
People have different abilities, so the quality of the code they write is going to be different. Someone might write a little logic that takes 100 lines, and someone might write 10 lines. Code will always be buggy, and there is nothing better than good in this regard. Modularity and object orientation are ways to achieve efficient error-free code. Efficient error-free code requires constant iteration of thought and practice. How to make code efficient and error-free, and what are the ways to improve code quality? What are your experiences and skills?

First, code quality

Software is delivered to and experienced by users; The code is a correct and detailed description of the software, so the quality of the code is related to the quality of the software product. Although software quality is not equal to code quality, the defects in the code will seriously affect the quality of software products. Therefore, the investment in improving code quality is well worth it.

Second, software product quality can be measured from the following six aspects

  • Functionality, that is, whether the software meets customer business requirements;
  • Usability, which measures how much effort it takes to use the software;
  • Reliability, that is, whether the software can always be in a stable state to meet the availability;
  • Efficiency, which measures how much physical resources the software needs to run properly; Maintainability, which measures how much effort it takes to make changes to software that is already done;
  • Portability, which measures how easily software can be deployed to different operating environments;

Share with you a new ultimate version of Alibaba Java Development Manual

The vision of this manual is to code out efficiency, code out quality. Modern software architecture requires collaborative development. Efficient collaboration means to reduce collaborative costs and improve communication efficiency. As we all know, traffic laws are ostensibly designed to limit the right to drive, but in fact, to protect the personal safety of the public. Imagine if there were no speed limit, no traffic lights, who would dare to drive on the road. For software, proper specifications and standards are not about eliminating the creativity and elegance of code content, but about limiting excessive personalization, working together in a universally agreed and unified way, and improving collaboration efficiency. Between the lines of the code is the blood in the life of the software, the improvement of quality is to step on the pit as little as possible, put an end to the repeated pit, effectively improve the quality awareness.


Programming protocol

2. Exception log

Unit testing

Iv. Safety regulations

MySQL database

Vi. Engineering structure

“Do a programmer, circle and learning is the most important” because there is a circle can let you less detour, expand contacts, expand ideas, learn some of the experience of others and learning methods! At the same time, I would like to share my study notes and J study videos with you for free.

Above is “Alibaba Java development manual ultimate edition” part of the content, Java learning materials, including Java engineers must learn the four open source framework – MyBatis, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, video materials, big factory interview questions, etc.

For those who want to take notes on how to advance Java, the Java Architecture Crash Notes are available on GitHub