01 introduction

One of the first things to prepare for an interview is your resume, which is a pain to write from scratch because it’s so important and time consuming. Too many job seekers now frantically search their computers for resume templates and example sentences, but don’t know how to write. If it’s too short, HR will feel insincere, and if it’s too long, they won’t know what to do. Some candidates don’t even have the heart to look at their own writing, with typos and typography chaos, so they send out their resumes. Moreover, the salary of programmers is relatively high, and there are a large number of talents transferring from other majors, so the competition is very fierce, so how to stand out from the numerous resumes and win the interview is very important. This article will cover two common resume questions

1. Common resume mistakes

2. How should I write my resume

After reading this, the reader can learn how to write a better resume that will catch the eye of the HR.

02 Common Resume mistakes

1. Too much information and not enough focus

A common expression is the first dozen lines of skill lists

Familiar with Python, Go, C++, HTML, CSS, Vue, jQuery. Familiar with basic data structure and algorithm design ability. Familiar with TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, DNS, WebSocket and other network protocols. .

Let me give you a gory real-life example:

Yes, that’s the beginning of a resume I received, 20 lines familiar. The candidate started by listing all the tools she knew, hoping to highlight her experience and ability to learn through a long list of skills. But it did the opposite. That’s because HR will only take a look at a resume if they think the candidate is preliminarily qualified through a profile or skill list. The rest of the time, it’s a quick keyword search. For example, when hiring a front-end engineer, HR will search for the keywords of Vue, React, jQuery and other front-end frameworks first. If they fail to find the keywords after 5 seconds, they will move on to the next one.

In fact, not only HR, most people will skip to read long paragraphs of text. If you look back, line 3 and line 14 are actually the same. The more concise and clear the resume, the more likely it is to be read. Another problem is that when you scan a few lines for basic skills, the HR may start to question a candidate’s competence. Imagine it’s your weekend off and you’re looking for a relaxing movie to watch. Search the Internet and come up with a list of the 20 best comedy movies. When you’re skimming through a list of movies that suck, aren’t funny, and are a complete waste of time, you’ll start to suspect there’s something wrong with this list of comedy movies and stop reading it. The same goes for HR resumes. This is how the skills list should be written. Since the HR may be an engineer or a non-technical employee, the skills list should be short and clearly formatted so that laypeople can quickly locate the skills. I suggest this (because proficiency is a matter of opinion, so it doesn’t matter) :

Front-end framework: Vue, React, jQuery database: Redis, MySQL tools: Docker, Jenkins, Git Cet 4, able to read English documents fluently

That’s how brief it is, allowing HR to quickly pinpoint the skills of the candidate and make a decision about whether to follow. Also, this list of skills should come after the introduction, which we’ll cover later.

2. Meaningless description

The second common mistake is to describe a project experience in meaningless terms:

XXX platform completed planning work and software development on time according to project task requirements. Complete crawler module, display module. Develop background management system to achieve custom paging and third-party login. Complete data collation and storage functions.

HR is not able to draw useful information from such descriptions, nor can they judge the candidate’s technical abilities. Need to

What is it: building IP proxy pools, optimizing crawler policies and anti-masking rules

What tools to use: Develop asynchronous crawlers using Scrapy

The result: 200% faster webpage crawling

Three points to modify, preferably with data to prove it.

XXX platform to build IP proxy pool, use Scrapy to develop asynchronous crawler system, optimize crawler strategy and anti-shielding rules, improve 200% web page crawling speed. Using Vue framework to complete the background management system, to achieve custom paging, third-party login and other six main functions. Responsible for data cleaning and storage to MySQL database, using database index to reduce data query time by 50%.

I understand that most job seekers don’t have the experience of the interviewer, haven’t read many resumes, and even recall projects is difficult, but also want to express. So we’ve prepared some examples of introduction/work experience/project experience that you can use on your resume. Here you can modify them to suit your situation.

Have a good code style, improve code readability by adding comments, pay attention to code quality, read several open source projects, learn to improve code robustness and extensibility.

Good coding habits, good communication and collaboration skills, good professional ethics and a strong sense of responsibility.

