First of all, the technical platform composition


Before the emergence of the concept of mid-stage, in the information model, the front end is the application end supporting the business, while the back end is the application system providing services for the front-end users, such as customers, suppliers, partners and society. However, with the variability of the market, user needs and business, the rigid application at the bottom cannot provide timely support. Enterprises need a strong middle layer to provide support for high-frequency and changeable business, and provide multi-access channels for different audiences. Based on this demand, the concept of “middle platform” emerged, and then began to have a great conceptual impact on enterprise customers, middleware manufacturers, data platform manufacturers, and even traditional application software manufacturers. At the same time, microservices technology and architecture, containerized ecology, Devops concepts and tools are in the stage of big development, and finally the informatization construction mode based on “big middle stage, small front stage” becomes popular.

  1. The concept

For the big in Taiwan, there is no very strict definition, each enterprise to its understanding is different, some in technology to use the big in Taiwan mode, some in business to use the big in Taiwan mode, some will combine the two. The mechanism of “big middle, small front desk” was first put forward ali, mainly used in O2O online collaborative, electricity and other scenes, for electricity, is a rapidly changing market environment, and the front desk is one of the main line of business, then you need a powerful technology China provide rapid design method and the systemic back-end services, to respond to market changes, Be flexible and quick to develop strategies.

  1. Application mode

In terms of the relationship between Ali platform and individual merchants, although they are independent subjects, they can not be distinguished from each other to some extent because of the connection between businesses. For Ali, the front desk in the concept of “big middle desk, small front desk” emphasizes innovation and flexibility. Including cloud computing, big data, retail e-commerce, advertising, logistics and distribution, after-sales maintenance and other businesses; The Center emphasizes coordination, planning and control, and provides the underlying technology, data and other resources support for the front desk business. Most of the products are platform system products, which are generally outsourcing, open source and self-research. Different enterprises have different proportions.

China division Now the big middle model no longer constrained in electricity industry, gradually along with the development and evolution to large enterprise group, and for the whole group to provide operational data ability, technical skills, ability to support, product, etc., at this time for the partition and the use of large middle China is no longer just technology, also include China, middle data, business China together.

  1. Based on China

The basic medium platform is the bottom foundation support of the large medium platform mode, also known as PaaS container layer. For the medium platform mode, the platform is required to be flexible and efficient, which means the choice of container cluster management and container cloud platform is very important. Whether the technology is applied properly will directly affect the development efficiency and operation and maintenance degree of the platform. Docker and K8S take the lead in this regard, and the corresponding concepts of DevOPS and CI/CD are also emerging.

Agile development and DevOps are both ideas for delivering products better and faster, and CI/CD is a way to achieve both ideas: continuous integration, continuous delivery. These ideas, tools and methodologies support the Central Taiwan model as the basic central Taiwan component.

  1. Technology of China

China technology is not unfounded, as the product of the evolution of the development of the platform architecture, technically, the continuation of the platform architecture of high technology of middle polymerization, loose coupling, high availability of data and easy integration of resources, after combining micro service mode, will in the sinking to the infrastructure of enterprise’s core business, based on the separation of front and back side pattern, To create a shared platform for enterprises to connect everything and integrate everything, the technology architecture is as follows:

It can be seen from the technology architecture that the bottom layer provides the application layer, that is, enterprise information system or partner customer related information system; The upper layer is integrated PaaS layer, which integrates middleware products and technologies such as service bus, data bus, identity management and portal platform as technical support. DaaS data layer gives full play to the capabilities of data governance, data calculation and configuration analysis by combining master data and big data technologies through the data center. The service center layer and the shared service layer jointly support the industry business in the application layer and provide personalized services for users.

  1. Data from China

With the advent of the digital era, the Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies are promoting the digital transformation of traditional enterprises. In the future, enterprises’ management of people, things and things will be completely replaced by digitalization. In the data center, enterprises will be helped to carry out data management and build digital operation capability. The data Center not only manages service data, but also collects, stores, calculates, configures, and presents massive data. The data center architecture is as follows: Can be seen from the bottom-up, mainly from the system, the social networking, the network channels such as structured or semi-structured, and unstructured data, according to the required forms to select different technology to access data, after the data into the corresponding database for processing, clean up the dirty data through the master data governance, ensure the consistency of the data required, accuracy, integrity, After that, the data will be extracted or distributed to the computing platform, and multi-dimensional analysis and processing will be carried out according to business segments and themes through different analysis means. After that, valuable data will be obtained for display and decision-making analysis.

