Recently, I read two articles by Left Ear Mouse on Geek Time entitled “How Programmers Moneise Technology”. I agree with them and feel inspired by them.

Many contents mentioned in the article are not limited to theory, but have practical guiding significance in practical work and practice;

Of course, we can’t all become rich like Chen Hao, but the experience shared in this article is very helpful to improve their competitiveness in the workplace and make themselves more valuable.

Personal Understanding + Summary:

Technology is cheap and expensive

Are those who do technology to develop, why can there be different treatment difference in subdivision field? It shows that technology is cheap and expensive.

Twenty years ago, if you knew the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS, you probably earned much more than the average salary. Now, you might not even get a job.

Currently more popular such as: artificial intelligence, big data processing, distributed systems, docker&kuberneters and so on

How do you tell which technologies are “expensive”? Expensive technology generally has the following characteristics:

  • It’s so difficult to learn that most people are scared off
  • Where there are fewer people, the demand is far greater than the supply
  • Technology that can help businesses make/save money

How can I increase my value

  • Value is actually the embodiment of “high or low” technology, so the first choice of “expensive” technology;

Pay attention to market needs, pay attention to technology trends, and look for valuable technologies;

  • Technology sometimes requires specialization

The same business, the same hardware, the same mysql database, some people can do tens of thousands of QPS, while some can only do one thousand or two thousand;

  • Invest in valuable technology

Follow the 80/20 rule here and devote 80% of your effort to 20% of your valuable technology. For the work with less value, the completion efficiency should be improved by increasing the degree of automation and improving the code reusability. Then focus more of your energy on something worthwhile

  • Let others want what they want

Master other people’s technology, let others have to ask you is the best way to reflect value;

  • Improve your skills and experience

From individuals to teams, companies, and even the industry as a whole.

For example: participate in open source projects, contribute to open source projects, contribute to very high technical content of the blog, etc., actively help others to solve problems, etc.

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