Understand the principles and simple implementations of processes, threads, deadlocks, virtualization, and file systems in operating systems.

Experience in architecture design and development of large-scale Internet distributed system, embrace new technology and have strong learning ability.

Have solid computer theory foundation, good algorithm and data structure foundation, understand computer basic principle and common mechanism.


If you don’t know how well you’ve written it, you can also ask us to Review your resume or conduct a mock interview. The important thing is to start counting now and get into the habit of measuring first and optimizing later. And try to explore the data, no statistics of the query time, can be shown by CPU or memory load data, at least like the second above can say how many functions are completed.

3. Typesetting is messy and there are many wrong words

Typos are absolutely zero tolerance, even if you don’t pay attention to your resume, let alone HR.

Familiar with iOS release and launch process. Familiar with mysql database, understand the basic principles of mysql

Other resumes have extremely small font size (because they’re too much, and are crammed into two pages), small line spacing, and no clear separation between modules, preventing the HR from finding the information they’re looking for. Some job sites don’t render PDF files exactly right. (For example, a large blank space appears when a PDF file is turned.) I found two real examples below. When you asked why Haitou did not respond, HR asked you what you think of such a resume.

Once you’ve written your resume, be sure to review it yourself, and then ask a friend to review it for some pertinent advice. In terms of layout, I recommend that you write in HTML and convert it to PDF. HTML has better style and version control than Markdown and Word, and job seekers can directly put the HTML on their personal website or GitHub Pages for browsing at any time. Interested readers can use our free and paid HTML templates (both tested by popular job sites) to ensure that their resume will be better presented to HR.

How to write a better RESUME

A resume can be divided into 6 modules: Basic information, Personal summary, Skills list, Work Experience, project Experience, education, and others. This sequence gives the HR a quick sense of the candidate’s strengths and skills, from shallow to deep. If the school information is a key school or a new engineer, it can be put in advance, after the basic information.

The basic information

Basic information includes name, email, phone number, Github/ blog, job objective and other information.

Name/Phone number

Just fill it out truthfully. It should be noted that before sending your resume, you can check whether the company is registered here. Some recruiters will accept resumes under any name and then contact candidates, betraying privacy.


On the forums, there are occasional discussions about which email with the suffix looks more powerful. Some people suggest using Gmail, thinking it can highlight your English ability. Some suggest using Outlook or 163 to receive emails stably in China. Also have despise QQ mailbox, feel too private and appear not professional. I can’t speak for all HR people, but some may have an impact on their initial impression of a job candidate because of the email suffix. However, only if a candidate’s resume is unimpressive and disorganized will HR dismiss them for such minor details. It doesn’t matter what email ends as long as the candidate demonstrates his or her strengths on the resume.


Posting a link to a Github or blog is supposed to highlight a candidate’s programming skills, and it’s hard to be impressed by the fact that Github doesn’t contribute to open source projects and commits several times a year. Technical blogs can be posted if they’re good, and some job requirements include these as well.


This is a detail that many job seekers overlook. An HR person may accept a resume for a different job. If the position is not listed on the resume, the HR person will not know how to determine whether the candidate is a good fit. So you have to be clear about your target position, like front-end engineer, crawler engineer.

Other information

Other information includes political affiliation, gender, age, photos, etc. If you want to invest in a state-owned enterprise or public institution, the political status of a party member may help, but it doesn’t matter whether or not you add anything else. Together, the basic information section could look something like this:

Yang Yong Email: contact@jobder.net/Phone: 133-5555-6666 Github: http://github.com/abc/Job Intention: Reptilian Engineer

Introduction to the

Some engineers have the misconception that they will only attract traditional, boring companies if they follow the rules. I’ve met a lot of profile writers who love freedom and love life, and I think most people love freedom. Simply writing about love of freedom doesn’t show true love. The best way to prove it in the field of computing is to use free software and contribute to open source projects. The profile is very important and is the first step for HR to get to know the candidate. When you don’t know where to start, you can refer to the job requirements of the target position, and when you see that the target position requires familiarity with multithreaded programming and you don’t quite understand it, it is a very good opportunity for tutoring, the interview will definitely test ah. Here we assume that the job description and requirements of a company that the candidate likes are as follows:

