Front-end early chat conference, a new starting point for front-end growth, jointly held with the Nuggets. Add Scott WeChat codingdreamer into assembly technology group, the twentieth | front special management, 2021-1-23, online live broadcast.

New a live round table this afternoon, the ant group researcher, pay treasure to experience the department head – jade “to talk to you the front end of the” how to build good team, “registration stamp:

This is the fourteenth session of the early talk about growth and promotion, and the 103rd session of the early talk, from the text version of dingding-Yong’s speech (please see the video and PPT for the complete version).

First, about me

As for my education, I did have a high school education and graduated from high school in 2005, so I have worked for 15 years now. However, some of the work I did in the first 5 years is not related to the front end. In fact, I have been working in the front end for about 10 years.

Opinions on academic degree

First of all, I am not an advocate of the futility of learning. I believe that learning is very useful, and academic education is also worth investing in. Even though we are working now, it is still necessary to put some effort into academic education.

As for my own academic background, I think it may be a common mind. I don’t think it’s shameful to say that my education is low, and I don’t think that my education is high. My view of my academic record is normal heart, everyone still mainly see your ability on the job rather than academic record.

Content to share

Maybe there are tutorials on how to be a XXX on the Internet, various secrets to let you from a little white to what kind of routine experts will have, and some advanced points will analyze various job models. But I don’t want to share that, WHAT I want to share is some of my experience and mentality, some of my life process from the very beginning to the present, and I want to give people who may be at a similar stage to me a sense of how I went through that process.

Three critical time periods

It has been about 15 years since I entered the society, and then I have roughly divided into three periods.

The first stage is the first five years of entering the society. I graduated from high school in 2005. By the way, I majored in sports in high school, and the advantage that sports may bring to you is that you may be physically better. The body is really important, good body is the key to support me all the way.

Back to the topic, I first entered the society from 2005 to 2010. During this period, I did a lot of work. I think what is interesting is that I worked as a network administrator at the beginning and then as a network administrator in the future.

The second stage is from 2011 to 2017. At this stage, I started to work in front end formally. First, I outsourced to Baidu, then became a regular employee, and gradually promoted to T3, T4 and T5 within Baidu.

The last stage is from 2017 to now. In 2017, I decided to return to Hangzhou from Beijing and join Dingding. Then I was promoted from P6 to P7 in Dingding, that is, I became a front-end technical expert now.

Two, the first five years of life, toss and plan

I feel that the first five years of my life were a lot of trouble and I took part in a variety of jobs. In the first five years, I had no direction and no plan. Let me talk about the plan first.

You may normally there will be some passive summary and planning, as some daily daily, weekly, some companies may have some quarter OKR to focus the next phase of the target, then there is some semi-annual or annual so some reporting on activities, however, these things may be the whole company level go up to give us some summary and planning for a time, It is a passive timing for us. If you have a chance, I hope you can think about what I want to do in three or five years. Of course I probably didn’t think as much or as deeply when I stepped out into the world, but now THAT I look back on it, if I had thought more then, IT would have been better now.

Ten jobs in five years

In the first five years, my first job after graduating from high school was network management. In the following years, I worked as a front-line general worker such as setting up stalls, selling goods and even going to factories. I am a kind of assembly-line worker. At that time, I was in charge of pressing a crystal oscillator on the PCB board on the assembly line. I kept pressing it until my thumb couldn’t bend and I couldn’t even hold my chopsticks while eating.

There are other kinds of jobs, and I don’t want you to follow my example of changing jobs all the time. How do you understand that I’ve had 10 jobs in 5 years? It’s like we did some summer jobs in college. If it is a formal job, you should not change jobs frequently. Every job should be held for at least two years. Only when you do it can you know whether you really can’t do the job or the environment is not suitable for you.

Find your Purpose

For the first five years, I was constantly switching jobs. What was the main purpose of cutting back and forth? Actually, I don’t know what my purpose is.

Because there are also a lot of colleagues, students, they say in the university in the future also want to find a job. And I thought, well, you’re in college and I’m in college, but I went to a social college, and I figured out what I wanted to do in a social college, and it was that simple.

