I want to do a translation series for a long time. First, I want to give myself a clear reading task every week. Second, I want to improve my English reading and translation ability and improve my self-cultivation as a program yuan 😜. Mark, let’s get started.

The original address: www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to…

My 5 secrets!

1.🎯 Set goals for yourself

Setting goals can improve your productivity as a developer,

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why did you start programming?
  • What are your programming goals?
  • What dreams do you want to achieve as a developer?

Everyone has their own goals, but HERE are a few ideas for you:

  • Be able to create your personal website
  • Find a new job
  • Be able to become a freelancer
  • telecommuting
  • Challenge yourself
  • Improve your financial position

You need to make room for the most important goal: the personal project. To me, this is one of the basics of programming, if you want to be successful and stay motivated, you should build projects.

You don’t have to always finish it, the idea in your project achieve small goals, for chestnut 🌰, if you want to learn how to use the database, you can set up project, if you are interested in learning how to add the data in the database, then only need to create a simple table in database (title, description), special add posts to the database.

I know it’s easy, and once done, I can achieve the goal. Using projects to achieve goals is crucial because it leads you to study concrete examples (life examples), and what could be more motivating?

2.🔁 let’s repeat it again and again!

Once you’ve determined your goals, do as many as you can! Practice and learn more.

Learning to code is a skill, comparable to sports, that needs practice if you want to be good at it and perform well at your job.

My tip is to try practicing every day at lunch or after work, even if it’s just for an hour, if you make a habit and stick to it, you’ll see improvement every day.

Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, and it makes you a successful designer.

3. Share what you’ve learned or achieved

It’s the best way to learn something new.

You can share things like this

  • Write a blog post
  • Attend meetings or local gatherings
  • Ask for feedback in StackOverflow
  • Tweet your daily progress using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode

Storytelling: Why did I create Herewecode. IO?

I’m fascinated by code and knowledge sharing, and over the years I’ve read articles on various platforms such as freeCodeCamp, dev.to, and so on.

I learned that everyone can share what they learn or create, even if it’s a small thing.

Some of the reasons I started HereWeCode:

  • Sharing my knowledge makes me a better developer
  • Help beginners understand key concepts
  • Create a simple concrete chestnut for everyone 🌰
  • Do what I love and find fun

Everybody can do it, and I got a head start, and I published a post on Medium called “Discover what an API is!” “And then someone published a Beginner’s Guide to Docker — How to Create Your First Docker App and so on.

By writing articles for others, you will greatly improve your programming skills, and being able to explain a concept and its work away is a key skill for developers. Remember: you don’t need to be a domain expert to write it.

4. 📔 Read the code

Everything you read about coding will improve your programming skills. Let’s find out more! You can read these:

  • The code on GitHub
  • books
  • The article
  • News and information

You can learn a lot from other code, you can find experts in your field or examples similar to yours. It’s exciting to see how other developers code and solve problems. You will develop your critical thinking skills. Are their methods better than mine?

Why not try to read at least one article or a few pages of a programming book every day on the same basis as you do every day?

There are some famous books:

  • The Way to Code Simplicity: The Agile Software Process Manual by Robert C. Martin
  • The Pragmatic Programmer: From “Novice” to “Master”
  • Cal Newport in Depth


Don’t be embarrassed by too many questions!

It can help if you don’t understand something, you can ask your team or your friends, or if you don’t know who to ask, go to a programming forum. Sometimes you need a different way of explaining to understand a concept, and it’s good to stick to the status quo and search the Internet for answers, but ask other developers.

Use other people’s knowledge to improve yourself, plus, if you ask another developer, chances are he’ll appreciate it.


You can save this post and remind yourself to be a better developer. Now that it’s your turn, what advice do you have for improving your programming skills?