Hik Front End Weekly | Issue 12

Annual summary & resource sharing

1. In 2020, I collected B station learning resources juejin.cn/post/691903…

B site should now be one of the video social learning websites, with the most young people, the average age is 21 years old, and it is also the platform leading the whole network in terms of educational background. The article summarizes the blogger’s opinion on the good up host and video.

2. 2020 of the first global JS mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YSlsUguNj…

Statistics of jS-related link usage and satisfaction in 2020 were made from all dimensions

3. The third SEE Conf 2020 video playback && PPT www.yuque.com/seeconf/202…

SEE Conf is ant Financial Experience Technology Conference. It is a “conference of the seers”. I hope that technology can SEE the value of design, and design can SEE the power of technology.

Good writing and learning

1. How I transferred from Vueer to React camp in 2021! Mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_U6MtxJ9_…

2. Why Tailwind Isn’t for Me dev. To/Jaredcwhite…

Take a look at five areas where the Tailwind framework is lacking

3. IMove principle technology revealed! Mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cfGdGp1VA…

Logic reuse really decouples at the technical level, a visual logic editor iMove

4. 2021 look at Deno (CDN for JavaScript Modules) juejin.cn/post/691938…

Uncle Wolf discusses the concept of CDN for JavaScript modules and the possible implementation methods. The nodeJS proposal has also been followed up

5. Snowpack v3.0 is introduced into the stream import www.snowpack.dev/posts/2021-…

Video address

6. mp.weixin.qq.com/s?…

Geeks and Tricks

1. 5 NPM Tricks you may not know about Using dev.to/nialljoemah…

NPM run, NPM list, NPM home/repo, NPM v, NPM outdated

2. CSS fancy border animations juejin.cn/post/691892…

3. 10 TypeScript advanced Tips for Boosting happiness juejin.cn/post/691947…

4. How to use CSS properties to stop CSS animation css-tricks.com/how-to-play…

Codepen link