1, the background

When I looked at JDK source code, I noticed the following bug in the constructors of both CopyOnWriteArrayList and ArrayList

6260652 actually represents the number in the JDK bug list

  • Bugs.java.com/bugdatabase…
  • Bugs.java.com/bugdatabase…

The above two bugs are actually the same problem. So what does it mean that the JDK left this bug in 8?

Look at a few examples:

Case 2,

2.1 a case

package com.javaedge; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Child[] childArray = {new Child(), new Child()}; System.out.println(childArray.getClass()); Father[] fatherArray = childArray; System.out.println(fatherArray.getClass()); // ArrayStoreException fatherArray[0] = new Father(); }}Copy the code

Each element in the superclass array is a subclass object, so this upcast does not report an error, as shown below

Allows subclass arrays to be converted to superclass arrays.

The element type in the array is Child, so the following is an error!!

Java. Lang. ArrayStoreException shows that have tried to make the wrong type of object stored in the array of objects.

For example, the following code generates an ArrayStoreException

This means that an Object[] array does not mean you can put any Object in it, but depends on the actual type of the elements in the array.

2.2 second case


list = Arrays.asList(“JavaEdge”); Java.util.Arrays$ArrayList instead of ArrayList

Object[] objects = list.toArray(); // Returns a String[] array so we can’t put an Object in a Objects array.

2.3 case three

ToArray () of ArrayList returns an array of Object[], so you can store any Object into the list2Array array.

3, summarize

Conclusions can be drawn from cases two and three:


List<String> stringList

When calling

Object[] objectArray = stringList.toArray()

ObjectArray doesn’t actually have to be of type Object[], so you can’t just put an Object into it.

So the source code in the beginning is commented:

C. Toarray might (incorrectly) not return Object[] (see 6260652).

Use if to avoid incorrect array type storage exceptions.

Arrays.copyOf(elementData, size, Object[].class)

Make sure you create an Object[] array, which can store objects of any type.

Author: JavaEdge


Source: CSDN