Welcome to the world!!

Yesterday, the eyes of the world focused on Dongguan, focused on Hongmeng. Since it was added to the entity list by the United States in early May, imposing a series of sanctions. Hongmeng has been in the spotlight again and again. After a long period of controversy and speculation, the Oriental beauty finally emerged.

At the beginning, Yu Dasui first proposed “What era are we in today?” The problem. Reflecting on this problem, perhaps we will have a deeper understanding of the proposed and function of the Hongmeng system.

This paper reviews huawei’s existing ecosystem and analyzes its business trends. Huawei put forward “Smart life in all scenarios”. This is not only Huawei’s strategy, but also our daily life. Smart home, sports health, mobile office, smart travel, video and audio entertainment. It has penetrated into our daily lives and will continue to affect our lives in the future.

In the face of this “all-scene intelligent age of everything connected”, we need new experiences and ecology. Operating systems are the cornerstone and core of the ecosystem. What kind of system can meet our needs? PC era: Windows, Linux, macOS. There’s Android, iOS, iPad OS.

What is the OS of the future?

Faced with this problem, Huawei’s answer is: Hongmeng OS! HarmonyOS, a fully distributed OS based on microkernels.

Hongmeng implies “the creation of heaven and earth”, for China’s operating system to bring different power. In English, Huawei did not choose the literal translation: Genesis. Instead, it took a similar sound: Harmony. Coincidentally, Harmony means Harmony and Huawei chose it in the hope of bringing more peace to the world.

Then, Yu introduced hongmeng system from the perspectives of distributed architecture, natural fluency, kernel security and ecological sharing.

Distributed architecture

Hongmeng’s architecture also uses the idea of layering. An efficient and secure microkernel supports a rich ecosystem of upper-layer services.

Huawei pioneered the use of distributed architecture in terminal OS. Realized: distributed task scheduling, distributed data management, hardware virtualization, distributed soft bus.

In view of this architecture, Huawei uses its years of accumulation in the communications industry to simplify the intermediate protocol.

Natural smooth

Hongmeng’s fluency has to come from the bottom of CPU scheduling. Big mouth through the highway traffic lane separation example, vividly explained the Hongmeng CPU scheduling algorithm: real-time load analysis and prediction, matching characteristics, accurate scheduling performance.

Claim: Response delay reduced by 25.7%; Delay volatility decreased by 55.6%.

Those of you who are familiar with the operating system must know how important it is to improve the performance of the IPC system. Back in the day, the granddaddy of microkernels was Mach. It was criticized early on for IPC performance bottlenecks.

In this area, It has a big advantage over QNX, a highly responsive in-car system, and Google’s new Fuchsia.

The kernel security

For mobile devices, fingerprint, payment and other high security user needs. Huawei has come up with a new architecture model.

We are all familiar with the power of root in the Android era, so much so that it is now almost strictly regulated by vendors. Hongmeng adopts the design of external core service isolation to enhance system security.

It is not only designed to be safe, but also formally verified by mathematical methods.

Formal validation can significantly improve security, but at a high cost! It used to be used only in aviation and chip design. So Huawei is spending a lot of money on security.

Yu Mouth also kua: ordinary operating system often can only reach EAL2, 3. HongMeng! Should have a 5 to 5+ rating.

Ecological Shared

In order to build a good ecosystem, Huawei not only provides rich cross-terminal, flexible layout adaptation, but also provides a dedicated IDE.

With the help of ark compiler, not only achieved a great increase in speed; It also supports a wide range of languages: C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, etc.

Behind all greatness is suffering

Behind today’s powerful Hongmeng system is the unremitting efforts of Huawei people. Although the current hongmeng kernel still contains Linux kernel, Hongmeng microkernel, LiteOS, but in the future will completely use their own Hongmeng microkernel.

On today’s glory and wisdom screen, Hongmeng will be on stage. In the future, Hongmeng will bloom more wonderful in PC, mobile phone, audio, VR and other equipment.

Never forget the man who dug the well

At the same time, we can not forget its soul – Chen Haibo.

Professor Chen not only contributed several papers to SOSP, the top academic conference on operating systems, but also became one of the two co-chairs of SOSP 2017 in 2017. Years of academic accumulation has achieved the glory of today’s Hongmeng.

Don’t know about microkernels and distribution?

Huawei touts Hongmeng as a microkernel distributed operating system. So do you know what it means?

The microkernel

In the 1980s, as business demand grew. The macro kernel system architecture represented by Unix is difficult to meet the needs of stability, maintainability and security.

In order to solve the problem of macrokernel, the idea of microkernel is put forward. The basic idea is: the kernel only provides the most basic functions, the function of the original macro kernel through system services to reduce the complexity of the kernel.

In recent years, more and more systems have adopted the microkernel architecture. For example, Google’s Fuchsia system for the future uses a microkernel.


In a traditional server architecture, system resources are concentrated in a mainframe of core servers. With the explosion of Internet users in recent years, business functions have become more complex. Centralized architectures demand more and more performance from servers, and the cost increases as hardware increases.

Facing these problems, the concepts of grid computing and computer networking are put forward. Gradually forming the concept of distribution. Distributed architecture is to divide complex services into groups of independent functions and use distributed computing technology to form unified services. Act as a system to external users.

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What do you expect from Hongmeng?

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