The same starting point, because buying a house is vastly different

6 years ago small A and small B with just graduated programmer, salary is about the same. 3 years ago, small A raised money to buy A suite, small B did not buy. Now, after A wave of real estate market, Little A’s house has risen by 2 million yuan. Although little A has been under more pressure in recent years, she is still very happy at the thought of the house rising so much. Moreover, because she bought A house, she also found A girlfriend. And small B, although the salary has also risen a lot, but their own spending is also more, to now have no money left, now want to buy a house has been more difficult.

Because ** “full payment into a down payment, down payment into a parking space” ** (full payment to buy these money into only the down payment, now even pay down payment is not enough, these money can only buy a parking space).

The house is the programmer’s money printing machine and life capsule

Buying a house is the quickest and easiest way for programmers to make a comeback. Write code hard, 996 dry, a year also earn hundreds of thousands of, and the appreciation of the house in the big market million rise is very easy, and basic 3 to 5 years will come a big market, these increase you have to rely on writing code to earn, to write how many years!

In China’s big cities, programmers’ wages are hardly rising as fast as housing prices, and the gap has been widening. A big city house is a programmer’s life capsule. Buying a house is buying stock in the city.

During the pandemic, the risk of not having a house to share increases dramatically. With a house, if something urgent need money, do credit loans or mortgage can quickly borrow a lot of money from the bank. No house bank will think you are poor, lend money to you afraid you can not afford to borrow or borrow very little.

Programmers buying a house matters needing attention

1, can buy three do not buy two rooms, to a few good gay friends bedroom is not enough. You also have to consider a second child house.

2, do not buy old broken small, these houses have no parking space difficult, the community supporting poor, live in the elderly.

3, buy a house should also look at the surrounding supporting facilities, such as school districts, subway, shopping malls, hospitals, CBD, river, etc.

4, do not buy an apartment (commercial nature of the house), although cheap, but after the transfer of high taxes and difficult to change hands. Do not buy tourism area property, do not buy shops, buy to buy property rights to buy residential housing.

5, can buy in the first-tier cities do not go to the second line, can buy in the second line do not go to the third line to buy, and so on.