Recently, I have been thinking about writing some words about the front end team of Dingxiang Doctor, but I always find it difficult to start writing. To describe a team, it can be explained from many dimensions. When it is described in depth from a certain perspective, it will be difficult to control the scale of description. It is either spoiled or harsh, or not straightforward enough. After struggling for some time, I finally decided to write from only one dimension, that is, the appearance of the front end team of Lilac Doctor in my eyes, which is also some information about the team that will be told to interviewees during the interview.

This is a front-end team composed of 7 people, which is responsible for maintaining dingxiang Doctor micro program, Dingxiang Doctor micro program, Dingxiang Doctor SPA and Dingxiang Doctor management background based on vue. js family bucket, And The Data statistics management background based on React family bucket. React SSR based dxy doctor website and Dxy Doctor mobile station. In the Lilac Doctor APP, we are responsible for some page development based on JSBridge and vue.js (our mobile partners use RN in some pages). In the process of small program iteration, we worked with the designer to precipitate the mobile component library. In addition, I will work on some interesting projects, such as the Internal data visualization project (we call it Huston).

Front-end students will work closely with server students, client students, test students, product managers, interaction designers and UI designers in daily work. Teambition is currently used as a base collaboration tool. Requirements usually go through the major stages of requirements review, scheduling, development, commissioning, acceptance, and release. Internally, the front-end team proactively claims the requirements they want to do. Git is used for project version control, and the project code will be uniformly hosted in GitLab on the Intranet. There are private NPM warehouse, unified front-end resource publishing system of the company, unified Mock interface and management tool Api Mocker and other services in the Intranet.

The foundation of a technical team is to have excellent technical strength. If the team wants to go far, it had better have enough challenging business scenarios (requirements scenarios) to practice on. At present, the front end team of Dingxiang Doctor has spent one year to build a good front end technology stack. Next, our focus will be to master the technology deeply. With the rapid growth of Dingxiang Doctor business, we will also think about and make efforts to better combine technology and business.

At dxy, we pursue five words: happiness, quality, efficiency, growth and freedom (in order of precedence). Here’s how we understand these five words:
  • Happy. Happiness is the cornerstone of the team culture. We think of happiness as the theme of life. Everyone should be happy to go to work. If you’re not happy doing something, communicate it to your team.
  • High quality and high efficiency. High quality delivery and efficient development are what every technician should pursue.
  • Growth. Every member should make progress in the process of working. Today’s self should be better than yesterday’s self.
  • Freedom. Each member should have the freedom to grow as much as he or she wants, as long as the work is done on time and with good quality in accordance with the company’s rules and regulations.

It doesn’t mean we’re doing well, it means we’re going to keep doing things in that direction.

The company currently has about 50 front-end engineers in different teams supporting different lines of business. Basically, every week, the front end team of Dxy garden will have technology sharing, and each partner who does the sharing will receive a beautiful gift, such as a handwork.

In 2017, the front end team of Dxiang Garden held the first front end technology salon and the fifth Hangzhou Node Party together with Dasso.
  • The first Dxy Garden front-end Technology Salon
  • The fifth hangzhou Node Party notes 

In addition, there are some that most Internet companies should provide. For example, a Mac Pro and two Dell monitors were provided to the front end students. Monthly team building; Free opportunity to attend Qcon, GMTC and other technical conferences every year; Buy books you want to read, etc.

The front-end partner’s workbench usually looks like this:

After the dinner party, the younger brother posted a message on the circle of friends:

What kind of department is the team in?

The company has a lot of product lines. According to user groups, it can be divided into toB, toD (for doctors), toH (for hospitals), toC (for the public) and other directions. The Clove Doctor business unit is currently a level 1 division in the direction of toC.

This is a young, energetic and driven team.

In the afternoon, the department often offers milk tea or fruit carts. Students who get on the carts can have a little, Starbucks or fresh fruit for free.

What is the company environment like?

The headquarters of the company is located in building 3, Shangfeng E-commerce Industrial Park, Binjiang District, Hangzhou.

The company has a variety of interest groups, such as: Basketball team (clove doctor front-end team has a national referees), football team, badminton team, flea unit, street dance team (the team captain after doctors clove front-end team), humai unit (clove front-end team doctor said there is a river’s lake — – little brother jj Lin), drinking group (one of the founders of contingent after doctors clove technology Team), cat sucking squad, etc.

The company has a gym, and you can often see handsome men and women working out. Their shape and temperament are really good (doc Tik Yin horn to understand).

The company bar has coffee and other drinks all year round, and cold drinks in summer and autumn.

Say something else

The information described above would be important to most people to help them make decisions.

In my eyes, there are more important things than the above: a person can figure out what he wants to do and then meet like-minded people to do it together. It is a lucky thing to meet people with whom we can cooperate and sympathize in our heart. The information described above becomes more valuable after you have thought through the core questions.

