British Fleming once said: “do not wait for luck, should strive to master knowledge.”


Hi, I’m Mu! Your harvest is my like, your thumbs-up is my approval.

I recently had a chance dinner with a colleague and talked about what it’s like to be a programmer. Most of my colleagues are Internet builders with eight years of experience. I heard them speak of their journey as if it were before my eyes; It was as if the boy they were talking about was me at last. Really, because I was once that ignorant youth; The romantic who was once full of feelings; He’s also the swordsman who wants to go anywhere with his sword.

No, no, no, I ended up becoming a programmer, what they call a coder (because I don’t like being a manager, I tend to be technical).


University, a place where people look together; It was full of youthful vigor; Full of smiles; With sweat; The listener’s voice; Jumping recess exercises; Looking at the goddess. In a word, it is such a beautiful place, but there is a group of ignorant but grades are still top boys, yes, I am one of them.

The four years of college go by in a flash, as if I heard someone call me: “walk, walk, from the back door bent secretly walk.” Yeah, ditching class and surfing the Internet together again.

Nan yi: “You zhao Xin to fight wild?” , you all the way to scratch the foot, or honest in also go wandering, do not send.

“God, my brother will not hurt me so much, how to say I am also in the single fake bar, invincible hand, ha ha”, while choosing a hero to blow a lie, ten thousand grass in the grass, blood does not touch the body.

“Brother we or surrender, I can not hold, special code you have 1-12, you also end a, you finally and valuable”, the south a very very angry, I felt a fury; Yeah, the rhythm of the keyboard being smashed; We’ve been in a row ever since.

Yearning longing

In high school, I am a romantic. I am fond of literature, especially classical Chinese, prose and lyrical scenery. I get full marks or close to full marks in my compositions for many times.

Always dreamed of becoming a writer, even an amateur, unknown writer; So with vision to the third year, with the college entrance examination; Enter college life.


It was a summer, zhengzhou air slightly desiccant, not only hot but also dry panic. School organization to practice in jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, is absolutely forced you to go, not to get a diploma to get a bachelor’s degree certificate.

“He is a complete robber, go to an electronics factory internship with our major has nothing to do with”, at that time the students are crying dad shout niang, bitterly scold. But you have absolutely no right not to go. The school arranges the organization to buy tickets uniformly, and sends us to practice and do coolies in batches in order.

“We still get on the bus early, how about playing cards together”, Xiao Wei inexplicably said this sentence; They have not reacted, he took out a few cards from the bag. “Come here, spread out, spread out the mat and sit in a circle.” Yes, we also took MATS and quilts to practice, so that more than ten people became a pair of beautiful scenery in the waiting room of the railway station, and more and more people watched.

“Oh, god, you wrong card, you have to so out of the line,” only heard behind the uncle hurriedly roar, as if to say: “this group of small garbage, cards will not play, can let me, a round five.”

In this way, we slowly set foot on the road of practice. Jiangsu and Zhejiang is really a good place, the air is clear, the road is wide, the moist air is slightly sweet, this is what we are looking for in the world;

Came to the internship of the electronics factory, has not got off the phone received mom: “Yang, where did you go? Did you buy food before the bus? Do you have enough money to spend? Did you bring your clothes? Go to buy something to eat, need not save money, money is not enough you say with me, I let your father dozen to you….” . I know that going on a long journey at this time is the moment when they are most worried. They have grown up with their side to care for them since childhood. Even if they go on a long journey, they also accompany them.

“Eat to buy a few barrels of instant noodles, with clothes quilts, all right, a lot of students, take care of each other, don’t worry about, I earn money to buy clothes for you to buy mobile phone ha”, the phone came my safe arrival destination signal; My parents rarely go out to work, the main rest assured not to read at home in the afternoon, although they are illiterate although poor, but never let me give up reading, give up the entrance examination. I am also very lucky to have such parents, although they do not have a little bit of culture, but they have accumulated in their lifetime experience to tell me that the poor family only reading is our way out.

Work to work

Look far away that is his hometown after all, leave the present this only stay for three months.

Simply pack up and pack up, three months of night shift 12+ hours a day work intensity so quickly ended; With the joy of earning their own meager wages rush to line up to take a bus to the train station, just want to quickly go back to campus, back home to see mom and dad, buy them mobile phones and clothes.

After 24 hours of night train, also smoothly arrived at the campus, and then everything back to the original state, class, class, eat, exercise, sleep; However, it was at this time that my college life completely changed. As juniors, we will soon face the problem of finding jobs after graduation. During the three years of college, we skipped classes from time to time, and now we are really at a loss.

At this time, there was an elective course THAT I never skipped, and this is when I met the first tutor who changed my life; He is an associate professor of our school and has decades of Java experience. When lecturing, he always speaks with a sense of rhythm. In fact, it was just me and my dorm room, and the rest of the class was either studying their own classes or stealing their phones down there. So calculate ME to become his close disciple with another roommate.

Two months later, I asked my tutor if I wanted to sign up for a training class. At that time the training super hot, zhengzhou that brothers even advertising is more serious, just want to report a name to study. The tutor directly interrupted us, do not go to the training, directly find a job to go to work, so my roommate and I went back to the dormitory and began to look for resume template on the Internet. Yeah, it’s one of those really pretty templates that the interviewer can hit on right away.

It’s hard to find a job

We went back and forth on the Internet for three days, many companies recruit more than three years proficient in PHP, proficient in Java, proficient in CSS + HTML and so on. Oh, my God, that makes us even more confused. Find an internship company that requires: “Proficiency in Java, PHP, mysql, Redis, etc.”

Still hesitate hesitate is a day, “hemp egg, such a request how we interview? Should I ask my tutor again and see if I can get some training? “I told my roommate. “Walk and walk, I can’t stand it.”

Our tutor advised us to find a company for an interview and not allow us to go to a training institution. (Actually, he wanted to introduce us to his friend’s company, but we politely refused, afraid of humiliating our tutor.)

Fortunately, a startup ended up taking both of us. The weather was 38 degrees that day, and it took more than one and a half minutes to get to the company by bus. Arrive 20 minutes early to your appointed interview time. The company is not big, so we talked for more than two hours.

“Why don’t you each introduce yourself? What projects did you do in school?” “, the boss is very polite with us said, but also handed us cigarettes, of course, we are good children do not smoke, very euphemistic did not take over.

“XXXX, skip the basics. In school, we major in Linux operating system and assembly language, and often help teachers write chip programs. After learning web design, we have been doing the web side of the web page, helping the school to redo the official system news module of the department and so on. I didn’t dare to talk during the whole journey, because I didn’t have courage. I had a lot more food than my roommates. Fortunately, the boss decided to keep us both at last.

Interview five or six companies, but also finally have to us; It’s a startup, but it’s an opportunity.

So we stepped into the journey of work, this will be destined to be a dream laugh wake up night!

Sometimes you will find that opportunities will come naturally if you just fight for them. If you do nothing and wait for an opportunity to come along, you will get nothing.

To be continued……