Author: xiaoyu

Python Data Science

Python data analyst

I haven’t updated it for almost two weeks. Sorry about that. Life has been a little busy recently, but it will return to normal later. Today I’m going to talk to you about a non-technical topic: changing careers. There is no code in the whole article, but I think many friends are very interested in this topic. After all, work accompanies us all our life and is also the main source of income. Who wouldn’t want to find a job with high salary and prospect?

Do you want to change careers?

Some friends hold hesitant attitude to whether should change profession all the time, change profession can have risk, change profession later in case regret how to do, change profession is to want to learn afresh, wait a series of problems. These are questions that most people have thought about, and bloggers have thought about. After all, work is a major event in life, and changing careers certainly requires extreme caution. But all things are risky, and who can predict the future? Sometimes people need to be decisive (not impulsive), but they need to think clearly and do not hesitate to think well. Below, the blogger combines oneself, talk about a few consideration that should oneself change a profession, offer everybody reference.

  • The future development of the current industry: It is difficult to judge whether the current industry has a good development prospect in the next 10 or 20 years. But at present, traditional manufacturing and other industries have been in a slump, while the Internet and financial industry are relatively hot fields. However, these are all opinions of different people. Each industry will have a good development if it achieves the extreme. Everyone’s understanding is different, but the blogger chooses the Internet finance industry.

  • The status of the current company: The performance of a company can be directly reflected in the leading CEO. Whether the leader has long-term vision and management ability, as well as whether the leader is serious, will directly affect the future development of the company. The leadership of the company where the blogger works is constantly changed, and the internal management is very poor. The company does not pay attention to the technical level, and the work efficiency is very low, so it has been on the decline. There is no reason to stay in this situation, after all, personal development should be considered. Of course, many of you might already have a good job, so you need to weigh the pros and cons and see if you really love what you do.

  • Learning environment at your current company: For newbies, choosing a company is actually choosing a good learning environment. If you have the opportunity to join a good team even if the salary is low, it is worth it, because you practice learning ability, with this ability, you will be more valuable. Of course, for now, if you feel like you’re running out of things to learn at your company, or you’re stuck, then I think it’s time to consider a change.

  • Life needs: For a very low salary can not meet the needs of life, then forced to survive at this time can only consider changing careers. All kinds of mortgage car loan pressure is so big, through the change of industry to increase income is also an effective way to solve the problem, but also need to combine with other considerations and careful choice.

  • Interests: Are you interested in the industry you want to switch to? Interest is the best teacher, if you are not interested in this career, just because of some external factors such as salary and change careers, then it may not be too long development.

Based on the above questions, the blogger gave serious thought and finally made the decision to change career, because every question made sense to me. Of course, here by no means to mislead you to change careers, but to provide you with a reference.

My career change experience

The blogger started to learn Python language two months before the opening of the official account, and then learned data technologies, including crawler, data analysis, data mining, machine learning, etc. Until now, he still insists on self-learning, and I believe that the results will not be too bad as long as he keeps on learning. So far, I can say I’m getting started, but I still have a lot to learn. Although the process was quite difficult (working in the daytime and studying in the evening), I didn’t feel too tired due to the motivation of interest. Instead, I felt a sense of achievement.

A while ago, bloggers decided they could try their hand at this kind of work and started Posting resumes online. A lot of network cast partners must have similar experience, that is, nothing (in fact, I am too vegetables). You start to get a little skeptical of yourself in the process, especially for career changers like bloggers, because we don’t have much of an advantage over our trained competitors. The pressure in this situation is very high, but there is no way, since set foot on the road, must stick to it. Fortunately, data analysis and data mining are in great demand, so there are still many opportunities.

If you can’t do 10, do 20. If you can’t do 20, do 30. (Of course, in this process, you need to constantly rethink and revise your resume. Also, we must look for all the resources around us to fight for the opportunity to push inside. The success rate of the interview is quite large. Gradually, companies began to invite interviews. Although they were not BAT, they were all relatively large companies.

The blogger interviewed five companies in the past two weeks, a small number of jobs in data analytics/data mining (depending on the job opening), and three of them made offers. In fact, for a candidate who started from zero to change careers, I am very satisfied with the result, and it also gives me some confidence. Here is an overview of the company and the results of the interview.

Disclaimer: This is my personal experience and is for reference only, not for everyone.

The interview results

The blogger lists only three of the companies that gave offers here.

