After two days, will begin to enter the long vacation. So while you’re at it, read the Effective Rest Method in one sitting.

This book tells the story of a Japanese woman who went to study in the United States, encountered setbacks in the middle, and finally saved herself with the help of the professor. This story is more or less chicken soup, but it’s actually a book that introduces mindfulness meditation in the form of a story.

As an Oriental, everyone would associate meditation with religion, such as monk meditation. This book tries to argue that meditation is not a religious practice from a scientific point of view, and that we can use it pragmatically for our daily rest.

So how do we programmers, the king of reels, use mindfulness meditation to be productive even at rest?

What is mindfulness meditation?

The book talks about our exhaustion both physically and mentally. Even when we sleep, our brain is working at high speed, and if we can slow it down, it can rest. Meditation is about reducing the brain’s own consumption by recognizing the thoughts in your mind and then bringing your attention back to the present moment, to your breath.

In the same way, negative emotions are a drain on the brain. It can also be reduced through meditation, identifying negative emotions and giving yourself mindfulness cues to return to what you are doing in the present moment.

With practice after practice, our brains respond more positively to negative emotions, get into a state of focus more quickly, and get a good rest when it’s needed.

In this way, mindfulness meditation allows us to go from focusing on the present moment to relaxing, creating a positive cycle that leads to greater happiness.

Personal experience

Speaking from personal experience, I was actually introduced to meditation in a company training class.

I thought the trainer was going to give us some kind of warm-up exercise before class. To her surprise, she told everyone to close their eyes and sit quietly. Then ask everyone to follow her to mark their own cluttered thoughts, thoughts and breathing.

At the beginning of each training session, we were given 5-10 minutes to meditate.

This was a very new experience for me. Although I had heard of this kind of thing before, it was quite different to experience it myself. At the very least, it dispels my preconceptions that meditation is a religious practice. Although I was not moved to tears and other emotional behavior, but did feel a kind of inner peace. I have experienced this peace during the six months when I went to bed early and got up early. And in meditation, you can occasionally experience it.

All in all, meditation somewhat reduced my anxiety and made me more present.

Since then, ALTHOUGH I don’t meditate regularly, I often listen to huawei’s free deep sleep guide before going to bed to get a good quality of sleep.

5 days rest

Finally, the book offers a five-day break:

  • Day 1: Lazy day, doing nothing at all
  • Day 2: Go somewhere new in your neighborhood
  • Day 3: Connect with others
  • Day 4: Pamper Day (Budget)
  • Day 5: Take inventory and plan your next break

This long holiday, if you are interested, you can also try this “five-day rest method”. If five days is not possible, “cheat days” are also a great way to relax.

On this day, put down your phone, do nothing and go outside.

I wish you all a relaxing and happy holiday!