An opportunity to step out of your comfort zone

In the first five years of my life, I worked as a network administrator at the very beginning and then as a network administrator. Back in 2005, I remember the salary of the webmaster was 680 yuan a month, and then in 2009, it was 3600 yuan a month. 3600 yuan may not seem like much now, but I remember the rent was 260 yuan. What’s the concept? If you compare it to today, the money you rent is about 15 times your current salary, is it much?

So at that time to see the network management this job I actually do is very comfortable, because the salary is not a lot, and then not too tired. The network management in the Internet bar is from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening, or from 8 in the evening to 8 in the morning, there is no special hard places, sometimes I even think I may be a lifetime network management.

You really don’t have to jump out of it, stay in a comfortable place, get used to being in your comfort zone, and then you might try to learn something or do something, but you’ll never know what challenges you’ll face in the future.

The soul of the boss

Because the market of Internet cafes was particularly good at that time, our boss was going to open a new sub-internet cafe, and then the boss asked a word, we may have 300 machines in the new Internet cafe, 300 machines how to carry out a network? After I received this question, I was just silent, thinking…

Because I never thought this problem at that time, no systematic learning network knowledge, at the time of my own knowledge does not support me to solve this problem, and then the boss might feel not too not bashful, because the network is responsible for the daily affairs will be a little more, like network system maintenance, Internet cafes are some professional people to do, My boss felt a little sorry and told me to forget it.

I’m actually gonna have to apologize to my boss later. Why? Because I decided to quit my job.

Objective to determine

In the first five years, I was a network manager at the beginning. I thought I was a very happy network manager, but after accepting the soul torture of the boss, I found that I was really a very ignorant network manager.

I think this is a good thing, I feel their ignorance, shame, pain, I want to become a better myself, I want to become a more professional network management. Right! I want to become a professional network management, this time the front end does not matter.

Become a professional network manager

So I decided to resign and attend a training program full-time to learn how to be a professional network administrator and to take the professional qualification examination. At that time, I also studied a lot of schools. Finally, I participated in the vocational training of a network engineer in Nanchang. At that time, MY goal was to take the CCNA certification examination of Cisco.

But edge ~ wonderful, just in the training course, the most behind a small part of the course is belongs to the Web front end, there will be some front-end foundation, what HTML, CSS, JS, there are some ASP related knowledge of the server. When I was learning these knowledge courses, I thought the front end was very interesting, interesting and easy to master. I felt that the front end was destined for me.

More predestiny is looking for a job, I tried to find the position of network engineer and front-end development engineer at the same time, found that the front-end job is really easy to find, casually fooling DIV + CSS on the surface, nothing else, nothing to look at.

Through the professional training of network, I think one of the biggest gains for me is to master some basic knowledge of computer, and some basic knowledge of network, so that when I do front-end work in the back, it is not difficult to understand the part related to the network, especially easy to understand the past.

These network knowledge is actually very important basic knowledge, I suggest that every student can go to understand. I believe that some interviewers often ask what TCP/IP, HTTP protocol, and there is often a classic question: what is the process of our webpage from opening to presentation, among which the network part is very important.


To sum up, in the first five years after I entered the society, my goal in life was vaguely set. I wanted to live a clear life and didn’t want to be like a machine in a factory, doing whatever others asked me to do. I hope to know what I want and strive towards it. At that time, my career goal was front-end development, and I also acquired some basic knowledge of many necessary skills. In my opinion, the most important thing is patience and communication.

We may see some jokes on the Internet, there are customers Shouting: “network management, my QQ number password is what?” “Network management, why my computer is not turned on”, “Network management give me the next Q coin”… And so on and so forth, actually I’ve dealt with all of these things, and the experience of dealing with these things will help me a lot later in my career.

What help? Our front end is the nearest end of the user, and some of the products and interfaces that we make, when we give them to our customers, they’re really not as smart as we think, right? We have to treat them like a little baby and take care of them, not think they know everything. After this stage of my life, this is when I can say I really started my career in the front end.

