Optimize your javaScript code with the new ES feature

Use console more gracefully

const foo = {name: 'zds'.age: 12};
const bar = {name: 'dj'.age: 11};

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  • Using object deconstruction
console.log({foo, bar})

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  • Using CSS Styles
console.log('%c my friends'.'color: orange; font-weight: bold')
console.log({foo, bar})

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  • Table presentation
console.table([foo, bar)

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  • Displays the code execution time
console.time('code start')
while (i < 10000) { i++ }
console.timeEnd('code end')
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  • Displays a log of the call
	const deleteMe =() = > {console.trace('I deleted the library')}

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const turtle = {
	name: 'pkq'.legs: 4.shell: true.type: 'land'.meal: 10.diet: 'berries'
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function feed(animal) {
	return `Feed ${animal.name} ${animal.meal} kiols of ${animal.diet}`
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  • Deconstructing parameters

function feed({ name, meal, diet }) {
	return `Feed ${name} ${meal} kiols of ${diet}`;

/ / or

function feed(animal) {
    const { name, meal, diet } = animal;
	return `Feed ${name} ${meal} kiols of ${diet}`;

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Template string

const horse = {
    name: 'Tom'.size: 'large'.skills: ['jousting'.'racing'].age: 7

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let intro = horse.name + 'is a ' + horse.size + ' horse silled in ' + hosre.skills.join('&');

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const {name, size, skills} = horse;
vonst intro = `${name} is a ${size}  horse silled in ${hosre.skills.join('&')}`;
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function horseAge(str, age) {
    const ageStr = age > 5 ? 'old' : 'young';
    return `${str[0]}${ageStr} at ${age} years`;

const intro2 = horseAge`This horse is ${horse.age}`;

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Extension operator

const pikachu = { name: 'Pikachu'};
const status = {hp: 40.attack: 60. defense: 45};

const pokemon = ['a'.'b'.'c'.'d']

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pikachu['hp'] = status.hp;
pikachu['attack'] = status.attack;
pikachu['defense'] = status.defense;


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const lv10 = Object.assign(pikachu, status);

const lv11 = Object.assign(pikachu, { hp: 45});

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constlv10 = { ... pikachu, ... status};constlv11 = { ... pikachu,hp: 45};

pokemon = [...pokemon, 'e'.'f'.'g'];

pokemon = [ 'e'.'f'.'g'. pokemon];Copy the code


const orders = [300.];

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const total = 0;
const withTax = [];
const highValue = [];
for (i = 0; i< orders.length; i++) {
    total += orders[i];
    if(orders[i] > 100) {
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const total = orders.reduce((acc, cur) = > acc + cur);
const withTax = orders.map(v= > v*1.1);
const highValue = orders.filter(v= > v > 100)

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Asynchronous to synchronous

const random = () = > {
    return Promise.resolve(Math.random())

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const sumRandomAsyncNums = () = > {
    let first, second, third;
    return random()
        .then(v= >{
            first = v;
            return random();
        .then(v= >{
            second = v;
            return random();
        .then(v= >{
            third = v;
            returnrandom(); })}Copy the code
const sumRandomAsyncNums = async() = > {const first = await random();
    const second = await random();
    const third = await random();
    console.log(`result is ${first + second + third}`)}Copy the code

Write CSS more efficiently

Learn to use box models


When using the browser to debug styles, you can use the element’s box model directly to adjust the width, height, margin, and border size

Double-click the corresponding value, you can modify, and real-time view the effect

Use Flex instead of Position


.box {
    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    top: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

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.box {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

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The Grid layout is Great

<div class="box">

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.box {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 500px 1fr;
    grid-template-rows: 100px 200px;
    place-items: center;
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Clamp functions are really great



It’s really cracking


Try using emojis as a className (as long as you don’t get screwed by your boss)


Define horizontal/vertical ratio properties



Use variables to prevent unnecessary “variables” from product managers


h1 {
    color: red;

p {
    color: red;

a {
    color: red;

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:root {
    --text-color: red;

h1 {
    color: var(--text-color);

p {
    color: var(--text-color);

a {
    --text-color: green; <! --override-->color: var(--text-color);

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:root {
    --text-color: rgba(var(--r),var(--g), var(--b), var(--a));

h1 {
    color: var(--text-color);

p {
    color: var(--text-color);

a {
    --text-color: green; <! --override-->color: var(--text-color);

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Use CSS computing properties


Take deep advantage of the browser’s F12