Interview company 1 (Offer)

  • Scale: Listed company (big data)
  • Position: Data analyst
  • Salary: 13 k

Interview company 2 (Offer)

  • Scale: Listed company (real estate developer)
  • Position: Data product Manager
  • Salary: 15 k

Company 3 (Offer)

  • Size: Startup (mobile APP)
  • Position: Data mining
  • Water: 20 k

The interview summary

In general, all the interviews went well, but the blogger found many shortcomings after each interview. Here is a summary.

  • Interview time: Most phone interviews are in the late afternoon, and if companies are interested in you, they’ll ask if you’d like to come in for an interview tomorrow (email HR back). Each time, the blogger readily agreed to interview the next day, which was not always good because he didn’t have much time to prepare. If you’re particularly interested in this company, I think it’s better to come in prepared. I usually set aside a day to prepare for the interview.

  • Prepare for the interview: Use the time before the interview to study the company’s development, organizational structure, business model, and the needs of the position, and make suggestions about the company’s business or technology. Technical details can be prepared for a lot of things, these more lies in the usual accumulation. At this time, there is no need to study the specific technical details and difficulties, but should control the overall, I usually write the content on the resume, such as project experience, etc. (it needs to be done by myself), so as to avoid embarrassing questions about details.

  • Conversation skills: This is a big part of it, too. If you can talk and get comfortable with the interviewer, that’s pretty much it. I think the most important thing is not to be nervous, keep normal, even if you are not asked the content of panic, humbly ask the interviewer, one can let him feel your enthusiasm for learning, two will let the interviewer feel very face. The second is observation, you can observe the interviewer’s face to determine whether the interviewer is satisfied with your answer or question, and then change the answer strategy in time. In one interview, the HR’s English was very good. The blogger just chatted with her in English for more than 10 minutes, which also satisfied the HR (of course, the premise is that your English level is also good). The third is to ask a lot of questions. The interaction with the interviewer is very important. If the interviewer comes up with a point where you can follow up with a good question, the whole conversation will liven up and the interviewer will think that it fits your idea.

  • Technical content: In several interviews, most interviewers will ask detailed questions about the project experience. The purpose is to see if they have really done the project and thought about the question carefully. Of course, the blogger did not answer many basic questions well. This part still needs to be strengthened and can only be accumulated gradually. Other questions are also asked, such as the pros and cons of A particular machine learning algorithm, which model algorithm you would prefer to solve if given A scenario, how to conduct A/B testing, etc. For data analysis, machine learning and crawlers are not required, but a plus. Just like the blogger mentioned in his resume that he could use crawler to get the whole data of Lianjia and then do data analysis and mining. Unexpectedly, he got extra points in several interviews. The blogger will write another detailed article about this part.

Companies choose to

For the final company selection, we must consider various aspects, such as treatment, development and room for advancement. My advice is to choose a company that takes a long view, that is, look for a good team, after all it’s a career change, it’s still about learning. Here are some considerations when choosing a company:

  • Large companies or small companies: large companies are generally large in scale, each post is relatively detailed, the platform is large, the resources are good, the pattern is big. Small companies generally have very rough job division, generally one person has to do all the work, each link can contact, progress and growth speed will be very fast. As a career changer, I personally prefer a larger company, but I can also consider a smaller company if there is a good opportunity.

  • Risk or stability: The future development of some start-ups is actually very uncertain, like many P2P companies look good, but several months of bankruptcy is also everywhere. It’s time to evaluate whether you can handle the risk, which is why many startups offer much higher salaries than larger companies. Try to assess risk by asking about the company’s cash flow, financing, and whether it is considering going public. I personally prefer large, stable companies, even startups that are more solid after series D funding.

  • Team expertise: This can be a good indicator of the technical level of the company by talking to the interviewer. If the interviewer’s skill level is average and some questions are not clear to you, then think about what you can learn here. The salary may be high, but your future value is not increased.

  • High salary or low salary: Any fool knows that a high salary is good, but it is important to grasp some of the principles mentioned above. In line with their basic standards of course, the higher the salary, the better.

During this period of time, the blogger deeply realized that it is not easy to change industries, so he shared a simple experience of changing industries with everyone, hoping to be helpful to friends who are changing industries or preparing to change industries in data analysis and data mining. In a word, persistence is victory.

In my next blog post, I will explain in detail what I need to prepare for and what I need to learn during the career change process. I will also share my learning process and some detailed questions that will be asked during the interview.

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