As a brand owned by a listed company with 15 years of education experience, Traction Education always believes that only excellent teachers can produce excellent students. Today, we will take a look at the famous teacher team of traction.

BAT technology heroes joint research and development, learned direct through the famous enterprises from front-line Internet famous enterprises, work experience of more than 10 years of senior experts to participate in the development of traction course, in-depth analysis of the current development trend of the Internet industry and talent demand, extract key knowledge points, popular technology, advanced technology into the course content, And share the real projects of famous enterprises, industry experience as students’ actual combat projects, enhance the students’ ability level.

For many years, excellent teachers can teach excellent students is the truth that has been implemented by traction force. Through the whole process of senior project practice, to create the IT industry scarce senior famous enterprises, the strength of the second to kill the audience.

Liu Yongfeng: Joined Tencent in 2011 as senior product manager of Tencent Cloud and senior lecturer of Tencent CTO Special Training class. He has nearly ten years of r&d and product experience. Project experience Responsible for mainstream media server architecture design, operating system performance optimization, cloud monitoring system architecture design and other related technology research and development, as well as basic cloud, cloud monitoring, game cloud related product design. At present, the main focus areas include enterprise cloud trend, cloud-based system architecture practice, Docker technology development and application in the field of cloud computing.

Xiao Qicao: currently working for China HP Co., LTD., responsible for market development and product promotion of key customer projects in South China region. Project experience: Design of App, official website, CRM membership system, call center system, etc. Competitive intelligence system design; Knowledge management system design, etc.

Tao Lei: Former chief lecturer and course R&D Director of Baidu Marketing University; Senior consultant of Yonyou Company, manager of enterprise training Department, expert lecturer and visiting professor of Wuhan municipal government and universities. Project experience: Research and development of China Eastern Airlines, Gome Group, SAIC Group, CoFCO, Sinopec (Hong Kong), BTG Group, Lafang Group, Vancl esprit, Xiangmei Group, Seven Brand men’s wear, China Post and other projects.

Li Wei: Product director of listed company, registered in New Oriental Education Group and Ambo Education Group for complex teaching and management work. Project experience: Trained the first batch of network marketing specialists for Baidu and product and management consultants for many listed companies.

Project experience: RESPONSIBLE for many projects such as QQ red envelope, joint promotion of QQ mobile version and Tencent mobile games, and QQ flash screen planning.

Wu Qi: Served as senior director and Vice President of Sohu Video, Sohu Changyou and 17173 media group. Project experience: Successfully guided the “+ Internet” transformation and upgrading of large traditional enterprises such as 21st Century Real Estate China And Hengqi Education.

Due to limited space, only some members of the team are listed above. If you want to know more, you can visit the official website of Traction education or call 400-1817-898