Learn & be the real front end

The second stage is about learning, learning to be a real front end. First talk about after I take part in the training, to participate in the related work of the first front end of the real is in the front for a web start-up, the company’s network operations, part-time development sites at the same time, then I am also in that from one of the most basic front-end engineer, less than a year, slowly do roles such as technical director or the director.

Not because I’m bad, because the person is very few, and then the better as well as technical director of the gone, so I will go up, don’t give yourself limits, is not only the front team, the service side team, and stylist, I would go to management, finally will go run the client with our sales, to persuade party a father with some of our products. It can be said that I was really working this time, thinking that I was really responsible for the company and the team, but LATER I still left.

Talk about the first time you left your job

Is very simple, do things slowly off their own direction, heart’s desire, necessary, the ultimate goal I still want to be a good a front-end developer, feeling for the first time, very painful feeling, in the face of you from 0 ~ 1 create a team, the whole team work to it, then you have feelings with those friends.

Eventually went to Beijing, leaving after the discovery and imagination, I thought Beijing is advanced than nanchang technology, into the system, is not actually, or the work content, even simpler, that is a small company, do teenagers education, at that time the front and the service side basically has not separate, I especially like a duck to water, all kinds of things.

How to Join Baidu

But do bottom go to, to back is because the company is too small, the entire front-end technology stack is old, MVC separation didn’t do, nothing can be a direction of development, main is to deal with the business to do something, it is for this reason I decided to leave, there was a chance to join the baidu, although is outsourcing status.

How can I join Baidu? The first is our front technical ability, they will ask some of the basic knowledge, I think it’s necessary, another is in that company for WEB before IM project, this is a very important technical window, at the same time I can from the front to the back end, database structure, message mechanism, these things can speak understand, the highlight skills is very important.

This skill highlight does not mean that I read it from an article, or my own view of a certain technology. It is a real and solid project. I think it is this point that impressed the interviewer, and then he asked me to join Baidu.

Low point: Case Study

After working for a period of time, I became a regular employee by chance. However, after I became a regular employee, I felt that it would be a low point in my technical career. I made some wrong decisions and got bad results.

First of all, I dare not get promoted. After I joined Baidu, I found the people around me were very excellent. At that time, I joined the Web front-end RESEARCH and development Department also called WebFE, and there were many talents in the department. ECharts, UEditor and FIS are all hosted by those big guys. I was doing Baidu’s front-end JS class library Tangram and UI library Magic at that time, but I also felt that what I was doing was not challenging. Anyway, my colleagues around me were particularly strong.

There is a bigger mistake, is passively accept work, what is passively accept work? What is a need in your business, what your leader tells you to do, you do it, and then the leader says support other departments, well, you do it. However, if you never think about the relationship between you and the team goal, even if you think you have done a good job, the whole team will not recognize you, so I got the performance 4.

Main reason was the back of a pot, at the same time to participate in team projects and support other lines of business, want to be on both sides, both sides are not ready, some of them are their reasons, some of them are the external reasons, also very pleased to participate in Case Study, don’t know is led pot assembly at the time, the result no one endorsement for you, no one said you did a good job, No one understands why.

Opportunity: New team

Bad things don’t always have been, at that time also have a chance, other teams would be constantly secondment, UE team at that time, is baidu user experience team, secondment to do some support in the past, like some common data collection tools, some research platform, support the process of the two sides are all very happy, you totally behind to turn over.

Team is very important, before I was a developer, the role of passive to accept work assigned, but inside the UE team, I’m sorry, you do not have leadership, at least you don’t have a technology leader, they don’t know how to teach you, they will just say I now have this platform, this month we have a what kind of goal, you can achieve, I said: OK, no problem. I can handle it all.

This is when you feel empowered, your energy is unleashed, and you can do what you want to do and do it in whatever way you can think of.

Challenge: more responsibilities and opportunities

At that time, the User Experience Department of Baidu had a brand recognition transformation strategy for baidu as a whole in the middle of 2005. The goal was to create a bear IP, so that young people would think of Baidu as an active and young company, rather than a serious and old-school company. To this end, we need to do some Logo eggs, operating games, doll mass production management system and other aspects of support.