Job Description: Responsible for design and development of crawler system architecture; Participate in the design of system technical solutions, core code development and system tuning; Participate in special technology research, new technology introduction, etc. 2 years or above experience in Python development, bachelor degree or above, major in computer science; Love computer science and Internet technology, proficient in Python language, familiar with regular expressions, familiar with MySQL database; Familiar with Python network programming, able to design and maintain high-performance event-driven framework programs based on TCP/IP protocol; Strong thirst for knowledge, excellent learning and communication skills;

First of all, I will analyze the requirements of this position. I need to develop crawler system, have Python development ability, and have an understanding of network protocol. With these points in mind, we can write a brief description of the job:

Two years of Python crawler system development experience, familiar with Scrapy framework, participated in the design and development of several projects as the main engineer, responsible for the development of system core modules, automatic testing and deployment. Familiar with HTTP protocol, TCP/IP protocol, regular expression, XPATH usage, Redis, MySQL database and Linux system common mechanism and principle. Have excellent learning ability and team communication skills, often share technology with the team, can grow together with the team.

Keywords in profile/work history/project experience should be bold. The first one here highlights my development experience and briefly introduces my previous main responsibilities (crawler development, automated testing and deployment experience). Second, present a list of professional knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of the position. Third, list soft skills. Take technical sharing with the team as an example to highlight the ability to work in a team.

If you are a non-academic or new engineer, try to distinguish yourself from individual projects, learning abilities, and soft skills.

Two years of independent Web project development experience, understand the project development process and automatic deployment, design and develop todo-list, blog and other projects, realize browsing, comment, like and other functions. Familiar with HTTP protocol, TCP/IP protocol, Redis, MySQL database and The common mechanism and principle of Linux system. Keen to learn computer technology, self-taught computer system, data structure and other computer courses.

Non – class engineers will compete with class engineers, preferably with a similar position of their own projects. Quality individual events are also a plus. Blogs, crawlers, and todo-lists are all too common, and I’m not saying they lack technical content (check out Python author Guido van Rossum’s crawler), but too many job seekers do very simple things without digging into the fundamentals. If you can complete some distinctive projects, you can attract the attention of HR. There are many interesting projects in 500Lines. If you feel that you can’t keep up, you can follow several MOOC courses, which also implement some projects, such as browser, search engine and social network. It seems difficult, but it has step-by-step instructions and sample code. I’m sure most developers can learn a lot from this. Imagine a blurb like this:

Two years of Python backend development experience, familiar with Scrapy crawler framework, designed and developed a simple browser, syntax parsing, compilation functions. Developed a search engine and social network to realize the search, follow the function. Familiar with HTTP protocol, TCP/IP protocol, regular expression, XPATH usage, understand MySQL database and Linux system common mechanisms and principles. Keen to learn computer technology, self-taught computer system, data structure and other computer courses.

Doesn’t it make a big difference that HR is willing to give opportunity to someone who is special? In fact, the process of writing a resume is also a process of self-reflection, from which you can know where you lack, timely remedy and learn, in order to get a good offer.

Congratulations, the first step of the introduction is complete. You’ve caught HR’s eye, and the next thing you need to do is show them what you can do.

Skills list

As I mentioned in a common mistake, HR will simply search for keywords in the resume and remove them if they aren’t there. Therefore, the skill list can be listed according to the type of tools you are best at, because the familiarity of different opinions, so do not write, or use a progress bar to express:

Backend framework: Django, Flask, Scrapy Front-end framework: Vue, React, jQuery Cet-6, able to read English documents fluently

Work experience

If this resume is for internships, this module can be skipped. One thing to watch out for is the completeness of your work experience. When I was interviewed by a large company (I often go to interviews, see how to prepare for technical interviews), they asked me why I didn’t include my full work experience because they required that there be no gap between graduation and now. I replied that one is to keep the resume short, and the other is that recent work experience is relevant to the position. However, this is the only time I’ve ever been asked to fill out my full employment history, so my advice is to include no more than three different companies on your resume, and to answer questions about previous jobs correctly, and to connect all the time points so that you don’t give the impression that you’re hiding anything. Work experience should be listed in reverse order of most recent employment, which can be divided into four points:

The name of the company

Write the full name of the company or, if the product is well known, the name of the product:

Unique Angle Technology Co., LTD. (EngineGo, Thankyou-OpenSource)

Position/Working time

Note that if the position is data analysis engineer, then crawler engineer and data mining engineer are different for HR, and the words of senior engineer should also be added. On-the-job time should write according to the time of social security pay, some factories will do background investigation.