  1. Business in China

Data technology of China from a technical perspective, China from the perspective of business data, business data in the enterprise global perspective, from the overall strategy, business support, connection, users, business innovation and so on to carry on the overall planning, the basis of China, China technology, data middle joint support to China construction business, middle business architecture is as follows:

The underlying PaaS as the core of the China Internet as a support, will often open source, outside the mining, the research of information system, such as platform as the foundation of ability in core technology, through the system integration, business process reengineering, data governance analysis and a series of activities to provide support for enterprise business, formed the unique business layer, Connect upstream and downstream partners, internal and external customers, equipment and resource systems, establish a balanced ecological environment, support business development and innovation.

Preconditions With the evolution of the “big medium platform, small front stage” mode, many enterprises began to imitate the big medium platform this business model, but not all enterprises can successfully implement the strategy, in fact, the construction of big medium platform, like the construction of big data platform, must have specific preconditions. The following is mainly analyzed from the aspects of industry characteristics, enterprise size and technological strength.

  1. Industry characteristics

Big China strategy is based on Internet background, is by the electricity industry rise, but the user community oriented ToB, used in the building industry ecosystem, bridging upstream suppliers and downstream distributors/dealers business, help enterprises to the front desk close to the user, to provide better and more humanized service, improving the user experience, to speed up the business interaction frequency, The middle and back office provide control coordination and technical support. At the current stage, the mode of “big middle platform, small front desk” has begun to be built in finance, banking, government, energy and other industries.

  1. Business volume

The construction of the mode of big China and Taiwan has higher requirements on the size of enterprises, which are usually leading enterprises and industries, with huge and complex organizational structure, numerous powerful subsidiaries or subordinate units, and diversified business as a whole: multi-plate and multi-format. The group has sufficient capital strength, strong technical team, good information infrastructure construction, and strong ability to integrate business and upstream and downstream business and information systems.

  1. Technical strength

For enterprises to build large middle business model, the internal need to have a certain technical strength, the first of its own business and have a deeper understanding of the business process model, after the middle need technology/products (open source/not open source) have a solid foundation, so that the follow-up maintenance achievements in China at the same time found the problem and make improvements, If the current enterprise does not have the ability to independently build or maintain the achievements in Taiwan, it can cooperate with some manufacturers with strong technical strength to complete the construction, and can quickly learn from the other party’s ability in the process of construction.

Construction mode After meeting the above preconditions, enterprises usually divide the construction of the large and medium platform into three modes: one is all outsourcing, outsourced to the implementation team; One is to absorb open source fusion business, and then open source the results; One is the combination of self-research and open source. Each mode will be elaborated below.

  1. External procurement

Exclude information team capability, using the model of enterprise usually has the abundant fund, or outside the industry characteristics and business and the big middle product or technology framework has a certain similarity, business content have high reusability, otherwise will cost more in terms of the unique business custom development cost of manpower, time, money, do more harm than good. For the outsourcing mode, we usually buy open middleware platform products, such as ESB, Portal, IDM, MDM, BI, etc. as technical and data middleware to provide capability support.

  1. Based on the open source

The model enterprises usually have their own team of informatization, of course not rule out some companies pay attention to time cost and direct well-paid professional information team make great China architecture, for the underlying technology, do not need to spend too much time to the research, using open source framework and the product as a support, for proprietary business, combining with the extension development, To build a large and medium platform framework for its own business development. Based on this model, some enterprises will open source all or part of their research results for other similar industries to use for reference.

  1. Independent research and development

Use team also have this kind of model of enterprise informatization, on the architecture technology of China, do not want to adopt external absorption technology, the expansion of the platform is also reluctant to follow-up and maintenance are limited by others, specialising in the specific business or technical product selection from the research, the underlying generic framework in the current open source technology and products, Part of the technical and data center involves the outsourcing of product selection, and based on the ability of absorbing and learning product use in the process of implementation by the external technical team, the later maintenance and expansion.

  1. Best practices

Both the micro services and the big China Platform concept are based on the unique business of the Chinese market and evolved from the traditional architecture model. Both the construction results and the role they play are more suitable for the development of the Chinese model. The current construction of the big China Platform should also follow the best practices unique to the Chinese market.