In baidu user experience this department, it is about three roles, visual designers, interaction designers, and with a research engineer, they have a series of tool platform, like design walkthrough system, one of the more important is research system, then use the questionnaire is limeSurvey an open source system, very bad often collapse, experience is also very bad, There is an urgent need for revision.

Based on this, in the face of these challenges, I have no retreat, one thing to do, and ready to bring me a result, for two consecutive years of performance is 2 and 1 file, got behind baidu user experience of “special cultural leadership award”, “special contribution award”, and baidu company level “blue-chip talents award”, was very happy.

Failure: Introspection returns to ignorance

Life is not always smooth sailing, not always down, also not always happy. At that time, the most serious problem is the failure to promote T6, Baidu T6 target is now the Level of technical experts.

I was in charge of a department’s technical support for baidu’s branding strategy, and I was able to create a product 0-1. There was no shortage of technology and commercialization planning. I also led a technical team, why was I not qualified? Before I could figure it out, a series of shocks hit, some black swans happened, there was a major organizational change, and the project I was working on ended up not being able to continue, and I returned to a development role.

Now that I think about it, this is not a bad thing. I wonder if I still lack the ability to lead the team and this product to a better development. If so, now I take a step back, if I change a business to change a perspective, can I still reach that height? I began to feel like I was ignorant again, that I didn’t know what I was missing.

Conclusion: Return to ignorance

To summarize my second phase, becoming a real front end, I should say becoming a real front end. There’s a product, there’s a team, and importantly there’s frustration and failure and ignorance. Ignorance is important, it feels like I’m back 5 years ago, 5 years ago I decided to change from a network manager to a more professional network manager, I want to be a more professional front end, worthy of the T6 front end evaluation.

Four, talk about learning

Before moving on to the next stage, I’d like to talk to you about learning, because learning is actually an unavoidable topic. How do you learn?

How to ask questions

Learning knowledge, learning while asking, when talking about learning, the problem is not around the past. We must talk about how to ask questions first, so that the right questions can get the right answers. Before, we saw that the lecturer’s sharing is to define the problem, find the problem and solve the problem. You have to know what the question is, you don’t know what your question is, how can you get the right answer?

Another is before you ask questions, you have to do some preliminary steps, have you ever to search, you see if someone else is treated with the same question, 99% of the problem can be solved through search you, if you met someone didn’t come across problems, congratulations, you have to another level, you have found a new problem.

Knowledge classification

In the process of learning, the most important thing is to know what you are learning. Is it one of the most urgent needs? Is it helpful to their long-term development? Instead of covering up your strategic laziness with tactical diligence every day, let’s talk about the classification of knowledge. My classification is not quite the same as the classification of others on the Internet.

Other people may classify knowledge into learnable knowledge, primitive knowledge and so on. My knowledge classification is my own experience classification, and I think it can be divided into:

  • General fundamentals, like mathematics and computer fundamentals, design patterns, are very general, and the more you understand the basics, the better.
  • Professional domain knowledge is what we eat, such as the principle of our browser, including Webkit, ES6 basic professional knowledge, these things we have to master thoroughly.
  • React or Vue is a tool-level feature that you can use as you need it.
  • Other things, things like project management, agile development, visual design, things that can help us do better.

Learn on the job

Another is how to learn and where to learn. A lot of people always say that there is no special time to study, how to do that? Learn on the job!

This is a very good way to look at the people around you, if you don’t have people who are better than you, then you should be on your guard. Just like I worked in Nanchang and Beijing before, there are no people around me who are better than me. I am already the best among them. If I stay in that environment all the time, I can’t go beyond this range. Because I am still at a basic stage of knowledge, THERE is no way to create a new stage from scratch. At this time, the main task is to learn from excellent people. If my environment does not support my upward study, I will consider changing my environment.

What can you learn from the best people around you? Learn how they manage their time, what makes them so productive, do they write code in the morning, or do they have meetings in the morning? How they communicate and coordinate, how they communicate with the upstream and downstream of our entire business, how they communicate with our business associates, how they communicate across teams, how to reach consensus on our business and how to carry it forward are very important.