EngineGo one-horned technology co., LTD. (its product, Thankyou – opensource) in June 2014 – June 2016 | advanced Python development engineer

The main duties and responsibilities

The main responsibilities highlight the responsibilities in the job and what benefits they bring to the company. Different from the following project experience, there is no need to write the technical stack and project details in detail, but only need to outline them. Here is an example in our example:

As the group leader, I was responsible for designing and developing distributed web crawler system, optimizing crawler strategy and anti-shielding rules, and improving the efficiency and quality of web page crawling. Analyze and design feasibility of solutions according to industry requirements, test and optimize project codes, assist in continuous integration and automatic deployment, and improve system availability. Responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the company’s technical documents, review the team’s code regularly, and learn and grow together with the team.

Experience in project

Project experience can be included in the corresponding work experience, and each company can choose 1-2 projects to focus on. It is necessary to describe in detail the modules that are mainly developed or maintained, what tools are used and what effects are achieved. Here, EngineGo crawler system is taken as an example. It should be concise and highlight the data, not meaningless description, and the keywords should be bold.

Communicate with product manager, use Scrapy framework to reconstruct crawler module, increase crawler speed by 200% and reduce server CPU load by 20%. Improved crawler strategy to reduce the number of blocked requests by 40%.

As the main engineer, I designed and developed property module and activity module, realizing 10 functions such as registration and instant notification.

Redis database is used to realize distributed crawler and data cache, reducing 50% data query time.

Cooperate with other engineers, use Docker to split and restructure the project, reduce resource coupling between business modules, and realize continuous integration and automatic deployment.

Also, in most cases, it is not recommended to include a picture of the project.

Education situation

Schools will write, we should pay attention to a few points, if you study more famous schools can put the school in the front, after the introduction. In addition, I encountered a lot of candidates to change their major directly do not write the original major, I think this is unnecessary. HR is not stupid either. If you don’t write a major, you will know that it is not a major. It is better to write it down honestly. High GPA/high marks in specialized courses/scholarships/awards in competitions can be selected as important plus:

XXX university computer system | computer science in 2013-2017 (18/100) in 85 points/professional, the data structure (10/100) in 90 points/professional grade point: 3.7 | won a national inspirational scholarship in 2015-2016 academic year for the college students’ mathematical modeling contest 2013-2014 school year to obtain “shelly sword cup” science and technology innovation contest the second prize in guangdong province

Okay, what if my school is mediocre and my major doesn’t match. We looked at online statistics on what parts of a resume HR is looking for — from a good school, from a good company — and, needless to say, completing a course like Udacity or Coursera is a big plus. Job seekers can present their education like this.

In 2013-2017 | XXX university civil engineering Udacity | machine learning engineer/Coursera | introduction to computer/operating system in 2016-2017

I can’t say that in the domestic environment, this will definitely add a lot of points, after all, most companies value a college degree. Still, some of the more open companies like employees who are constantly learning. Plus, at least you won’t lose points.

Others (optional)

Optional, may also become extra points, domestic less value this point, but I still pay more attention to:

Volunteer work

Assisted in organizing the translation of Flask, Requests first version of the document, and translated more than ten technical articles (good foreign language skills are highlighted). Teach junior high school students to learn Python from scratch and design and write their own games. Cherry, an open source project on Github, got 200 stars.

Interests and hobbies

Computer related or hands-on interests should be listed, not singing or traveling.


Combined with the points above, a good resume should look something like this:

03 summary

As long as you carefully modify your resume, the HR will feel it and stand out from many applicants and get more opportunities. Sometimes the opportunity is often not hard to fight for the above. I hope you can write better resumes and get more opportunities after reading this article.

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