Before joining Dingxiang Garden, I had experienced two start-up companies at different stages. There were some terms in the introduction of each company, such as silicon Valley, overseas returnees, Microsoft, mobile game industry (about 14 years old), and O2O (remember those companies with O2O labels that died in the startup wave a few years ago?). I have also registered two companies with my friends (registered companies will go through the process from 0 to 1, such as equity allocation and equity change). These experiences will make me have a clearer understanding of the word company and a greater tolerance for the problems existing in the company. Anna Karenina might say that “happy families are all alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” But the same is true for companies. Every company has its strengths and weaknesses. When a person joins or leaves a company, they go from being suitable to being unsuitable at their respective stages of growth.

With that said, it’s time to bring out JD from clove Doctor’s front end team recruitment. Yes, with the rapid growth of Lilac Doctor business, we need excellent students to join the front end team to do something interesting and challenging together.

Senior Front End Engineer

The job description

  • Responsible for the front-end development of the products of Dingxiang Medical (website, Web App, Hybrid App, wechat mini program, management background, node.js middle layer);
  • Complete front-end project development and maintenance with high quality and efficiency according to product requirements;
  • Optimize the front-end performance of the product to ensure that the product has high quality user experience;
  • Participated in the foundation platform construction of the front end team of DXY Garden;


  • At least 3 years front-end working experience;
  • Proficient in HTML (HTML5), CSS (CSS3) and JavaScript (ES6/ES7);
  • Familiar with network protocol (HTTP/SSL);
  • Familiar with Webpack or rollupJS;
  • Familiar with at least one CSS preprocessor (e.g., Less, Sass, Stylus);
  • Proficient in at least one of vue. js, React.js, and AngularJS frameworks;
  • Have certain understanding and practice of front-end development specification, engineering, componentization and testing;
  • Understand and skillfully use object-oriented programming ideas, pay attention to the application of design patterns and modular development in practical projects;
  • Strong sense of responsibility, good communication skills and documentation skills;

Priority condition

  • Include your Github account or blog address on your resume;
  • Independently developed or participated in quality open source projects;
  • Experience in Hybrid App project development;
  • Have practical experience in wechat small program development;
  • Experience in node.js application development and operation in high load scenarios;
  • Familiar with TypeScript;
  • Familiar with a non-front-end programming language (e.g. Java, PHP, Python, Go);

Front end intern

The job description

  • Responsible for the front-end development of the products of Dingxiang Medical (website, Web App, Hybrid App, wechat mini program, management background, node.js middle layer);
  • Complete front-end project development and maintenance with high quality and efficiency according to product requirements;
  • Optimize the front-end performance of the product to ensure that the product has high quality user experience;
  • Participated in the foundation platform construction of the front end team of DXY Garden;


  • Have passion for programming technology, expect to have rapid growth in technology;
  • Full-time internship for at least 6 months prior to graduation;
  • Proficient in HTML (HTML5), CSS (CSS3) and JavaScript (ES6/ES7);
  • Familiar with network protocol (HTTP/SSL);
  • Understand and skillfully use object-oriented programming ideas, pay attention to the application of design patterns and modular development in practical projects;
  • Strong sense of responsibility, good communication skills and documentation skills;

Priority condition

  • Include your Github account or blog address on your resume;
  • Independently developed or participated in quality open source projects;
  • Proficient in using one of vue. js, React. Js, and AngularJS frameworks;
  • Experience in Hybrid App project development;
  • Experience in node.js application development and operation in high load scenarios;
  • Familiar with TypeScript;
  • Familiar with a CSS preprocessor (e.g., Less, Sass, Stylus);
  • Familiar with a non-front-end programming language (e.g. Java, PHP, Python, Go);

The recruitment JD wrote in a formal way, which simply means that it is hoped that the new students can easily handle the various types of projects mentioned above (because of the current partners in the team, everyone can do this). It will be a plus if you can have an in-depth grasp of some aspects (recently, one of our team mates is looking at the source code of vue.js, welcome to communicate with us). In terms of doing things, being dependable and willing to give is the cornerstone, and good ability to promote things and communication and expression is a plus.

In fact, there are many job opportunities for a good front-end engineer. If you are looking for a job, or are considering a change of work environment, please come and talk to me. If you feel that the position of Dingxiang Doctor front end team is not suitable, There are other front end positions in Dingxiang Garden for you to choose. If you still can’t meet your job requirements, I can ask my friends in Ali and netease to help you push your resume, or send your resume to the technical directors of Youzan and Dasoche. Scott from Song Xiaoxai and his team, who recently got several rounds of financing, is also recruiting people. They play more RN and GraphQL, and they can also help introduce people if they want to go.

Now that you have seen this, why not send an email to us to chat: [email protected].

Author: Zhiyao, Front-end engineer of Dingxiang Garden