Recently with classmates took part in the big wide, is going to make a H5 interactive products, animation and interaction, the first to adopt is to use the canvas to achieve, but they are sensitive to the code is not even object-oriented development, also want to go in the face of a pile of objects and variables, careless slightly, will be an error or a computer CPU surge. So I spent some time making a small canvas solution (shamelessly telling myself it’s a small frame).
Support component development
Global drawing can be divided up among different components to draw, which also means that a large animation can be divided up among different people to make and then executed directly
var d={
name:"apple1",}Copy the code
This creates a layer of components, not surprisingly
Multi-layer execution
Here I separate the data layer, the drawing layer, and the logic layer. I just define it in the data layer, set up what I want to draw, and leave it to the logic layer to do the calculations
Var d={name:"apple1", path:function(){this.x=20; this.v=2; }, draw:function(){this.ctx.fillstyle ="red"; This. CTX. FillRect (enclosing x, 0200200); this.ctx.fill(); }, active:function(){this.x+=this.v; }}Copy the code
This way, we don’t have to worry about variables and other problems, and avoid a lot of drawing headaches
Emulate the DOM hierarchy
var a=new draw({
// Define and draw
child:[d],/ / child objects
active:function(){// Event animation processing
this.x+=1; }})Copy the code
The component is passed to the parent component and finally to the head component. Child objects can also be added to a single component
Single component capture
var gg=util.getEle(“ui”); It is easy to capture nodes and manipulate data to facilitate event and value passing within components
Next week, we will return to the update of the tutorial of Avatar Generator, which will update the related technical tutorial of Canvas and SVG irregularly. There will be actual combat type, master principle type, 2D 2.5D 3D, and linear algebra, physical graphics and other related basic knowledge will be involved. Solution portal: Canvas widget framework
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