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Front end nuggets brochure recommended

Xiaobian select recommended to buy the front end of the related gold nuggets booklet, can be bought 20% off.

1. 20 percent off purchase: The way of front-end interview — YCK

You may not have much time to study, or know what to learn to improve your skills. For front-end developers, as soon as possible to establish a complete front-end knowledge framework, understand the current big factory often test knowledge points, master interview skills, is a serious matter worth paying attention to.

2. 20% off purchase: WebGL Introduction and Practice

3. 20% off purchase: Front-end performance optimization principles and Practices

4. 20% discount purchase: Analyze vue. js internal operation mechanism – dye momo

This small volume is intended to explain the internal workings of vue.js in a more user-friendly and intuitive way for beginners. Divide vue. js into several small modules and explain the dependency and call relationship between modules. Then the core part of the source code is extracted and compressed, and each module is shown in the form of a small Demo, with the minimum code to explain the internal implementation. After mastering the core principles of these modules, to read vue.js source code or solve vue.js problems, I believe it will be more handy.

5. 20% off purchase: Git principle details and practical guide – throw line

To summarize: Git is hard to learn because its concepts are hard to understand as a whole. This book, from a conceptual point of view, helps you to understand the essence of Git working model, and then to understand its specific use, so as to achieve a great learning effect. This learning is also more persistent, and it will be hard to forget Git usage after reading this booklet.

6. 20% off purchase: Use NPM Script to create super smooth front-end workflow – Wang Shijun

The entry point for this short book is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use NPM Script to create a lightweight yet complete front-end workflow. Even if you’re a command line nerd, you’ll be able to keep up, and the book will introduce you to more advanced topics based on actual front-end projects. By the end of this volume, you will be familiar with the various gadgets and techniques used to create front-end workflows using NPM Script.

7. React Combat: Design patterns and best practices

React is one of the most popular web development frameworks, attracting web developers around the world with its simplicity and ease of use. React is just a tool. It doesn’t force developers to follow a certain path when developing apps. However, it also makes developers confused. The purpose of this booklet is to dispel confusion among React users and help them find quick solutions to their problems.

8. 20% discount purchase: Taro multi-terminal development principle and project combat

In the context of a “big front end,” business products are unlikely to be developed individually for each end due to cost and efficiency issues. However, if you use Taro, you can only write one set of code, and then compile the source code separately to run on different ends (wechat applet, H5, App, etc.) through Taro’s compilation tool. Taro also provides syntax detection and automatic completion functions out of the box, effectively improving the development experience and development efficiency.

9. 20% off purchase: Web front-end interview guide and high-frequency test questions analysis – Alex007

This booklet refers to the general interview process, starting from “preparation”, through “one (technical interview)”, “two (focus on non-technical ability)” and “HR interview” four parts, through the whole interview process. The three parts of “preparation”, “non-technical interview” and “HR interview” are universal. The part of “technical interview” will first sort out the framework of the front-end knowledge system, and then find out the required knowledge points, and then explain and analyze the classic questions.