Background and technology selection

According to my previous “Django series” articles, I used Django + Celery + RabbitMQ frameworks/services in the backend architecture. Now there are a few questions:

  1. How do you quickly deploy these three applications using containers?
  2. How to improve performance?
  3. How can back-end availability be guaranteed?

Docker Compose vs Swarm vs K8s

In my previous practice, container orchestration was implemented using Docker-compose, and the problem was solved immediately. However, Docker-compose is only a container for orchestration, which can start up three services each, so the performance and high availability may not meet the requirements.

For performance and high availability, Kubernetes(K8s) is currently the best choice for a large project, but my project is not large enough to be called a “large project”, so I’m thinking about how to improve performance and high availability on a single host.

Docker Swarm is an official cluster service integrated into Docker CLI (although it is outperformed by K8s, its design concept and functions are mature and perfect, and it has many similarities with K8s in architecture). Swarm can connect multiple hosts as a cluster node, of course, also supports the deployment of a single container cluster. Swarm’s cluster deployment requires the creation of services, secret, etc., which is also tedious. Therefore, the Stack tool can parse the compose file, so that the process of creating various services is described in the YAML script, which is more convenient to manage.

Of course, the compose file syntax for Stack parsing is slightly different from that supported by Docker-compose, but it’s mostly generic, as described below.

To sum up, we can summarize the relationship and differences of several tools:

The advantages/disadvantages are just for my back-end architecture

Tools/Services advantage disadvantage Whether to meet
docker-compose The container arrangement High availability is not supported no
Kubernetes Container choreography, high availability, suitable for large projects There is no is
Swarm Container orchestration, high availability Slightly less mature than K8s is
Stack Swarm command to apply the Compose file N/A N/A

The table specifically adds Stack, because initially I thought Stack and Swarm were at the same level. Swarm is more of a cluster environment, coordinating various service components, while Stack is more of a command line tool, calling Swarm’s various commands to start different services, etc.

Swarm Architecture Introduction

Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker Docker

Each service consists of a replica set of tasks, each of which is a Container. For example, for a back-end service, we can improve performance by starting three replication tasks. The service is the entry and exit of the program. Although three tasks are started, we can access the service by using the service name, and the request will be processed by RR(polling) mechanism between several tasks.


Docker Swarm Docker Swarm Docker Swarm Docker Swarm Docker Swarm

Swarm The cluster was initialized

Since I deployed my application on a single machine, the operation of extending Swarm nodes is not described.

Swarm Swarm Swarm Swarm

docker swarm init
Copy the code

When the cluster is successfully initialized, the Docker Network LS will see two new networks created:

  • A group calledingressOverlay network for handling control commands and data interactions related to swarm services.
  • A group calleddocker_gwbridgeSwarm swarm is a network bridge between each individual container in the swarm.

Exception resolution

Swarm was deployed on one of the servers. The ingress was only created on one of the servers. As a result, the task could not be started after the swarm was deployed.

By performing:

docker service ps --no-trunc {serviceName}
Copy the code

Some error messages are as follows:

ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network
Copy the code

It was found that there was a problem with the Docker network. By comparing the networks of several servers, it was found that there was a lack of docker_gwbridge.

Create the bridge manually to resolve the problem:

Docker network create \ - subnet configures \ - gateway \ -o work bridge. Enable_icc =false \
-o \
Copy the code

Application deployment

Applications can be deployed by manually creating services one by one, and by referring to the same Docker network, the communication between services can be guaranteed.

But Docker provides a more convenient way to deploy and extend an application ———— docker-comematery.yml configuration file

Compose the file

Docker-comemage. yml: docker-comemage. yml:

version: '3'

    image: rabbitmq:3
      - "5672:5672"
      - webnet

    image: myweb:latest
    command: python runserver 0.0. 0. 0: 8000
      - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bd_annotation_proj.settings.staging
      replicas: 3
      - rabbit
      - worker
      - "8000:8000"
      - webnet

    image: myweb:latest
    command: celery -A bd_annotation_proj worker -l info
      - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bd_annotation_proj.settings.staging
      replicas: 2
      - rabbit
      - webnet

Copy the code

The meanings of important parameters are as follows:

  • versionDocker stack only supports version 3 of docker-compose
  • service: Service List
  • image: Specifies the image to run
  • command: Run command to start the container
  • environment: environment variable in the container, where Django configuration file pointing is configuredstaging
  • deploy: Specify deployment restrictions, such as replication sets (replicas) size, CPU upper limit, etc
  • depends_on: Specifies the dependencies between services. Services will be started in sequence based on the dependencies during application deployment
  • network: Indicates the network that each service in an application accesses. After the service name is specified, the service communicates with each other

Create applications and services

With docker-comemage. yml, it’s easy to create applications and services. Assuming the application name is myApp, execute directly:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp
Copy the code

Service to check the

# View all services
docker service ls
# View myApp related services
docker stack services myapp
Copy the code

The tasks running in the service can directly view the container ID and other information through Docker PS.

Expansion and application

Modify replicas configuration in docker-comemess. yml to extend the replication set:

  replicas: 5
Copy the code

Apply the new configuration after modification:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml myapp
Copy the code

Mirror update

If the image is updated, the service needs to be updated accordingly:

docker service update myapp_web --image myweb:latest --force
Copy the code

A progress bar displays the update progress of tasks in the current service.

The end of the application

By performing:

docker stack rm myapp
Copy the code

After the application life cycle is complete, all application-related tasks, services, and networks are deleted.


After deploying my app with Docker Swarm, I actually tested the high availability by deleting the container and looking at the restart, which was exactly what I expected. Swarm ingress, like Nginx, has done the load balancing for us, and we just need to enjoy the convenience.

In terms of performance, due to the launch of three containers, partial request response time was improved by 10 times compared to the previous way of running the service using uWSGI in one container, which was quite satisfactory.

Containers are a boon to developers, and it is essential to learn and apply them to both the front and back end and test operations. While the container-choreographed battle was arguably won by K8s, Swarm was up to the job in many scenarios. Again: technology is not right or wrong, only appropriate or inappropriate!