Learn from them the most basic, such as how to write their code, how to design their technical solution, of course, the most important is, when you face a challenge facing the things you don’t understand, you don’t quit, you want to go straight, as long as your attitude, everyone will help you, when everyone is to help you and you will learn more.

Choose work is choose life

In the third stage of my life, AT this stage, I chose to work in Hangzhou Dingding. I heard before that Dingding might be a startup company that was very hard and had to work overtime. I thought to myself, “Too yong too simple”. I felt relaxed even after 12 hours of network management in the past. I also worked in the factory, so I could try working overtime to see who could resist better.

To people who work for a period of time, choose to do what kind of job that really determines what kind of life after, if in Beijing, I have been in a large factory line, there is still no courage to continue living, hangzhou might be a little hope, because my hometown in jiangxi side at the same time, it may be a little closer, You can get home in five hours if you need it.

At this stage, I hope THAT I can complete the overall upgrade and continue to upgrade my self-awareness. I want to figure out why I failed in the past and how TO go in the future.

Why join Dingding

Why I said at first from baidu to join to nailing side work, I was in fact the interview is not just a nail, including tencent, bytes other companies, and ali other BU, but nailing is the only agreed to at the weekend, or time interview work, 8, 9, 10 PM, Saturday and Sunday.

As before to face ali cloud, I told him that I can arrange in the weekend, weekday when our time is tight, we didn’t also the way to talk so deep, and HR said no, the interviewer don’t have the time, I feel particularly surprised, how face a try on the weekend, weekend, more time, everyone to be able to more in-depth understanding of each other, right?

Of course, another reason is that AT that time, I was interviewed for a position in the front end of intelligent hardware, mainly engaged in router, which made me very excited and I really wanted to do it. Why? Because MY initial stage is to want to be a professional network management, network this I am familiar with ~

At that time, we were working in hupan Garden, a small house in this community where Jack Ma founded Alibaba. We worked in that house. There were about 20 or 30 people in a three-room house with no work station. What was my feeling at that time? Dingpin itself was a startup company, and I was doing a startup project in a startup company. Router was also a startup project, and it was likely to do well or fail.

For me, this is the life I choose, to accept greater challenges, I am willing to accept these challenges, I want to see what I can achieve in this challenge, I want to face more unknown things, let my ability to get a growth.

Low point: Projects fail

There are always successes and failures in entrepreneurial projects. After more than a year of work on the router, one painful thing happened, namely, the organizational structure adjustment, and the intelligent hardware business division and the router project were lost, for various reasons. What do you do when this happens? I really had a lot of ideas at that time, should I try to change departments? Or change jobs?

Alibaba has some cultural values, one of which is to embrace change, that is, when change comes, it is useless to complain and useless to escape. You have to think about what your value is. What can be done?

Encounter this kind of systemic changes, my way is to multiple product lines, to various lines of business to output their ability, let them see the value of you, of course there will always be people who will see your value, and is willing to accept you, is willing to offer for you, finally I went to the business team, now we are now the team is a special service in the big customer business team, Make some custom requirements.

Spiral upward

Looking back from the current time point, the failure of the router project and the Case Study in Baidu before are actually at a very confused stage, and I don’t know where to go. But as long as you look forward, as long as you move forward, some good teams, organizations will find you, adjust you, put you in the right position, in this process, the most important thing is to have some output.

Router during the project, I made some of the most important output is an end-to-end technology, made some interesting features, I accumulated the results came out, and I put it products and data results received, then there is in every business line to fight, to help them do some output, to do what was relatively advanced, no one has done the front end of the interactive technology.

Promotion and return to ignorance

In this way, the continuous output, when helping each business line to do things, keeps accumulating fruit, helps the business line to do things, also helps myself to do technical precipitation, accumulated at the appropriate time, finally got its result: promotion.

Promotion is an upgrade, self-awareness to upgrade, can say now I understand why in baidu promotion T6 failure, also knew that he had enough cognition and action on business can push me, I can also promote the business, it’s time to pay attention to the next stage, past experience has taught me, should let yourself back to the state of ignorance, Re-learn from the higher level.

6. Talk about promotions

Next, I want to talk with you about promotion. I failed to get promoted in Baidu before, and NOW I have figured it out. The specific reasons for promotion will be discussed in detail, and the following is a key content: structured expression.

