing automated testing, full-link pressure testing, precision testing, big data testing, AI+ testing and so on. More excellent Internet enterprises are also catching up. It can be said that now is the golden age to become a test development engineer! And whether to grasp the new historical opportunity in the industry change, depends on whether you are ready!


Test development technology advanced best practices

Many test students are aware of the career crisis and have been studying hard and want to improve their core competitiveness quickly, but they are often distressed by the slow progress and have little effect. Moving from functional testing to test development is a tough growth process with many pain points to overcome.

First, there is a big difference in the requirements of technical ability. If there is a lack of systematic learning, it is difficult to get started, let alone master. Second, there are many skills, lack of reasonable planning, lack of experienced guidance, learning is blind and inefficient, and it is difficult to adhere to. Third, lack of practical experience, usually contact with the scale of the business is a big gap, lack of practical thinking will be difficult to pass the interview.

As a testing technology education institution with a sense of responsibility and feelings in the industry, The Hogwarts Testing Institute set 5 years of efforts, invited 30+ BAT first-line senior test architects, test engineers, test managers, and 100+ Internet companies, carefully created and solemnly launched the “test development advanced learning one-stop solution”. The best learning program is tailored for test engineers of different ability levels (zero foundation, elementary level, middle and advanced level) to directly hit the pain points of learning.

Help you test students efficient growth, but also to help test industry enterprises to solve the talent dilemma!

(Article from Hogwarts Testing Institute)

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