A good Web front-end developer should have breadth and depth of knowledge and the ability to learn quickly.

Front-end development engineer should not only master basic web front-end development technology, web site performance optimization, SEO, and basic knowledge on the server side, and learn to use all kinds of tools for secondary development and theoretical knowledge, including the maintainability of the code, components, ease of use, hierarchical semantic template and grading browser support, etc.

First, front-end engineers should meet at least four types of customer needs

Product Managers: These are the people responsible for planning the application. They come up with lots of new, strange, and even impossible applications. Generally speaking, product managers are looking for rich features.

2. UI Designers: These people are responsible for the visual design and interaction simulation of the application. They care about user sensitivities, consistency of interactions, and overall usability. In general, UI designers gravitate toward user interfaces that are smooth and beautiful, but not easy to implement.

3. Project Managers: These people are responsible for actually running and maintaining the application. The main concerns of project management are nothing more than uptime, the time when the application is always available, performance, and deadlines. The goal of project managers is to keep things as simple as possible and not introduce new problems as they upgrade.

4. End user: The primary consumer of the application. Although front-end engineers don’t often interact with end users, their feedback is critical. End users demand most of all features that are personally useful and that are available in competing products.

Ok, so many things… Do you really want to learn front-end? No regrets? If you are really ready, ha ha, then we will enjoy the fun of learning front end!

Two, zero basic web front-end

Beginners to learn the front end, we must think about why to learn it, is out of a kind of state of mind, and then position themselves, learn from peers or predecessors, do not be impatient. Here must do the analysis of their own, and then find a suitable learning method.

Three, the first front – end taboo learning mistakes

Web page production is a computer major students in college will be exposed to a course, quick entry, quick effect so that we unknowingly have been deeply in love with web page production. At this point, a lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that with such a nice IDE, you can make web pages quickly and easily by clicking menus.

So why do we have to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScrpt and other helpless and painful code? Isn’t this a simplification for complexity?

But as we learn more, we find ourselves in a situation where we are so dependent on the IDE that we don’t know the nature of its implementation, but we don’t know why.

As a result, it’s hard to know what to do when the page looks bad, not to mention how to optimize the page and do something more advanced. The reason for this is obvious – clever ides allow us to become lazy and ignore the most essential content behind gorgeous web pages – code.

Fourth, the right direction of learning is greater than meaningless efforts

Two ants wanted to climb over a wall in search of food on the other side. An ant came to the foot of the wall without hesitation to climb up, but every time it climbed half way, will be tired, tired and fell down. Although it is not discouraged, fell down again and again, quickly adjust themselves, began to climb again.

The other ant observes and decides to go around the wall. Soon the ant came around the wall to the food and began to enjoy it; And the other ant keeps falling and starting again.

Most of the time, success in addition to courage, perseverance, but also need direction. Maybe with a good direction, success comes sooner than expected. If you run on the wrong road, it doesn’t matter how hard you try. Learning the Web front end is the same, you should choose the right learning route first.

Five, about learning Web front-end some suggestions and methods

In THE CSS layout need to pay attention to a problem is that many students lack the overall analysis of the page layout, can not grasp the nesting relationship between the box on the page from the macro, is eager to start to do, leading to the relationship between the elements of the page is very confused, easy to appear in the box in the floating dislocation and so on. It is recommended that you use the “top-down, step-by-step refinement” idea in your layout, dividing the page into several boxes and then gradually nesting boxes within the boxes.

“Gentleman is not different also, good false in things also”, in the process of learning but also browse some excellent websites, good at analyzing and drawing lessons from its design ideas and layout methods, see a wide range of knowledge, and then can be integrated through, take others for my use.

Everyone’s growth and foundation is not the same, combined with their own actual situation, and then execute. Again, the core of the front end is JS, CSS is not difficult, but need to accumulate. Here’s how I see the front end:

CSS is like a bottle of wine.

HTML, CSS is all about tags and selector properties and so on, but it’s not easy to write a scalable, robust or maintainable page. Now, the basic reflex of page writing is not how to do it quickly, but how to do it quickly with the least amount of code modification if there are interface requirements. This is a triple test of front-end endurance, physical strength and intelligence.

Js is like a sword, must be sharpened.

Js was just for a test at the beginning. With the development of technological society, js plays a more and more important role. When I started playing jQuery, I felt THAT I already knew JS, but in fact, it was just the tip of the iceberg. With more and more understanding of JS, he is abnormal and lovely, that is fun and difficult to control, that is, there are many compatibility problems, but to solve compatibility is our basic way of survival. From Ajax to JSMVC all the way to look, high load wave after wave.

Life is a dream, must be done.

Technology is just a part of life, once ambitious, now bow to write code. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is immutable. Life is limited, man. Seize the day.

Life learning attitude is: not impatient, not fast not slow. Persevere and believe in yourself. Not to change the world, but to change your life. Don’t walk fast, but one step at a time.

Sixth, concluding remarks

Front is the background to achieve and visual performance of the bridge, is the tie that throughout the entire product development process, have the effect of continuity, a good front end engineer he can very good understanding of the requirements of a product manager for the user experience, also can understand well the background engineers to logic, data or program logic separation requirements, And translate those requirements into front end development. The front end is the face of the site, and it is far more valuable than any other client development.