Structured expression

Even though I was at Dingding for more than two years, almost three years, when my leaders and my line of business leaders came back to us and said, what’s called structured presentation, you have to think about what are the challenges of this thing, what are the strategies, how do you do it, and what are the results? The truth of these words I know every word from beginning to end, but you have to put it together, you don’t know that behind every word represent represent what things, you only have yourself personally done to the structured expression of the above, to think about it, this is a way of thinking, will you be able to understand the structured express its focus?

Why did you get the promotion

Let’s talk about why I think I was promoted.

First of all, the most basic is the ability to reach the standard, and whether others’ impression and label on you meet the standard of promotion, what is the impression of others to me? End-to-end technology, front-end interactive technology, this is the impression label through the PPT, I expressed correctly in the promotion, the promotion judge approved, then the label is knocked down.

Another is the team formation at the organizational level. When the business scale is small, the cost should be considered. When the business scale is predictable, the team needs to be expanded, which naturally requires someone to be promoted and influence more students to better promote the business development.

In the process of promotion and preparation, the help of the team is very important. The source of business data, coordination of work and assignment of task results all need to be negotiated.

Preparation for promotion

The first stage is focusing. I will not write PPT at the beginning. I will give a brain map to analyze how to properly express my ability label, which projects and cases to pass, and how to make choices. Then you can focus on the TL of the structure and the business line and the technical line to make sure there is no problem with what I said.

After that, go to prepare your PPT presentation, and prepare some of your data materials in the PPT presentation. Any project you’ve done, what kind of problem it solved, how much DAU it increased or how much performance it increased, it’s important to show that what I’m doing is valuable.

The last one is a very detailed point. I typed out my speech word by word and then checked it word by word. Think about whether the judges are following my lead as I speak, which sentences SHOULD I put an accent on, which bits of useless information should I cut out, whether the background is clear enough, whether the setup is too heavy, ok, those are some of my tricks.

We’re going to think of a promotion as a 30-minute interview, and you’re going to get someone who doesn’t know you very well, and within 30 minutes you’re going to sell yourself, and you’re going to tell them that I have these qualities that qualify me for a promotion. Don’t worry that the judges think your basic ability is not good, you just have to sit here to prove that the whole team, your leaders recognize your ability, all you need to do is to tell you what you have done very distinctive parts, what you want the judges to think of you as a technical expert.

Are you willing to accept the challenge?

Work on startup projects at startups

The choice of work is the choice of life, in the nail nail work did not imagine 996 overtime, weekends do not work overtime, even if I participate in a start-up project. In addition, the entrepreneurial project has been challenging my upper limit and stimulating my growth from various aspects such as business, technical depth and technical breadth. This feeling is great! At the same time, there are also good material returns. Once Dingding can be listed independently, it is estimated that it will be true wealth and freedom. At that time, there will be funds, technology, and vision to do whatever you want.

At present, my team has two directions, one is the direction of internationalization, hoping that in the next 3 ~ 5 years, we can get enough market share in the international market through appropriate Web products. It is a bit exaggerated, and can be regarded as a new nail to some extent.

The other is the services related to key customers, providing customized services for benchmark customers in the industry. Students with ideas can contact me here (add Scott’s wechat account: Codingdreamer to join the lecturer recruitment group).

Recommend a book

The following is the traditional part of the early chat, I recommend you a book, “Thinking, Fast and slow”, fast thinking is subconscious, the book says that people have two thinking systems, system 1, system 2.

System one is quick thinking. For example, when the product asks you whether I can fulfill a demand, you subconsciously think that this demand is unreliable and want to reject it.

System 2 is slow thinking. For example, if you calm down and think, although the demand is unreliable and the logic is not clear, the goal is to provide customers with a better experience. I will sort out the internal logic in depth to help the product improve the demand.

If only system in your brain, you run into problems, you only will make a decision to subconsciously, intuitive to a feedback, then in fact you’ll be at your own psychological comfort zone, we can take a step back, often slow step, really to think rationally, so that more and more deep, slowly system have depth.

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