Big middle model not only to the enterprise internal control, the whole to the supporting methods of the business model and marketing channels, build time should pay attention to the construction of China’s overall control ability, in the case of with sufficient manpower, financial resources, also don’t have to use all the self-built model, for generic class software development for outside the mining, the original manufacturers to provide technical support and Construction of main business is given priority to with self-built, some technical platform combined with external mining products, integrated solutions to implementation, focus on measuring the openness, agility, scalability and maintainability of products, the implementation of the team’s maturity and professionalism, knowledge transfer, enterprises in the process of construction of complete skills training, knowledge transfer, and the best practices of precipitation, Subsequently, the platform will be built, expanded, transformed and maintained independently, and finally the autonomous and controllable construction of the central Taiwan will be realized.

With the emergence of “big middle stage, small front stage” mode, many people will be compared with the micro services and PaaS platform, SOA, which are very hot some time ago. Today, the author here will make a comparative analysis of the relationship between PaaS platform, micro services, SOA and big middle stage.

  1. Medium and micro services

Micro service architecture is the era of cloud way of technical architecture, construction, application system based on complex micro service will be bloated monomer used for fine-grained services, after separation of components each have separate life cycles, extensions and on-demand, micro service effectively broke the technology dependence between components, to select the most appropriate technology for each service implementation, In microservice mode, the control layer accesses the service layer. Typically, single applications are developed based on the “front end separation” mode.

And big middle service architecture is the upgrade micro service architecture, strategy for the “big middle, small desk”, create the sharing service platform mode, China finally effect for application of front desk monomer building flexible business service development, management system, based on the integration platform product suite, fusion integration background changes in each application system, support business innovation. This approach realizes the sinking and stripping of basic and common capabilities. Relative to the whole, each single application based on the large medium platform needs vertically independent split loosely coupled microservice modules from the database to the service layer to the front-end display. The characteristics of microservice architecture in the mode of “big center and small front desk” require both technical center and data center to have strong ability to provide microservices.

  1. Middle platform and PaaS platform

Cloud computing usually includes IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. IaaS development in China is relatively mature. Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Huawei cloud are actually more IaaS products. SaaS development in the past few years (2010-2016) is looking very prosperous, especially after seeing the SaaS model Salesforce was acquired by Oracle at a high price of 46 billion US dollars, China’s SaaS manufacturers are like a little blood, hopeful that they will become China’s Salesfore, However, after the uproar, after more cannon fodder fell, the residue is more struggling in the line of life and death.

As one of the service modes of cloud computing, PaaS is a cloud service between IaaS and SaaS models. In the early years, the development of PaaS in China has been very slow. On the one hand, related technologies are not mature enough, and on the other hand, there is no appropriate business model and profit mode. Now, based on container technology and ecology represented by Docker and K8S, the concept of micro-service and related tools, as well as the related products and method system of DevOps are gradually maturing. Coupled with the concept of “big middle stage, small front stage”, the actual demand calls for PaaS to start to grow barbaric in the ancient land of China.

“Big middle stage, small front stage” is actually a concrete implementation of PaaS platform technology. After the introduction of Docker technology into PaaS platform, virtual machine technology is used to achieve effective isolation between applications, systems and resources, ensuring the independence of resources and preventing them from being occupied by others. The construction of the large and medium platform is combined with the PaaS container layer CaaS, K8S, Docker and other technologies. Application servers, databases and application support platforms with PaaS capability, such as Portal, MDM, ESB, are encapsulated in Docker container in private image mode for K8S to schedule, arrange and govern. Finally, a mid-stage model that can be integrated, expanded and supported by rapid innovation is formed.

  1. Mid-stage and SOA architecture

Service Orientation architecture (SOA) is a component model that links different functional units of an application (called services) through well-defined interfaces and contracts between these services. For SOA architecture, different people have different definitions of it has been called a system architecture, a kind of methodology, management concept, such as large middle mode on the idea of structuralism and SOA architecture, SOA related product suite middle China and data can be used as a technology to support big China strategy, big China strategy from a technical perspective, It can also be an evolutionary variant of the development integration pattern in SOA.

The related products of the technology Center, such as the realization of service bus, data bus, identity management, portal management and other technologies, are the split and deformation of the COMPREHENSIVE integration scheme of SOA. The data governance and analysis ability of the data Center are also important parts of the integration scheme of SOA. In the development of integration solutions at the same time, adopting SOA integration suite as a basic technical framework and application support platform, comb, formulate industry business oriented standard interface and management system, and according to the standard interface specification typical application system integration industry, rapid customization for personalized business development, through the platform showcases.