High concurrency

Mention of “high concurrency” I believe you should not feel strange! At this time your mind should emerge a lot of high concurrency: business rapid growth, e-commerce shopping, e-commerce seconds kill, 12306 grab tickets, Taobao Tmall various activities; All require high concurrency, so how to design a high concurrency system to withstand these shocks?

In fact, this is a very common interview question, but most candidates do not know how to answer, where to begin. For a Java programmer, is it more about the system architecture level? From the original timing seconds kill, to now various activities of preheating, group, deposit expansion, billions of subsidies, cross-shop full reduction and more complex combination of concessions, so that users can not feel the head, although these have disrupted the rhythm of user purchase, but also has maintained a continuous warming state.

In today’s Internet era, high concurrency is a common problem. So what exactly is a high concurrency system? Today, decrypt the architecture of a typical seckill system in a high concurrency scenario with LZ and see how well you understand it.

In order to answer the question, LZ prepared a manual about high concurrency system design, which is divided into seven parts: basic, database, cache, message queue, distributed service, maintenance and actual combat. Take you from the basics to the field:

High concurrency system design full color edition manual

From the basics to the actual combat, step by step to take you from 0 to 1:

Directory in

  • Based on article

  • Database article

  • Cache article

  • Message queue

  • Distributed Services

  • Maintain article

  • Practical article

The content in

  • Layered architecture

  • Increase the number of processing cores in the system

  • How to do vertical split database

  • Use NoSQL to improve write performance

  • More than a copy

  • How to solve the performance problem?

  • How do I monitor message latency

  • Load balancing

  • Collecting Network Data

  • Fixed window and sliding window algorithm

  • How to design the system notification of unread?


It can be seen that when learning high concurrency will use a lot of knowledge sections, each part is essential, of course, as a Java programmer if not high concurrency system design is also very Low! I hope LZ’s sharing can help you learn high concurrency.

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