
Recently, backstage readers asked such a question: the market is not good, want to transfer products found few interview opportunities; Usually mainly use Java, want to learn some machine learning things, but overtime seriously do not have time to systematic learning, as a three-year graduate code farmers, really tired heart…

In fact, I also experienced similar problems when I just started working. After writing code for several years, I felt that such a life was boring. I wanted to switch from management sequence to professional sequence, and I also wanted to switch from product to test, and from the back end to algorithm and so on. It took some time to come to the conclusion that when people become impetuous, problems follow, and the solution is introspection.

Constantly overturning yourself, doubting and verifying, looking at your own problems from an outsider’s perspective, and proposing solutions.


Here we share with you the “Hellmeyer questions” proposed by An American engineer, Hellmeyer, which are similar to the choices programmers make in their daily work:

What are you going to do? Don’t use overly technical words and state your goals clearly.

How is it being done now? What are the limitations of the current approach?

3. Who cares? What’s new about your approach? Why do you think your approach will succeed?

4. What changes or impacts will it bring if it is done your way?

5. How much does your approach cost? How are processes and results evaluated?

As a programmer, if you want to learn a new technology, you can also consider the following aspects and make a decision:

1. What is your goal in learning this technology? To find a job or to express your interest clearly.

2. How does the technology work now? What are the limitations?

3. What’s new about this technology? Why does it work?

4. Who is the main concern when using this technology to achieve goals?

5. If this technology is successful, what impact and change will it bring to you?

6. How much will it cost to use this technology? How to evaluate the input and benefit ratio?


Through this kind of disassembly, many problems are not so complicated. Do not think of one thing after another, this will only make you feel more tired, as if all kinds of problems around you, the company squeeze, confused future, no life, no personal freedom…

The Renaissance French writer Montaigne said, “True freedom is to be in control of oneself all the time.”

The more introspective, the more self-aware, the more free you are.