You read a lot of the interview articles. Come in today and have a look at the interviewer’s articles.

Before the interview

  1. Decide whether it will be an in-person interview, video interview, or phone interview. Dress well for an on-site interview, and if the company has a dress code, follow it. If not, maintain a clean, uncluttered image. It’s like when you go on a first date.
  2. For in-person interviews, if it’s a large job fair outside the company, arrive early to familiarize yourself with the environment. Avoid the phenomenon of being late and not being able to find the venue. Well, just like before you take the high school entrance exam or the college entrance exam.
  3. Even if it is at home – the company interview, also want to prepare half an hour earlier. Because candidates often arrive early, you won’t be able to jump right into the interview if you’re working on a puzzle. And unkempt, will affect the company image. Yes, you have to remember, at this time, you are the company’s appearance level responsibility.
  4. If it’s a video interview, keep your face, skin, and voice changer back to normal to avoid paranoia.
  5. If it’s a phone interview, drink water to moisturize and keep your voice clear. Of course, don’t drink too much, after all, we are too old to let the candidate into a taste of the interview.
  6. All you need now is a set of questions. The topic should be more prepared at ordinary times, temporary search in Baidu only suitable for the scene of telephone interview.
  7. The easiest way to do this is to sort out the questions that the last few interviews have failed to answer so that you have a set of questions that will knock out most people.
  8. If you have no interview experience, you can also cram for a few days to go to the big companies next door. Besides stealing a lot of interview questions, you may also be able to face the big companies.
  9. In addition, if the question is too advanced, remember to memorize the answer, the interviewer will not be speechless when looking back to ask you.

In the interview

  1. Smile and listen to the interviewer. Yes, as if you are the host. “Really? I don’t believe you. “and” What then?” “, “Tell me about it.” Ask the interviewer to introduce himself or herself and explain the details of the project.
  2. Ask questions about yourself and projects that show you’re listening and that you care, just like your baby.
  3. Pay attention to the control of the scene atmosphere, in addition to “hm”, “on” this slightly perfunctory harmony, sometimes also give a more specific affirmation, “you just said the XXX point of view, I agree with”, so that the interviewer more confident to say.
  4. If the cold starts, Mayday won’t save you. There’s no BGM in life.
  5. If there is a silence because the interviewer doesn’t know, guide the interviewer to speak up. Then add, “No, that’s not normal,” and pick an obvious question from the list to boost the interviewer’s confidence and lighten the mood.
  6. If there’s a lull, it’s because the interviewer is nervous, and it’s better to be able to tell a prepared joke. Ask him, do you think PHP is the best language in the world? But remember, don’t drive. You’re not hiring a driver.
  7. If there’s a lull because you’ve blacked out yourself, say something like “Just a moment while I take care of this message,” pretend you’re busy, wait a few seconds, and quickly move on to the next topic.
  8. Of course, it is not always cold. Some interviewees are good at talking, or even over-talkative. At this time, we should keep pace and avoid taking too long.
  9. For technical questions, grade the candidates. It’s like a love fight. Take a notebook to remember. Especially the students who don’t answer the key points without talking, you are easy to be confused by his rhetoric, inexplicable to give him high marks.

The end of the interview

  1. Finally, leave time for questions. In addition to answering questions, the real purpose is to show the interviewer that we are an open company and you are an open person.
  2. If the interviewer asks you about sensitive issues such as overtime, political struggles, and financial risks, it is recommended to memorize the denial meme and act it out at any time, then pass the question on to HR.
  3. If the interviewer asks you what you think of him or her, this kind of open-minded student should respond with “you are great, but we are not suitable” for the exceptionally excellent student. If he is not confident enough, it is better to encourage him by saying “you are good and I don’t deserve it”. In addition, may also be to accumulate experience, in the face of this psychological ability to cheat and play with women’s feelings of the man, to show “you are fine, I am fine” independent response.
  4. If the interviewer doesn’t have any questions for you, don’t suspect he’s not interested in the position. It’s ok to send an Offer to a great person, or he may be flirting with you but you don’t get it.
  5. If the interviewer asks a generic question, there is a chance that he is cheating and playing with women’s feelings.
  6. Don’t be lured to their company by a man who is cheating on women’s affections. You may just move to another place to work overtime.
  7. When recommending people to HR, if you have just passed the exam, write “recommendation”; Good, write “Highly recommended!” ; For excellent, repeat “Highly recommended!” three times. , plus three exclamation points. Just like the mall discount, attract HR little sister attention.
  8. Remember to keep the interview results, and update your test bank regularly. Maybe a few months later, the same person will come back with the answers. You can’t step into the same river twice, but you may come across the same test.


In fact, the interview is a two-way selection process. In addition to the interviewer’s inspection of the interviewer’s ability, the interviewer will also feel the cultural atmosphere of a company through the interviewer.

Interviewers get nervous. Interviewers get nervous, too. Here are some of the interviewer’s nerves for your own amusement. This article is a joke. If it’s similar, so be it.

In fact, the interview is a two-way selection process. In addition to the interviewer’s inspection of the interviewer’s ability, the interviewer will also feel the cultural atmosphere of a company through the interviewer.

Interviewers get nervous. Interviewers get nervous, too. Here are some of the interviewer’s nerves for your own amusement. This article is a joke. If it’s similar, so be it.

As long as you learn fast enough, the interviewer’s question bank can’t catch up with you!

Einstein didn’t say that

Come on, everybody!